Man pages for fawda123/WtRegDO
Implement Weighted Regression on Dissolved Oxygen Time Series

aggregate.metabAggregete metabolism data
climmeansCalculate climate means for relevant weather variables
ecometabEcosystem metabolism
evalcorEvaluate tide and sun correlation
f_calcKLCalculate oxygen mass transfer coefficient
f_calcWanninkhofCalculate gas transfer velocity for Wanninkhof equation
metab_dtdEcosystem metabolism for SAPDC from detided DO
metab_obsEcosystem metabolism for SAPDC from observed DO
met_day_funIdentify metabolic days in a swmpr time series
metevalEvaluate metabolism results
objfunAn objective function to minimize for finding optimal window...
oxySchmidtCalculate Schmidt number for oxygen
oxySolDissolved oxygen at saturation
SAPDCSample dataset for weighted regression
sfbaySan Francisco Bay water quality data
smootherSmooth a plot of metabolism data
winoptFind the optimal half-window width combination
wtfunGet weights used during weighted regression
wtobjfunAn objective function to minimize plus weighted regression...
wtregWeighted regression for dissolved oxygen time series
wtreg_resResults from weighted regression with the SAPDC dataset
fawda123/WtRegDO documentation built on March 18, 2024, 9:04 p.m.