Man pages for fatelord/cropmanager
Crop manager recommendation tool

cassavaCropManagerSHORT DEF: Wrapper function to calculate recommendations...
datesIn365function to convert date 1:30/31 to 1:365/366
fertilizerAdviseTablefunction to put data used in the markdown .rmd
fertilizerFuncfunction to creat a data frae with fertilizers
fertilizerFunc2function to creat a data frae with fertilizers
getFRrecommendations@param PD: controls not to ask recommendation for dates that...
NPK_TargetYield_forOutputusing the output of function "NPK_TargetYield_forinput" and a...
nutrient_uptakeNutrient uptake depends on the soil supply of the nutrient...
optim_NROptimize the UREA, TSP and MOP needed to maximize the NR. x1,...
QUEFTS1_Pedotransfercomputes target yield in tonnes/ha from a given NPK rate
Rerun_25kgKa_tryafter setting fertilizer recommendation <25 kg/ha Urea, MOP...
sendEmailReportfunction to send mail from
yield_nutrients_combinedYield calculated based on the combined uptake of 2 nutrients,...
fatelord/cropmanager documentation built on June 4, 2019, 4:06 p.m.