
This notebook shows how to set up core functions in MRST to run a very basic reservoir simulation. It is based on examples in the book "Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization" by Geir Hasle, Knut-Andreas Lie, Ewald Quak.

The Matlab scripts below are stand-alone which means you don't need to load anything else to run a basic reservoir simulation. At this stage, there is no need to install MRST. The scripts described below are enough.


Load the Matlab scripts in Octave

This work has been performed on a Linux Virtual Machine based on Mint 18.2 and Octave 4.0.


o.TPFA <- OctaveFunction("
function [P,V] = TPFA(Grid, K, q)
    % Compute transmissibilities by harmonic averaging.
    Nx=Grid.Nx; Ny=Grid.Ny; Nz=Grid.Nz; N=Nx*Ny*Nz;

    hx=Grid.hx; hy=Grid.hy; hz=Grid.hz;
    L = K.^(-1);
    tx = 2*hy*hz/hx; TX = zeros(Nx+1,Ny,Nz);
    ty = 2*hx*hz/hy; TY = zeros(Nx,Ny+1,Nz);
    tz = 2*hx*hy/hz; TZ = zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz+1);
    TX(2:Nx,:,:) = tx./(L(1,1:Nx-1,:,:) + L(1,2:Nx ,:,:));
    TY(:,2:Ny,:) = ty./(L (2,:,1: Ny-1,:) + L(2,:,2:Ny,:));
    TZ (:,:,2: Nz) = tz./(L (3,:,:,1: Nz-1)+L(3,:,:,2:Nz));

    % Assemble TPFA discretization matrix.
    x1 = reshape(TX(1:Nx,:,:),N,1); x2 = reshape(TX(2:Nx+1,:,:),N,1);
    y1 = reshape(TY(:,1:Ny,:),N,1); y2 = reshape(TY(:,2:Ny+1,:),N,1);
    z1 = reshape(TZ(:,:,1:Nz),N,1); z2 = reshape(TZ(:,:,2:Nz+1),N,1);
    DiagVecs = [-z2,-y2,-x2,x1+x2+y1+y2+z1+z2,-x1,-y1,-z1];
    DiagIndx = [-Nx*Ny,-Nx,-1,0,1,Nx,Nx*Ny];

    A = spdiags(DiagVecs,DiagIndx,N,N);
    A(1,1) = A(1,1)+sum(Grid.K(:,1,1,1));

    % Solve linear system and extract interface fluxes.
    u = A\\q;

    P = reshape(u,Nx,Ny,Nz);
    V.x = zeros(Nx+1,Ny,Nz);
    V.y = zeros(Nx,Ny+1,Nz);
    V.z = zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz+1);
    V.x(2:Nx ,:,:) = (P(1:Nx-1,:,:)-P(2:Nx,:,:)).*TX(2:Nx,:,:);
    V.y (:,2:Ny,:) = (P(:,1:Ny-1,:)-P(:,2:Ny,:)).*TY(:,2:Ny,:);
    V.z (:,:,2: Nz) = (P (:,:,1: Nz-1)-P(:,:,2:Nz)).*TZ(:,:,2:Nz);

o.GenA <- OctaveFunction("
function A = GenA(Grid,V,q)
    Nx=Grid.Nx; Ny=Grid.Ny; Nz=Grid.Nz; N=Nx*Ny*Nz;
    N=Nx*Ny*Nz; % number of unknowns

    fp=min(q,0); % production

    XN=min(V.x,0); x1=reshape(XN(1:Nx,:,:),N,1); % separate flux into
    YN=min(V.y,0); y1=reshape(YN(:,1:Ny,:),N,1); % − flow in positive coordinate

    ZN=min(V.z,0); z1=reshape(ZN(:,:,1:Nz),N,1); % direction (XP,YP,ZP)
    XP=max(V.x,0); x2=reshape(XP(2:Nx+1,:,:),N,1); % − flow in negative coordinate

    YP=max(V.y,0); y2=reshape(YP(:,2:Ny+1,:),N,1); % direction (XN,YN,ZN)
    ZP=max(V.z,0); z2=reshape(ZP(:,:,2:Nz+1),N,1); %
    DiagVecs=[z2,y2,x2,fp+x1-x2+y1-y2+z1-z2,-x1,-y1,-z1]; % diagonal vectors
    DiagIndx=[-Nx*Ny,-Nx,-1,0,1,Nx,Nx*Ny]; % diagonal index

