
#' Process data from the KDB hierarchy
#' This function performs a number of cleaning and organisation routines to data from KDB.txt. Indiciate whether a routine should or not be performed by adjusting the TRUE/FALSE flags below.
#' @param KDB The KDB data frame returned from read.KDB()
#' @param remove_initial_spaces Remove space indents from the content data
#' @param extract_tags Extract dictionary codes into a 'tag' column
#' @param make_lx_ids Assign a unique sequential integer to each lx item in the dictionary data
#' @param remove_empty_lines Remove lines with only spaces. Default is FALSE for retaining human readibility. Suggest TRUE when doing processing to down size the data frame.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom zoo na.locf
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace
#' @examples
#' process.KDB(read.KDB())
#' KDB <- read.KDB(process_data = FALSE)
#' KDB <- process.KDB(KDB)
#' KDB <- process.KDB(KDB, remove_emptylines = TRUE)

process.KDB <- function(KDB,
                        remove_initial_spaces = TRUE,
                        extract_tags = TRUE,
                        make_lx_ids = TRUE,
                        remove_emptylines = FALSE) {

    if(remove_emptylines == TRUE) {
        KDB <- mutate(KDB,
                      nonspace_n = str_replace_all(content, "\\s+", ""),
                      nonspace_n = nchar(nonspace_n)) %>%
            filter(nonspace_n != 0)

    if(extract_tags == TRUE) {
        KDB <- mutate(KDB,
                      tag = str_extract(content, "\\\\[a-z|\\_]+"),
                      tag = str_replace(tag, "\\\\", "")) %>%
            select(lineno, indent, tag, content)

    if(remove_initial_spaces == TRUE) {
        KDB <- mutate(KDB,
                      content = str_replace(content, "^\\s*\\\\[a-z|\\_]+\\s?", ""))

    if(make_lx_ids == TRUE) {
        KDB <- KDB %>%
            mutate(lx_id = ifelse(tag == "lx", lead(content), NA),
                   lx_id = na.locf(lx_id, na.rm = FALSE),
                   lx_id = as.integer(lx_id))

#         This is legacy code when lx_ids had to be assigned
#         lx_ids are now hard-coded into KDB.txt

#         KDB <- filter(KDB, grepl("lx", tag)) %>%
#             select(lineno) %>%
#             mutate(lx_id = 1:n()) %>%
#             left_join(KDB, ., by = "lineno") %>%
#             # filter(tag != "sk") %>%
#             select(lineno, lx_id) %>%
#             mutate(lx_id = na.locf(lx_id,
#                                    na.rm = FALSE)) %>%
#             left_join(KDB, ., by = "lineno")

    # This is legacy code. sk is not the main entry anymore
    # n_ids <- length(KDB[which(KDB$tag == "sk"), "lx_id"])
    # KDB[which(KDB$tag == "sk"), "lx_id"] <- 1:n_ids

fauxneticien/anamR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:12 a.m.