
#' Panel dataset
#' Annual data for paramilitary violence along with five measures of population
#' displacement, as measured by multiple agencies, in each municipality of Colombia
#' between 1996 and 2012
#' @format A tibble with 14,127 rows and 13 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{municipality}{municipality code}
#'   \item{year}{year}
#'   \item{V_cum}{count of cumulative paramilitary violence (murders) in
#'   a given municipality up to and including the specified year}
#'   \item{V_flow}{count of paramilitary violence (murders) in a given
#'   municipality during the specified year}
#'   \item{placeboV_cum}{same as V_cum but guerrilla rather than paramilitary
#'   violence}
#'   \item{placeboV_flow}{same as V_flow but guerrilla rather than paramilitary
#'   violence}
#'   \item{D_AS}{Count of people displaced by from a given municipality in a
#'   given year, as reported by AS}
#'   \item{D_CODHES}{Same as D_AS, but as reported by CODHES rather than AS}
#'   \item{D_RUV}{Same as D_AS, but as reported by RUV rather than AS}
#'   \item{D_CEDE}{Same as D_AS, but as reported by CEDE rather than AS}
#'   \item{D_JYP}{Same as D_AS, but as reported by JYP rather than AS}
#'   \item{popn1993}{Population of the municipality in 1993 from census data}
#'   \item{lag_V_flow}{One year lag of V_flow}
#' }
#' @source Fill in later!
fditraglia/forcedMigration documentation built on July 16, 2022, 12:33 p.m.