library(geoRcb)  # cost-based kriging
require(sp)      # spatial classes
require(raster)  # rasterize
require(rgdal)   # input/output, projections

Produce a kriging prediction

For the sake of the example, we are going to use the noise data, included with geoRcb. First thing is to make it a geodata object, specifying the target variable.

data(noise) <- as.geodata(obs, data.col="Leq")

Fit a cost-based variogram model and perform cost-based Kriging prediction.

vgmdl.dmat <- likfit(geodata =,
                     ini = c(8,300),
                     cov.model = "matern",

KC <- krige.control(obj.model=vgmdl.dmat)
kp <- krige.conv(,

Rasterize the prediction

pred <- data.frame(coordinates(loc),
                   mean = kp$predict,
                   var = kp$krige.var)
coordinates(pred) <- 1:2    # Promote to SpatialPointsDataFrame

If the prediction locations (loc) formed a regular grid we could inmediately promote to SpatialGridDataFrame Then skip to Export

gridded(pred) <- TRUE   # not this case

Otherwise, then we need to create an "empty" grid at a specified resolution, and then overlay the predicted values It is possible to do it without resorting to package raster but if find it much easier using it like this.

resolution <- 10
prediction_grid <- raster(extent(loc), resolution = resolution)
prediction_grid <- rasterize(pred, prediction_grid, field = 'mean')
crs(prediction_grid) <- CRS(proj4string(loc))
prediction_grid <- as(prediction_grid, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
# plot(prediction_grid)


fn <- tempfile()
writeGDAL(prediction_grid, fn)

famuvie/geoRcb documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:04 a.m.