

context("test convolution")

# test_that("matrix 3x3 of ones gives desired result", {
#     A <- ones(3)
#     result <- m.convn(A, A)
#     expected <- rbind(
#         c(1,    2,    3,    2,    1),
#         c(2,    4,    6,    4,    2),
#         c(3,    6,    9,    6,    3),
#         c(2,    4,    6,    4,    2),
#         c(1,    2,    3,    2,    1)
#     )
#     expect_equal(expected, result)
# })
# test_that("matrix of ones is converted to array", {
#     X = ones(3)     # doesn't work because it is a matrix
#     result <- m.conv3d(X, X)
#     expected <- rbind(
#         c(1,    2,    3,    2,    1),
#         c(2,    4,    6,    4,    2),
#         c(3,    6,    9,    6,    3),
#         c(2,    4,    6,    4,    2),
#         c(1,    2,    3,    2,    1) )
#     expect_equal(result, expected)
# })
# test_that("array of ones 5x4x3 gives correct result", {
#     C = ones(5, 4, 3)
#     # print(C)
#     result <- m.conv3d(C, C)
#     expected <- array(simplify2array(read.table(header = FALSE, sep = ",",
#                                                    file = "convn_5x4x3.txt")), dim=c(9,7,5))
#     # print(expected)
#     # print(result)
#     expect_equal(expected, result)
# })
# test_that("array of ones 4x3x2 gives correct result", {
#     Y = ones(4,3,2)
#     result <- m.conv3d(Y, Y)
#     expected <- array(simplify2array(read.table(header = FALSE, sep = ",",
#                                                 file = "convn_4x3x2.txt")), dim=c(7,5,3))
#     expect_equal(expected, result)
# })

test_that("different size arrays work", {
    A = ones(3,3,1)
    B = ones(4,3,2)
    C <- m.conv3d(A, B)
    # print(C)
f0nzie/rMRST documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:44 p.m.