  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


This vignette is the second of a three-part set which aims at two things:

  1. To get users new to Hugging Face's transformers library familiar with the three main abstractions:

    • Pipelines

    • Tokenizers

    • Models

  2. To give users familiar with transformers a whistle-stop tour of the syntax they'll need to get started with each abstraction.

In this vignette we'll be looking at using tokenizers to ... tokenize(!) batches of text.

Loading a tokenizer

model_id <- "distilbert-base-uncased"
tokenizer <- hf_load_tokenizer(model_id)

Encoding Text

It's that simple, you can now use the tokenizer to encode your text. In this case encoding means going from words/sub words to numbers. For example:

text <- "This is a test"
encoded_text <- tokenizer$encode(text)

Decoding Text

You can also decode your encoded text, which is going from numbers back to words and serves as a good sanity check. You'll see the addition of some special tokens, in this case [CLS] and [SEP] which tell the model a sequence is beginning and ending respectively.


Parallelism Warning Prevention

If the following warning message begins to spam your console, you can use the code in the next chunk to prevent it.

huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks... To disable this warning, you can either: - Avoid using tokenizers before the fork if possible - Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true \| false)


py_run_string("import os")
py_run_string("os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'false'")

Alternatively, you could use the argument use_fast = FALSE when instantiating the tokenizer.

Instead of encoding your text variable, you could have simply called your tokenizer on some text to return the input_ids and attention_mask:

tokenizer("this is tokenisation")

If we try to tokenize a vector with length > 1, we'll raise an error. We'll use stringr::sentences and try to tokenize 720 sentences.

tibble(sentences = stringr::sentences) %>%
  mutate(encoded = tokenizer$encode(sentences))

We can avoid this error by using the purrr map() function.

encodings <- map(sentences, tokenizer$encode)


We now have a 720 length list of encoded texts. If we wanted to, we could have created a tibble and used mutate() and map() to add a column of encoded texts to our tibble:

encodings_df <- tibble(sentences = stringr::sentences) %>%
  mutate(encoded = map(sentences, tokenizer$encode))

We can see that each row of the encoded column is a list of input ids:

encodings_df[1, 2]$encoded

Ellipsis (three dots / triple dots / dot dot dot)


You may have noticed that hf_load_tokenizer accepts .... This allows you to provide an arbitrary number of arguments to the load tokenizer function. Common arguments are return_tensors = pt, use_fast = TRUE/FALSE, padding = TRUE, etc.

link to tokenizer docs

You can also use RStudio's helpful autofill feature to view the arguments a tokenizer's encode method will accept (or any Python method/function). Type out the method you want to see arguments for and then press tab:

Autocomplete arguments

tokenizer_slow <- hf_load_tokenizer(model_id, use_fast = FALSE)

c(tokenizer_slow$is_fast, tokenizer$is_fast)


We can extract a lot of information from our tokenizer. For example, we can look at all special tokens


We can check our tokenizer's max accepted sequence length:


We can access our tokenizer's vocabulary:

(vocab <- tibble(
  token = names(tokenizer$vocab),
  input_id = unlist(tokenizer$vocab, recursive = FALSE)
)) %>% 

Session Info


farach/huggingfaceR documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 10:31 p.m.