density_normal | Multivariate normal probability density function |
density_t | Multivariate Student-t probability density function |
density_wishart | Wishart probability density function |
devech | Convert Half-vectorization to symmetric matrix |
draw_gamma | Simulate draws from the Gamma distribution. |
draw_normal | Simulate one draw from a multivariate normal distribution |
draw_wishart | Simulate one draw from the Wishart distribution |
ff5 | Fama/French 5 Factors (2x3) |
hello | Hello, World! |
industry10 | 10 Industry Portfolios |
liq | Liquidity Factor |
log1p_arma | Armadillo wrapper for R's log1p function. |
log_mv_gamma | Natural logarithm of the p-dimensional MV Gamma function |
mom | Momentum Factor |
rcpp_hello | Hello, Rcpp! |
size | Portfolios Formed on Size |
vech | Half-vectorization of a symmetric matrix |
zoofactr | zoofactr: A Bayesian visits the factor zoo. |
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