
Defines functions execute_tidyquant riem_stations_exp get_riem_measures

#' Wrapper API for riem_measure data sources.
#' This was initially treated as an extension, but we had to include it in this package to make it run on the server,
#' which effectively makes it not really an extension.
#' @export
get_riem_measures <- function(station = "SFO", date_start = NULL, date_end = NULL, full_columns = "Yes", tzone = ""){
    date_end <- as.character(Sys.Date())
  if (is.null(date_start) || date_start == "") {
    # if date_start is not set, use 3 months ago as the date_start.
    if (tzone != "") {
      date_start <- as.character(lubridate::today(tzone = tzone) %m-% months(3))
    } else {
      date_start <- as.character(lubridate::today() %m-% months(3))
  # Since we cannot use POSIXct for start_date and end_date
  # We give little bit of buffers for start and end date and use filter to get the exact date range.
  startDate <- ""
  endDate <- ""
  if (tzone != "") {
    startDate <- lubridate::ymd_hms(stringr::str_c(date_start, " 00:00:00"), tz = tzone)
    # Get data from a day before from start_date to workaround the timezone difference.
    date_start <- as.character(as.Date(startDate - lubridate::days(1)))
    endDate <- lubridate::ymd_hms(stringr::str_c(date_end, " 23:59:59"), tz = tzone)
    # Get data until the day after the end_date to workaround the timezone difference.
    date_end <- as.character(as.Date(endDate + lubridate::days(1)))
  } else {
    # default is UTC
    startDate <- lubridate::ymd_hms(stringr::str_c(date_start, " 00:00:00"), tz = "UTC")
    endDate <- lubridate::ymd_hms(stringr::str_c(date_end, " 23:59:59"), tz = "UTC")

  df <- riem::riem_measures(station = station, date_start = date_start, date_end = date_end)
  if (tzone != "") {# if timezone for display is specified, convert the timezone with with_tz
    df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(across(where(lubridate::is.POSIXct), ~ lubridate::with_tz(.x, tzone=tzone)))
  # make sure to filter the data to the exact date range
  df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(valid >= startDate & valid <= endDate)

  if(full_columns == "Yes") {
  } else {
    df %>% mutate(tmpc = (tmpf - 32) * 5/9, dwpc = (dwpf - 32) * 5/9) %>%
      select(station, valid, tmpf, tmpc, dwpf, dwpc, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, vsby, gust, lon, lat) %>%
        Station = station,
        Time = valid,
        Temperature_F = tmpf,
        Temperature_C = tmpc,
        Dew_Point_Temp_F = dwpf,
        Dew_Point_Temp_C = dwpc,
        Humidity = relh,
        Wind_Direction = drct,
        Wind_Speed_Knot = sknt,
        Precipitation_Inch = p01i,
        Pressure_Altimeter_Inch = alti,
        Sea_Level_Pressure_Millibar = mslp,
        Visibility_Mile = vsby,
        Wind_Gust_Knot = gust,
        Longitude = lon,
        Latitude = lat

#' Wrapper API for riem_stations
#' @export
riem_stations_exp <- function(network = NULL) {
  # make sure only return "online" status stations.
  df <- riem::riem_stations(network) %>% filter(online)
  df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(name = dplyr::case_when(
    id == "RJOA" ~ "Hiroshima-shi",
    id == "RJOO" ~ "Osaka (Itami)",
    id == "RJOY" ~ "Osaka (Yao)",
    id == "RJBB" ~ "Kansai International",
    id == "RJCO" ~ "Sapporo (Okadama)",
    id == "RJCC" ~ "Sapporo (New Chitose)",
    id == "RJAA" ~ "Tokyo (Narita)",
    id == "RJTT" ~ "Tokyo (Haneda)",
    id == "RJTF" ~ "Tokyo (Chofu)",
    TRUE ~ name

#' Wrapper API for tidyquant data source
#' @export
execute_tidyquant <- function(stocks = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL) {

    # 1 year ago
    from <- lubridate::today() - lubridate::years(1)
    to <- lubridate::today()

  if (is.null(stocks) || all(stocks == "")) {
    # If no stocks identified, return all SP500
    ret <- tidyquant::tq_index("SP500") %>%
      select(1) %>%
      tidyquant::tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = from, to = to)
  } else {
    # If stocks listed, parse and return
    ret <- stringr::str_trim(stocks) %>%
      unlist() %>%
      tidyquant::tq_get(get = "stock.prices", from = from, to = to)
exploratory-io/exploratory_func documentation built on April 23, 2024, 9:15 p.m.