Man pages for fabnavarro/rwavelet
Wavelet Analysis

aconvConvolution tool for two-scale transform
block_partitionConstruct 1d block partition
block_partition2dConstruct 2d block partition
BlockThresh1d wavelet Block Thresholding
BlockThresh2d2d Wavelet Block thresholding
cameramancameraman Image
CircularShiftCircular Shifting of a matrix/image
cubelengthFind length and dyadic length of square array
CVlinear2-Fold Cross Validation for linear estimator
DownDyadHiHi-Pass Downsampling operator (periodized)
DownDyadLoLo-Pass Downsampling operator (periodized)
dyadIndex entire j-th dyad of 1-d wavelet xform
dyadlengthFind length and dyadic length of array
FTWT2_PO2-d tensor wavelet transform (periodized, orthogonal).
FWT2_PO2-d MRA Forwad Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
FWT2_TI2-d Translation Invariant Forward Wavelet Transform
FWT3_PO3-d MRA Forward Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
FWT_POForward Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
FWT_TITranslation Invariant Forward Wavelet Transform
GWNGeneration of Gaussian White Noise
HardThreshApply Hard Threshold
iconvvConvolution tool for two-scale transform
invblock_partitionInversion of the 1d block partition
invblock_partition2dInversion of the 2d block partition
ITWT2_POInverse 2-d Tensor Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
IWT2_POInverse 2-d MRA Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
IWT2_TIInvert 2-d Translation Invariant Wavelet Transform
IWT3_POInverse 3-d MRA Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
IWT_POInverse Wavelet Transform (periodized, orthogonal)
IWT_TIInvert Translation Invariant Wavelet Transform
JSThreshApply James-Stein Threshold
lenaLena Image
lshiftCircular left shift of 1-d signal
MADMedian Absolute Deviation
MakeONFilterGenerate Orthonormal QMF Filter for Wavelet Transform
MakeSignalMake artificial signal
MakeSignalNewbMake artificial 1-d signal
MinMaxThreshMinimax Thresholding
MirrorFiltApply (-1)^t modulation
MultiMADApply Shrinkage with level-dependent Noise level estimation
MultiSUREApply Shrinkage to Wavelet Coefficients
MultiVisuApply Universal Thresholding to Wavelet Coefficients
packetPacket table indexing
PlotSpikesPlot 1-d signal as baseline with series of spikes
PlotWaveCoeffSpike-plot display of wavelet coefficients
quadlengthFind length and dyadic length of square matrix
RaphNMRNuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal
repmatReplicate and tile an array
rshiftCircular right shift of 1-d signal
ShapeAsRowMake signal a row vector
SLphantom3-d Shepp-Logan phantom
SNRSignal/Noise ratio
SoftThreshApply Soft Threshold
SUREThreshAdaptive Threshold Selection Using Principle of SURE
UpDyadHiHi-Pass Upsampling operator; periodized
UpDyadLoLo-Pass Upsampling operator; periodized
UpSampleNUpsampling operator
ValSUREThreshAdaptive Threshold Selection Using Principle of SURE
VisuThreshVisually calibrated Adaptive Smoothing
WaveFEXWavelet-based Feature EXtraction
fabnavarro/rwavelet documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 3:38 a.m.