Man pages for fbahoken/cartogRaflow
Filtering Matrix for Flow Mapping

cartograflowCartograflow Package
COD_GEO_EPTGeographical ID
flowanalysisComputation of a global concentration criterion of flows...
flowcarreBuilds a square matrice from geographical nodes
flowcontigBuilds an ordinal distance matrices from a spatial features...
flowdistBuilds a continuous distance matrices from a spatial features...
flowginiAnalysis of flow concentration (Gini coefficient)
flowjointureBuilds a spatial join with a flow dataset
flowmapMapping of an origin-destination flow matrix
flowreductFlow matrix reduction according to another matrix
flowsMOBPRO: Commuting trips in 2015
flowstructmatStructuring a matrix
flowtabmatChanging the format of a flow dataset
flowtypeCompute flowdata types (volum, balance)
geoidGeographical ID
mat_exExample of a small flow data matrix
MOBPRO_ETPMOBPRO: professional commuting flows in 2015
fbahoken/cartogRaflow documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 11:09 a.m.