Man pages for fahadshery/textsummary
Summarise text, build LDA, tf-idf models, create word clouds and other summary plots

bbc_articlesBBC articles in raw text on online gaming
categorical_var_numeric_summaryCreate a summary of categorical variable with respect to a...
categorical_var_summaryCreate a summary of a categorical variable
categorical_var_summary_by_segmentsCreate a summary of a categorical variable segmented by...
get_text_featuresGet verbatim text feature
text_summary_cloudCreate wordcloud for a given text verbatim collection
text_summary_cloud_by_categoryCreate wordcloud for a given text verbatim collection,...
tf_idf_by_categorytf-idf analysis of text verbatim, segmented by categorical...
theme_BTapplies British Telecoms font and colour schemes to ggplot2...
topic_model_LDACreate topic models using LDA
verbatimCustomer verbatims in unstructured text
word_freqs_by_categoryPlot or get top n word frequencies using English grammar in a...
word_frequenciesReturn top n word frequencies in a collection of text...
word_frequencies_by_categoryReturn top n word frequencies in a collection of text...
fahadshery/textsummary documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:02 p.m.