updt_best: Best Neighborhood Replacement Update for MOEA/D

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updt_bestR Documentation

Best Neighborhood Replacement Update for MOEA/D


Population update using the best neighborhood replacement method for the MOEADr package.


updt_best(update, X, Xt, Y, Yt, V, Vt, normYs, W, BP, constraint, aggfun, ...)



List containing the population update parameters. See Section Update Strategies of the moead() documentation for details. update must have the following key-value pairs:

  • update$Tr: positive integer, neighborhood size for the update operation

  • update$nr: positive integer, maximum number of copies of a given candidate solution.


Matrix of candidate solutions


Matrix of incumbent solutions


Matrix of objective function values of X


Matrix of objective function values of Xt


List object containing information about the constraint violations of the candidate solutions, generated by evaluate_population()


List object containing information about the constraint violations of the incumbent solutions, generated by evaluate_population()


List generated by scale_objectives(), containing two matrices of scaled objective values (normYs$Y and normYs$Yt) and two vectors, containing the current estimates of the ideal (normYs$minP) and nadir (normYs$maxP) points. See scale_objectives() for details.


matrix of weights, generated by generate_weights().


Neighborhood list, generated by define_neighborhood().


list containing the parameters defining the constraint handling method. See Section Constraint Handling of the moead() documentation for details.


List containing the aggregation function parameters. See Section Scalar Aggregation Functions of the moead() documentation for details.


other parameters (included for compatibility with generic call)


The Best Neighborhood Replacement method consists of three steps:

  • For each subproblem i, the best candidate solution x_j from the entire population is determined.

  • The neighborhood of subproblem i is replaced by the neighborhood of subproblem j. The size of this neighborhood is given by a parameter Tr.

  • The Restricted replacement (see updt_restricted()) is then applied using this new neighborhood.

This update routine is intended to be used internally by the main moead() function, and should not be called directly by the user.


List object containing the update population matrix (X), and its corresponding matrix of objective function values (Y) and constraint value list (V).


F. Campelo, L.S. Batista, C. Aranha (2020): The MOEADr Package: A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition. Journal of Statistical Software doi: 10.18637/jss.v092.i06

fcampelo/MOEADr documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 6 a.m.