Man pages for fdieulle/sharper
R interoperability with .Net Core and .Net Framework

install_dotnet_coreInstall .Net Core.
netCallCall method
netCallStaticCall static method
netGenerateR6R6 class generator
netGetGet property value
netGetStaticGet static property value
netLoadAssemblyLoad assembly.
netNewInstanciate a .Net object
NetObjectNetObject class
netSetSet property value
netSetStaticSet static property value
NetTypeNetType class
netUnwrapUnwrap 'NetObject' to 'externalptr'
netWrapWrap 'externalptr' into 'NetObject'
start_dotnet_core_clrStart dotnet core runtime from an application base directory.
fdieulle/sharper documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 4:19 p.m.