correlation = "PP"
pprRange <- "lp"
stat <- "MAAPE"
interval <-  "fine"

if (stat == "MAPE") {
    midpoint <-  12.5
    limit <- c(0, 25)
} else if (stat == "RMSE") {
    midpoint <-   0.025
    limit <- c(0, 0.050)
} else if (stat == "MAAPE") {
    midpoint <-   0.125
    limit <- c(0, 0.250)

# Ppr <- NULL; Tpr <- NULL; MAPE <- NULL; z.calc <- NULL; z.chart <- NULL
# sum_tpr <- as.tibble(z.stats(correlation))
# isMissing_correlation(correlation)
msg <- "You have to provide a z-factor correlation: "
msg_missing <- paste(msg, paste(get_z_correlations(), collapse = " "))
if (missing(correlation)) stop(msg_missing)
if (!isValid_correlation(correlation)) stop("Not a valid correlation.")

corr_name <- zFactor:::z_correlations[which(zFactor:::z_correlations["short"] == correlation),

smry_tpr_ppr <- z.stats(correlation, pprRange, interval = interval)
g <- ggplot(smry_tpr_ppr, aes(Ppr, Tpr))
g <- g + geom_tile(data=smry_tpr_ppr, aes(fill=get(stat)), color="white") +
    scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", mid="yellow", na.value = "grey25",
                         midpoint = midpoint, limit = limit, name = stat) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, vjust=1, size=11, hjust=1)) +
    coord_equal() +
    ggtitle(corr_name, subtitle = correlation) +
    guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 0.6, barheight = 5,
                                 label.vjust = 0.9))

z_bb  <- z.stats("BB")
z_hy  <- z.stats("HY")
z_dak <- z.stats("DAK")
z_sh  <- z.stats("SH")
z_n10 <- z.stats("N10")
z_pp  <- z.stats("PP")

boxplot(z_bb$RMSE,  horizontal = TRUE, main = "BB", xlab = "RMSE")
boxplot(z_hy$RMSE,  horizontal = TRUE, main = "HY", xlab = "RMSE")
boxplot(z_dak$RMSE, horizontal = TRUE, main = "DAK", xlab = "RMSE")
boxplot(z_sh$RMSE,  horizontal = TRUE, main = "SH", xlab = "RMSE")
boxplot(z_n10$RMSE, horizontal = TRUE, main = "N10", xlab = "RMSE")
boxplot(z_pp$RMSE,  horizontal = TRUE, main = "PP", xlab = "RMSE")

f0nzie/zFactor documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 1:42 a.m.