Man pages for fbachl/inlabru
Bayesian Latent Gaussian Modelling using INLA and Extensions

add_mappersAdd component input/latent mappers
bincount1D LGCP bin count simulation and comparison with data
bm_listMethods for mapper lists
bruConvenient model fitting using (iterated) INLA
bru_call_optionsAdditional bru options
bru_compute_linearisationCompute inlabru model linearisation information
bru_convergence_plotPlot inlabru convergence diagnostics
bru_env_getGet access to the internal environment
bru_fill_missingFill in missing values in Spatial grids
bru_get_mapperExtract mapper information from INLA model component objects
bru_infoMethods for bru_info objects
bru_int_polygonIntegration points for polygons inside an inla.mesh
bru_like_methodsUtility functions for bru likelihood objects
bru_logAccess methods for 'bru_log' objects
bru_log_bookmarkMethods for 'bru_log' bookmarks
bru_log_messageAdd a log message
bru_log_newCreate a 'bru_log' object
bru_log_offsetPosition methods for 'bru_log' objects
bru_log_resetClear log contents
bru_make_stackBuild an inla data stack from linearisation information
bru_mapperConstructors for 'bru_mapper' objects
bru_mapper_aggregateMapper for aggregation
bru_mapper_collectMapper for concatenated variables
bru_mapper_constConstant mapper
bru_mapper_factorMapper for factor variables
bru_mapper_fm_mesh_1dMapper for 'fm_mesh_1d'
bru_mapper_fm_mesh_2dMapper for 'fm_mesh_2d'
bru_mapper_genericsGeneric methods for bru_mapper objects
bru_mapper_harmonicsMapper for cos/sin functions
bru_mapper_indexMapper for indexed variables
bru_mapper_linearMapper for a linear effect
bru_mapper_logsumexpMapper for log-sum-exp aggregation
bru_mapper_marginalMapper for marginal distribution transformation
bru_mapper_matrixMapper for matrix multiplication
bru_mapper_mesh_BMapper for basis conversion
bru_mapper_multiMapper for tensor product domains
bru_mapper_pipeMapper for linking several mappers in sequence
bru_mapper_scaleMapper for element-wise scaling
bru_mapper_shiftMapper for element-wise shifting
bru_mapper_summarymapper object summaries
bru_mapper_taylorMapper for linear Taylor approximations
bru_modelCreate an inlabru model object from model components
bru_optionsCreate or update an options objects
bru_safe_inlaLoad INLA safely for examples and tests
bru_safe_spCheck for potential 'sp' version compatibility issues
bru_standardise_namesStandardise inla hyperparameter names
bru_summariseSummarise and annotate data
bru_timingsExtract timing information from fitted bru object
bru_timings_plotPlot inlabru iteration timings
bru_transformationTransformation tools
bru_usedList components used in a model
bru_used_updateUpdate used_component information objects
bru_used_varsExtract basic variable names from expression
code.componentsConvert components to R code
comp_lin_evalConstruct component linearisations
componentLatent model component construction
component_evalEvaluate component values in predictor expressions
component_listMethods for inlabru component lists
cprod(Blockwise) cross product of integration points
deltaICSummarise DIC and WAIC from 'lgcp' objects.
devel.cvmeasureVariance and correlations measures for prediction components
eval_in_data_contextEvaluate expressions in the data context
eval_spatialEvaluate spatial covariates
evaluate_comp_linCompute all component linearisations
evaluate_comp_simpleCompute simplified component mappings
evaluate_comp_simple_list_subsettingSubsetting of comp_simple_list objects, retaining class
evaluate_effectEvaluate a component effect
evaluate_indexCompute all index values
evaluate_inputsCompute all component inputs
evaluate_modelEvaluate or sample from a posterior result given a model and...
evaluate_predictorEvaluate component effects or expressions
expand_labelsExpand labels
extract_propertyExtract a summary property from all results of an inla result
generateGenerate samples from fitted bru models
ggggplot2 geomes for inlabru related objects
gg.bru_predictionGeom for predictions for data.frame
gg.fm_mesh_1dGeom for fm_mesh_1d objects
gg.fm_mesh_2dGeom for inla.mesh objects
gg.matrixGeom for matrix
gg.RasterLayerGeom for RasterLayer objects
gg.sfGeom helper for sf objects
gg.SpatialGridDataFrameGeom for SpatialGridDataFrame objects
gg.SpatialLinesGeom for SpatialLines objects
gg.SpatialPixelsGeom for SpatialPixels objects
gg.SpatialPixelsDataFrameGeom for SpatialPixelsDataFrame objects
gg.SpatialPointsGeom for SpatialPoints objects
gg.SpatialPolygonsGeom for SpatialPolygons objects
gg.SpatRasterGeom wrapper for SpatRaster objects
globeVisualize a globe using RGL
glplotRender objects using RGL
gmggplot geom for spatial data
gmapPlot a map using extent of a spatial object
gorillasGorilla nesting sites
gorillas_sfGorilla nesting sites in sf format
iinlaIterated INLA
index_evalObtain indices
inlabru-deprecatedDeprecated functions in inlabru
inla.stack.mjoinJoin stacks intended to be run with different likelihoods
inla_subset_evalObtain inla index subset information
input_evalObtain component inputs
integration_weight_aggregationAggregate integration weights onto mesh nodes
ipointsGenerate integration points
lgcpLog Gaussian Cox process (LGCP) inference using INLA
likeObservation model construction for usage with 'bru()'
local_testthatUnit test helpers
materncov.bandsMatern correlation or covariance function approximate...
mexdolphinPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
mexdolphin_sfPan-tropical spotted dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
mrseaMarine renewables strategic environmental assessment
multiplotMultiple ggplots on a page.
parse_inclusionParse inclusion of component labels in a predictor expression
pcmatern_BMake hierarchical mesh basis functions
pixelsGenerate 'SpatialPixels' covering an 'inla.mesh'
plot.bruPlot method for posterior marginals estimated by bru
plot.bru_predictionPlot prediction using ggplot2
plotsampleCreate a plot sample.
point2countConvert a plot sample of points into one of counts.
Poisson1_1D1-Dimensional Homogeneous Poisson example.
Poisson2_1D1-Dimensional NonHomogeneous Poisson example.
Poisson3_1D1-Dimensional NonHomogeneous Poisson example.
predict.bruPrediction from fitted bru model
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
row_kronRow-wise Kronecker products
sample.lgcpSample from an inhomogeneous Poisson process
sealsSeal pups
shrimpBlue and red shrimp in the Western Mediterranean Sea
slineConvert data frame to SpatialLinesDataFrame SpatialPoints and boundary polygon to spatstat ppp...
spde.posteriorPosteriors of SPDE hyper parameters and Matern correlation or...
spolyConvert a data.frame of boundary points into a...
summary.bruSummary for an inlabru fit
summary.bru_optionsPrint inlabru options
summary.componentSummarise components
toygroupsSimulated 1D animal group locations and group sizes
toypointsSimulated 2D point process data
fbachl/inlabru documentation built on May 18, 2024, 9:38 p.m.