download_graph: Download Sparse Matrix form the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection

View source: R/download_graph.R

download_graphR Documentation

Download Sparse Matrix form the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection


download_graph allows to download sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection.


download_graph(matrixname, groupname, svd = FALSE, add_info = FALSE)



Name of the graph to download.


Name of the group that provides the graph.


Logical, if TRUE, a ".mat" file containing the singular values of the matrix is downloaded (if available). Default is FALSE.


Logical, if TRUE, additional information about the graph will be fetched and included in the output. Default is FALSE.


download_graph automatically converts the downloaded matrix into a sparse matrix format. If coordinates are associated with the graphs, they are downloaded and included in the output. Visit or see SuiteSparseData to explore groups and matrix names.


A list containing several components:

  • sA: A sparse matrix representation of the downloaded graph.

  • xy: Coordinates associated with the graph nodes (if available).

  • dim: A data frame with the number of rows, columns, and numerically nonzero elements.

  • temp: The path to the temporary directory where the matrix and downloaded files (including singular values if requested) are stored.

  • info: Additional information about the graph (included when add_info is TRUE).


This temporary directory can be accessed, for example, via list.files(grid1$temp). To open the read .mat files (containing singular values), "R.matlab" or "foreign" packages can be used. After using the downloaded data, you can delete the content of the temporary folder.

When add_info is set to TRUE, the function retrieves comprehensive information about the graph using get_graph_info.


Davis, T. A., & Hu, Y. (2011). The University of Florida sparse matrix collection. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 38(1), 1-25.

Kolodziej, S. P., Aznaveh, M., Bullock, M., David, J., Davis, T. A., Henderson, M., Hu, Y., & Sandstrom, R. (2019). The suitesparse matrix collection website interface. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(35), 1244.

See Also

get_graph_info, SuiteSparseData


## Not run: 
matrixname <- "grid1"
groupname <- "AG-Monien"

## End(Not run)

fabnavarro/gasper documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 9:24 p.m.