Man pages for fditraglia/ivdoctr
Ensures Mutually Consistent Beliefs When Using IVs

afghanBurde and Linden (2013, AEJ Applied) Dataset
b_functionA3B function from Proposition A3
candidate1Evaluates the corners given user bounds. Vectorized wrt...
candidate2Evaluates the edge where k is on the boundary. Vectorized wrt...
candidate3Evaluates the edge where r_TstarU is on the boundary.
collapse_3d_arrayCollapse 3-d array to matrix
colonialAcemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001) Dataset
draw_boundsComputes bounds for simulated data
draw_observablesSimulates different data draws
draw_sigma_jeffreysDraws covariance matrix using the Jeffrey's Prior
format_estCreates LaTeX code for parameter estimates
format_HPDICreates LaTeX code for the HPDI
format_seCreates LaTeX code for the standard error
get_alpha_boundsComputes a0 and a1 bounds
get_betaSolves for beta
get_beta_bounds_binaryReturns beta bounds in binary case using grid search
get_beta_bounds_binary_postGenerates beta bounds off of beta draws
get_bounds_unrestWrapper function combines all unrestricted bounds together....
getCoverageComputes coverage of list of intervals
get_estimatesComputes OLS and IV estimates
getIntervalGenerates smallest covering interval
get_k_bounds_unrestGiven observables from the data, generates unrestricted...
get_LComputes L, lower bound for kappa_tilde in paper
get_MSolves for the magnification factor
get_new_drawsComputes beliefs that support valid instrument
get_observablesGiven data and function specification, returns the relevant...
get_psi_lowerComputes the lower bound of psi for binary data
get_psi_upperComputes the upper bound of psi for binary data
get_p_validCompute the share of draws that could contain a valid...
get_r_TstarU_bounds_unrestGiven observables from the data, generates the unrestricted...
get_r_uzSolves for r_uz given observables, r_TstarU, and kappa
get_r_uz_boundsEvaluates r_uz bounds given user restrictions on r_TstarU and...
get_r_uz_bounds_unrestGiven observables from the data, generates the unrestricted...
get_s_uSolves for the variance of the error term u
g_functionA2G function from Proposition A.2
makeExampleGenerates table of parameter estimates given user...
make_ITakes the OLS and IV estimates and converts it to a row of...
make_II_IIITakes frequentist or Bayesian simulations of beta and...
makeTableGenerates table of parameter estimates given user...
make_tex_rowMakes LaTeX code to make a row of a table and shift by some...
map2colorGenerates a custom color palette given a vector of numbers
myformatRounds x to two decimal places
plot_3d_betaPlot ivdoctr Restrictions
rect_pointsConstruct vectors of points that outline a rectangle.
rinvwishSimulate draws from the inverse Wishart distribution
toListConvert 3-d array to list of matrixes
weberBecker and Woessmann (2009) Dataset
fditraglia/ivdoctr documentation built on June 12, 2020, 7:08 p.m.