knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=T, comment=NA, error=T, warning=F, message = F, fig.align = 'center')

Example 1. Fatoorechi paper

Find z given the data below:

Temperature = 366.5 K = 200 F
Pressure = 13.7895 MPa = 2000 psia
Gas specific gravity = 0.7 
yN2 = 0.05 
yCO2 = 0.05 
yH2S = 0.02

We convert to oilfield units (Farenheit and psia).


# Example 1 in Fantoorechi paper

print(z.hallyarborough(pres.a = 2000, temp.f = 200, = 0.7,
                       n2.frac = 0.05, co2.frac = 0.05, h2s.frac = 0.02))

If we compare the value obtained with the value in the paper, $z(NR) = 0.8362$.

Let's use the internal function z.hallyarboroughL to check all the calculated values to obtain z.

# use the internal function z.hallyarboroughL
print(rNodal:::z.hallyarboroughL(pres.a = 2000, temp.f = 200, = 0.7,
                       n2.frac = 0.05, co2.frac = 0.05, h2s.frac = 0.02))

Using the equation for impurities in gas:

# applying equation 11 <- 0.7
n2.frac = 0.05
co2.frac = 0.05
h2s.frac = 0.02

temp.pc <- 326 + 315.7 * ( - 0.5) - 240 * n2.frac -
              83.3 * co2.frac + 133.3 * h2s.frac
# 375.641 R = 208.6894 K

Which gives us 208.7 Kelvin,

# from Fatorechi paper:
# Table 1, Example 1 solution
pres.pc.M <- 4.7697  # Mpa

# All temperatures in Kelvin
temp.K    <- 366.5   # sample temperature, Kelvin
temp.pc.K <- 208.6   # pseudo-critical temperature, Kelvin
temp.r <-  temp.pc.K / temp.K  # reduced temperature, adimensional

This value is different of what is shown in the solution of example 1 in the paper.

# To double check the calculation, we run it in Farenheit (Rankine), not Kelvin.
# All temperatures in Rankine now
temp.F <- 200
temp.R <- temp.F + 460
temp.r <- temp.pc / temp.R

Note. Definitely, something is not right: 0.569153 not equal to 0.617678.

Performing the reverse process: calculating the sampling temperature from the reduced temperature.

# calculating the sampling temperature from the reduced temperature.
# from the solution in Example 1, Fatoorechi
temp.pc.K <- 208.6 # Kelvin
temp.r    <- 0.617678
temp.K <-  temp.pc.K / temp.r

Note: 337.7164 Kelvin is not equal either to 366.5 K given in the example.

Example 2 from Fatoorechi paper

Given the second set of data, calculate Z.

Temperature = 355.4 K = 180 F
Pressure = 34.4747 MPa = 5000 psi
Gas specific gravity = 0.65 
yN2 = 0.1 
yCO2 = 0.08 
yH2S = 0.02

We convert the Kelvin to Farenheit.


# Example 2 in Fantoorechi paper

print(z.hallyarborough(pres.a = 5000, temp.f = 180, = 0.65,
                       n2.frac = 0.1, co2.frac = 0.08, h2s.frac = 0.02))

From the paper, $z = 1.0002$.

Example 3 from Fatoorechi paper

Temperature = 310.9 K = 100 F
Pressure = 6.8947 MPa = 1000 psi
Gas specific gravity =  ?
Tpc = 237.2 K  = -32.71 F = 427.29 R
Ppc = 4.4815 MPa = 650 psia

In this example the sepecific gravity of the gas is not provided.

print(rNodal:::z.hallyarboroughL(pres.a = 1000, temp.f = 100, = 0.82)$z)
# z = 0.760227
# from paper, z = 0.7557

From the paper, $z = 0.7557$. The difference is very small.

Modifying the rNodal script to accept multiple parameters

We do this in order to enter not only sampling pressure and temperature but also be able to provide pseudo-critical and pseudo-reduced pressures and temperatures as well.

source("HY.R")      # modified script saved as HY.R

# supplying <- c(method = "", 
                 z.hallyarboroughL(pres.a = 1000, temp.f = 100, = 0.82))
# z = 0.760227
# pres.pc = 662
# temp.pc = 427.024

# no provided
with_pseudo_crit <- c(method = "use_pseudo_critical", 
                      z.hallyarboroughL(pres.a = 1000, temp.f = 100,  
                                        pres.pc = 662, temp.pc = 427))

# no provided
with_pseudo_red <- c(method = "use_pseudo_reduced", 
                     z.hallyarboroughL(pres.a = 1000, temp.f = 100,  
                              = 1.51, = 1.31))

only_pseudo_red <- c(method = "only_pseudo_reduced", 
                     z.hallyarboroughL( = 1.51, = 1.31))

# put the results in a dataframe
df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- rbind(df,, with_pseudo_crit, with_pseudo_red, only_pseudo_red)

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f0nzie/zFactor documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 1:42 a.m.