Man pages for fazetu/htable
Create HTML tables from a data.frame

combine_style_specsCombine two 'style_specs' lists
htableCreate a new HTable object
HTable_add_all_stylesAdd a style to every HTML table tag
HTable_add_stylesAdd a style to every <th> and <td> tag
HTable_apply_style_specApply a style_spec list
HTable_bordersAdd borders to the table
HTable_cell_add_styleAdd a style to a cell
HTable_cell_clear_styleClear the style of a cell
HTable_cell_replace_styleReplace the style of a cell
HTable_clear_all_stylesClear the style of every HTML table tag
HTable_clear_stylesClear the style of every <th> and <td> tag
HTable_col_add_styleAdd a style to a column
HTable_col_bg_colorAdd a background color style to a column
HTable_col_boldAdd a bold style to a column
HTable_col_centered_data_barApply a centered data bar element to columns
HTable_col_clear_styleClear the style in a column
HTable_col_colorAdd a text color style to a column
HTable_col_color_scaleApply a color scale gradient to columns
HTable_col_comma_fmtEdit a column to have a comma format
HTable_col_data_barApply a data bar element to columns
HTable_col_dollar_fmtEdit a column to have a dollar format
HTable_col_italicAdd an italic style to a column
HTable_col_pct_fmtEdit a column to have a percent format
HTable_col_replace_styleReplace the style in a column
HTable_col_widthAdd a width style to a column
HTable_div_max_heightSet the max height of the <div> tag
HTable_div_max_widthSet the max width of the <div> tag
HTable_div_style_addAdd a style to the <div> tag
HTable_div_style_clearClear the <div> tag style
HTable_div_style_replaceReplace the <div> tag style
HTable_div_x_scrollAdd an auto scroll bar to the <div> tag in the x direction
HTable_div_y_scrollAdd an auto scroll bar to the <div> tag in the y direction
HTable_font_familyChange the font family
HTable_font_sizeChange the font size
HTable_header_add_styleAdd a style to the header
HTable_header_bg_colorAdd a background color style to the header
HTable_header_boldAdd a bold style to the header
HTable_header_clear_styleClear the style of the header
HTable_header_colorAdd a text color style to the header
HTable_header_italicAdd an italic style to the header
HTable_header_replace_styleReplace the style of the header
HTable_paddingAdd padding to the table
HTable_renderGenerate the HTML of the HTable object
HTable_replace_all_stylesReplace the style of every HTML table tag
HTable_replace_stylesReplace the style of every <th> and <td> tag
HTable_resetReset the htable of all styles and contents
HTable_reset_contentsReset the contents of every <th> and <td> tag
HTable_RmdPut an HTable into an RMarkdown Document
HTable_row_add_styleAdd a style to a row
HTable_row_alt_bg_colorAdd an alternating background color style to all rows
HTable_row_alt_colorAdd an alternating text color style to all rows
HTable_row_bg_colorAdd a background color style to a row
HTable_row_boldAdd a bold style to a row
HTable_row_clear_styleClear the style in a row
HTable_row_colorAdd a text color style to a row
HTable_row_color_scaleApply a color scale gradient to rows
HTable_row_italicAdd an italic style to a row
HTable_row_replace_styleReplace the style in a row
HTable_table_style_addAdd a style to the <table> tag
HTable_table_style_clearClear the <table> tag style
HTable_table_style_replaceReplace the <table> tag style
HTable_tbody_style_addAdd a style to the <tbody> tag
HTable_tbody_style_clearClear the <tbody> tag style Clear any styles in the...
HTable_tbody_style_replaceReplace the <tbody> tag style
HTable_thead_style_addAdd a style to the <thead> tag
HTable_thead_style_clearClear the <thead> tag style
HTable_thead_style_replaceReplace the <thead> tag style
HTable_tr_styles_all_addAdd styles to the <tr> tags
HTable_tr_styles_all_clearClear the <tr> tag styles
HTable_tr_styles_all_replaceReplace the <tr> tag styles
HTable_tr_styles_which_addAdd styles to the <tr> tags at certain tags
HTable_tr_styles_which_replaceReplace the <tr> tags styles at certain tags
HTable_ViewView the HTable in the RStudio Viewer tab
HTable_writeLinesWrite the HTML for the HTable and write it to a file
prettify_htmlMake a single string of HTML a vector with nice spacing
style_specCreate a style specification
fazetu/htable documentation built on Feb. 12, 2020, 10:13 a.m.