FAST - formioR

A small R library to ease your work with R. A wraper Class on top of the API


To install this package in your R project, you will need to have the 'devtools' package (soon we will move it to CRAN)


Then you can install this directly from Github using



Until now we only support the GET HTTP request, as we mainly use this library to pull data for statistics, the package works in the following way

Quick Example

No time to read? No worries, here you have a quick example of all you can do

token <- "P9reVWfdJiI5rc7qre4bn2HVcdyJJi1"
url <- ""
User <- formior::Formior$new(url, "user", token)
filter <- list(list('_id','!=','5a65acec16987c0001f3d246'), list('owner','!=','2342342344'))
select <- list('data.a', 'owner', '_id')
limit <- 150
chunk_size <- 15
populate <- list('owner')

# Apply the filter, limit
# All methods except get() return the self object (this)

# If you want you can also do it the "R" way and be a little more verbose about it

#Once you are ready, just pull your results with get()
data <- User$get()

The FormioR instance

User <- Formior$new(
            base_url,      #Base URL of your project
            resource_name, #The API path of the resource or Form that you want to use
            token          # token or jwt-token for Auth

Once you have your instance you can go and Query the resource by using chained methods. The available methods are the following


| Method | Parameter Type | Description | | -------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | select | list() | List of all the attributes you want to pull | | filter | list(list(), list(),...) | A list of all filter queries (See filter section) | | limit | numeric | The max amount of elements to pull | | populate | list() | List of all linked resources to populate | | chunks | numeric | How many elements to pull at the time (usefull for big datasets) | | get | NONE | Applies all methods and generates the query |

Filter method

The filter method receives a list with filters inside. Every filter is also a list defined in the following way:

filter <- list(
        'attribute',       #The attribute of our Resource or Form to filter
        'operator/query',  #The operator i.e= '=' , '!=' (See list of Queries)
        'value'            #The operator will check the attribute against this value

You can have as many filters as you want, but know that all filters will follow the "and" operator (&&) so if you apply two filters they will work as: Filter1 && Filter2. The or operator is not yet supported for multiple filters


| Operator | Query | Example | | ------------------------ | ------- | ----------------------------------------- | | Equal | = | list('data.gender', '=', 'male') | | Not equal | != | list('data.gender', '!=', 'male') | | Greater Tthan | > | list('data.age', '>', '18') | | Greater than or equal to | >= | list('data.age', '>=', '18') | | Less than | < | list('data.age', '<', '30') | | Less than or equal to | <= | list('data.age', '<=', '30') | | In | in | list('data.gender', 'in', 'male,female') | | Not in | nin | list('data.age', 'nin', '18,21') | | Exists | exists | list('data.age', 'exists') | | Not exists | !exists | list('data.age', '!exists') | | Regex | regex | list('data.username', 'regex', '/^cab/i') |

fast-platform/fast-formioR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:04 p.m.