liftoveR: liftover regions from one genome build to another by realignment


The package liftoveR is a fast and versatile tools for moving between one set of genome coordinates to another based on sequence identity. This is done by realigning the sequence around the coordinates in the source genome to the target genome. The package incorporates multiple tools for alignment, including Bowtie (useful for stringently aligning closely related sequences), Rsubread (useful for aligning related sequences while allowing gaps) and blastn (mapping across species, or highly divergent sequences).


The package depends on R packages that are available through Bioconductor:

To install these dependencies, run:


To align using blastn, the package currently only support version blast 2.2.31+, available here. This is due to the SAM format output of blast, which changes with each version. If that settles down, we'll update to support their final version.

After that, the easiest way to install the package is if using the devtools package. If you want to quickly install the package, this should get it done.


Note: Due to requirment of the package used for alignment, on windows only 64-bit versions of R are supported.

If needed, you can first install the devtools package using


eyalbenda/liftoveR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:56 a.m.