
matrixCor2 = function(A,B,nY,n_covariate=NULL)
  ss = nrow(A)
  A2 = A^2                                   # size = ss X N; one outer product is NOT time-consuming;
  B2 = B^2                                   # NEW

  Exij = t(A) %*% B /ss                      # size = N X N; one 'inner' product is time-consuming;
  Exij2 = t(A2) %*% (B2) / ss                # size = N X N; one 'inner' product is time-consuming;

  if ( !is.null(n_covariate) )                 # when adjusting covariates
    cc = matrix(nrow = ncol(A),ncol = ncol(B),data=0)
    for (i in 1:ncol(n_covariate)) { tmp=t(A)%*%(B*n_covariate[,i])/(ss-1); cc=cc+tmp^2 }
    VARxij = (ss/(ss-1))*(  Exij2 - Exij^2 )   # size = N X N;
    SDxij = sqrt( VARxij - cc  )
  } else {
    SDxij = sqrt(ss/(ss-1)) * sqrt(  Exij2 - Exij^2 )   # size = N X N;

  if ( ncol(nY)==1 )
    r = t(A) %*% (B*nY[,1]) / (SDxij*(ss-1))
  } else {
    r = t(A) %*% (B*nY) / (SDxij*(ss-1))      ###   if many NAN exist in matrix, then the inner product would be very slow!!!!
  # size = N X N; one 'inner' product is time-consuming;
fanglab/MatrixEpistasis documentation built on May 25, 2019, 5:22 p.m.