Man pages for fadiphi/mybtcr
Collection of wrappers to easily use Rbitcon

addAdd together two numbers.
buyBuy an amount of btc at a given price
cancel.orderCancel an order
get.asksRetrieve asks info from the last order book
get.bidsRetrieve bids info from the last order book
get.historyGive a situation by a data.frame of [open,high,low,close]...
get.order.bookRetrieve order book informations
get.tickerRetrieve ticker information
get.tradesRetrieve trades information
get.walletRetrieve wallet information
open.ordersGet your open orders
plot.order.bookPlot an order book
sellSell an amount of btc at a given price
fadiphi/mybtcr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:42 a.m.