ALSPAC data interface

Table of contents Motivation Limitations Credits etc Installation Finding variables Extracting variables Using the website to browse variables Dictionary Maintenance * Generating datasets for external users


To obtain ALSPAC variables, the general procedure is:

  1. search through PDFs to find the variable(s)
  2. search through Stata files to extract
  3. load into R files to use

This package combines the search and extraction procedure into two functions, this makes the work a bit more reproducible. It works for the curated data in the R:/Current/ directory.

The extracted data has withdrawn consent individuals removed automatically.

You can browse the variables here:


Credits etc

Please report issues or suggestions to Gibran Hemani. Thanks to Tom Gaunt, Matt Suderman, Andrew Simpkin, Paul Yousefi, ALSPAC team for help in developing this package.


To install the latest version:


The alspac package can then be loaded as follows:


Finding variables

Browsing the variables manually

There is one data object that comes with the package - current - that contains all the variables available in the R:/Current/ directory. It can be searched manually after loading it directly:


The top 6 rows of current look like this:

   obj name                   lab counts    type    cat1  cat2   cat3 cat4         path
1 a_3c  aln  Pregnancy identifier  13545 integer Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother
2 a_3c a001 Questionnaire version  13545  factor Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother
3 a_3c a002    Time lived in Avon  13545  factor Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother
4 a_3c a003 Years since last move  13545 integer Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother
5 a_3c a004 Weeks since last move  13545 integer Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother
6 a_3c a005  NO of moves in 5 YRS  13545 integer Current Quest Mother <NA> Current/Quest/Mother

Using the search function

A simple search function findVars is a simple helper for searching current (default). Documentation can be retrieved using:


For example, to search for all variables with the word 'height' in the description from the current data:

vars <- findVars("height")

If I want any with height OR length in the description then:

vars <- findVars("height", "length", logic="any", whole.word=TRUE,

If I want any with height AND length:

vars <- findVars("height", "length", logic="and", whole.word=TRUE,

If I want to find anything with sleep somewhere (not necessarily a whole word) I might do:

vars <- findVars("sleep", "slept", logic="any", whole.word=FALSE,

Some of these arguments have defaults but just writing them out for illustration.

Filtering a list of variables

findVars may identify multiple variables with the same name.

For example, searching for variables "kz021", "kz011b" and "c645a" will return multiple variables with the same name.

varnames <- c("kz021","kz011b","ype9670", "c645a")
vars <- findVars(varnames)

There are two ways to select among these duplicates.

  1. Manually select rows corresponding to variables that I want, e.g.
vars <- vars[vars$name=="kz021" & startsWith(vars$obj,"cp")
        | vars$name=="kz011b" & startsWith(vars$obj,"cp")
        | vars$name=="c645a" & vars$cat2=="Quest"
        | vars$name=="YPE9670",]

In other words, I require that the "kz021" variable come from a Stata file name starting with "kz" ("obj" column in vars), "kz011b" comes from a file name starting with "cp" and the description of the variable ("lab" column in vars) include the word "Participant", and "c645a" comes from a questionnaire ("cat2" column in vars).

  1. Apply filterVars.

As a first clean-up step, I remove any variables whose names do not exactly match one of the variable names I am looking for.

vars <- subset(vars, subset=tolower(name) %in% varnames)

I then use filterVars to select variables satisfying the criteria described above.

vars <- filterVars(vars,
        kz011b=c(obj="^cp", lab="Participant"),

Extracting variables

To extract the data corresponding to this selection of variables, I need to have mounted the R:/Data drive on my computer. When I load the package (library(alspac)), if I have the R drive loaded then I should get a message like this:

The data directory has been recognised

Sometimes this might not work - the package tries to guess where the R drive will be mounted but it might guess wrong. If I receive an error message instead, then I need to specify the location of the R drive manually:

setDataDir("/path/to/R drive/data/") ## e.g. setDataDir("// ALSPAC/Data")

Once I have received the message The data directory has been recognised, I am able to extract the variables I need from the R drive.

results <- extractVars(vars)

Important note on IDs

Suppose I extract a variable measured in each of mothers, children, fathers and partners. e.g.

x <- subset(current, name %in% c("cf010", "ff1a005a", "fm1a010a", "pc013"))
y <- extractVars(x)

returning e.g.

> head(y, 4)
   alnqlet   aln qlet cf010 mult_dad ff1a005a mult_mum fm1a010a pc013
1    50013 50013 <NA>    NA     <NA>       NA     <NA>       NA     2
2    50050 50050 <NA>    NA     <NA>       NA     <NA>       NA     2
3    60052 60052 <NA>    NA     <NA>       NA     <NA>       NA     2
4    90020 90020 <NA>    NA       No        7       No        4     2

This has returned the variables requested, along with some other columns -

If you have a better way to present these data do contact me.

Using the website to browse variables

Variables can be browsed at This contains the 'Current' variables.

This site can also be used to select variables for extraction:

  1. Select the variables of interest from the table, then click 'Download variable list'. This will download a csv file containing information about the variables chosen.
  2. Next, use the extractWebOutput function in the alspac package to extract the variables, specifying the name of the file that you just downloaded. For example

To code for the shiny variable app is here:

Dictionary Maintenance

From time to time the R:\Data\Current\ directory is updated with new files. The variable dictionaries that the package uses can be updated using the updateDictionaries() function.


This will take a few minutes to run. These updated dictionaries will be saved within the R package for use in later R sessions. In other words, an update will only need to be peformed one time.

Generating datasets for external users (for ALSPAC data buddies)

The extractDataset function can be used to generate datasets with id-swaps for external users from the following inputs: a csv file listing variables (variable_file, e.g. "variables.csv" with a column "Name" containing variable names) a csv file defining the id-swap (cid_file, e.g. "ACEHDBFG.txt", with columns "ALN" and "G" -- the last character in the filename) format of the requested output (output_format which can be either "sav", "csv" or "dta") B number of the project proposal (b_number, e.g. "B0001") * last name of the project lead (author, e.g. "Smith")

The function will create the dataset as requested and save it to a file in the current directory with a name like "Smith_B0001_16Jul21.sav" derived from the inputs to the function.


setDataDir("R:/SSCM ALSPAC/Data") 
## or possibly setDataDir("// ALSPAC/Data")

dat <- extractDataset(

explodecomputer/alspac documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 7:26 a.m.