This is a simple package of three core functions of network analytics I used as a part of my dissertation. This introduction includes four parts: - Overview of the data - Plot network sociograph function - Calculate node-level measures function - Calculate network-level measures function - Other info

Overview of the data

My dissertation focused on social learning analytics of a graduate-level 14-week semester-long online course. I only included four weeks' data in this package, i.e., week 02, week 08, week 13 and week 14. Each weekly data included two format: a network-format data (e.g., week02_network) and an adjacent-matrix data (e.g., week02_matrix). The network-format data includes attributes for the network, vertex and edge of the network. The adjacent-matrix data shows a square-format who-reply-to-whom matrix.

Function 01: Plot network sociograph

This function plots sociograph for a network in fruchtermanreingold mode, with node size and color representing a participant's degree (indegree and outdegree) and edge width representing the frequency of interactions between two participants. An example: sna_plot(week02_network,week02_matrix)


Function 02: Node-level measures of participants in a network

This function returns a network's node-level measures, namely every participant's in/outdegree, betweenness, closeness. An example: node_measure(week02_network)


Function 03: Network-level measures of a network

This function returns results of a network's network-level measures, including network size, density, average degree, number of edges, reciprocity, transitivity, centralization, hierarchy, number of components, connectedness. An example: network_measure(week02_network)


Other info

More info please go to another github repo:, demonstrating basic concepts, examples, Shiny app, original research paper, and a short intro video.

fanouyang/networkanalyticspackage documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:37 p.m.