    A=spdiags(DiagVecs,DiagIndx,N,N); % matrix with upwind FV stencil

o.RelPerm <- OctaveFunction("
function [Mw,Mo,dMw,dMo] = RelPerm(s,Fluid)
    S = (s-Fluid.swc)/(1-Fluid.swc-Fluid.sor); % Rescale saturations

    Mw = S.^2/Fluid.vw; % Water mobility
    Mo =(1-S).^2/Fluid.vo; % Oil mobility
    if (nargout==4)
    dMw = 2*S/Fluid.vw/(1-Fluid.swc-Fluid.sor);
    dMo = -2*(1-S)/Fluid.vo/(1-Fluid.swc-Fluid.sor);

o.Pres <- OctaveFunction("
function [P,V] = Pres(Grid,S,Fluid,q)
    % Compute K∗lambda(S)

    [Mw,Mo] = RelPerm(S,Fluid);
    Mt = Mw+Mo;
    KM = reshape([Mt,Mt,Mt]',3,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz).*Grid.K;
    % Compute pressure and extract fluxes
    [P,V] = TPFA(Grid,KM,q);

o.Upstream <- OctaveFunction("
function S = Upstream(Grid,S,Fluid,V,q,T)

    Nx=Grid.Nx; Ny=Grid.Ny; Nz=Grid.Nz; % number of grid points
    N=Nx*Ny*Nz; % number of unknowns
    pv = Grid.V(:).*Grid.por(:); % pore volume=cell volume∗porosity
    fi =max(q,0); % inflow from wells
    XP=max(V.x,0); XN=min(V.x,0); % influx and outflux, x−faces
    YP=max(V.y,0); YN=min(V.y,0); % influx and outflux, y−faces
    ZP=max(V.z,0); ZN=min(V.z,0); % influx and outflux, z−faces
    Vi = XP(1:Nx,:,:)+YP(:,1:Ny,:)+ZP(:,:,1:Nz)-... % total flux into
    XN(2:Nx+1,:,:)-YN(:,2:Ny+1,:)-ZN(:,:,2:Nz+1); % each gridblock

    pm = min(pv./(Vi(:)+fi)); % estimate of influx
    cfl = ((1-Fluid.swc-Fluid.sor)/3)*pm; % CFL restriction

    Nts = ceil(T/cfl); % number of local time steps
    dtx = (T/Nts)./pv; % local time steps

    A = GenA(Grid,V,q); % system matrix
    A=spdiags(dtx,0,N,N)*A; % A ∗ dt/|Omega i|
    fi =max(q,0).*dtx; % injection
    for t=1:Nts
    [mw,mo]=RelPerm(S,Fluid); % compute mobilities
    fw = mw./(mw+mo); % compute fractional flow
    S = S+(A*fw+fi); % update saturation


Run the example

All the scripts are practically executed in Octave. The graphics window is also opened by sending the plot commands contourf and drawnow.

o.runExample <- OctaveFunction("
function [Grid, N, S, Fluid, Q] = runExample()

    Grid.Nx=64; Dx=1; Grid.hx = Dx/Grid.Nx; % Dimension in x−direction
    Grid.Ny=64; Dy=1; Grid.hy = Dy/Grid.Ny; % Dimension in y−direction
    Grid.Nz=1; Dz=1; Grid.hz = Dz/Grid.Nz; % Dimension in z−direction
    N = Grid.Nx*Grid.Ny;                    % Total number of grid blocks
    Grid.V = Grid.hx*Grid.hy*Grid.hz;        % Cell volumes

    Grid.K = ones(3,Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz); % Unit permeability
    Grid.por = ones(Grid.Nx,Grid.Ny,Grid.Nz); % Unit porosity
    Q = zeros(N,1); Q([1 N])=[1 -1]; % Production/injection
    Fluid.vw = 1.0; Fluid.vo=1.0; % Viscosities
    Fluid.swc = 0.0; Fluid.sor=0.0; % Irreducible saturations

    S = zeros(N,1);             % Initial saturation

    nt = 25; dt = 0.7/nt; % Time steps
    for t=1:nt
        [P,V]=Pres(Grid,S,Fluid,Q); % pressure solver
        S=Upstream(Grid,S,Fluid,V,Q,dt); % saturation solver
       % plot filled contours at the midpoints of the grid cells
       axis square; caxis([0 1]); % equal axes and color
       drawnow; % force update of plot

runExample <- o.runExample()

f0nzie/rMRST documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:44 p.m.