#' update_state
#' @export update_state
update_state <- function(input, user) {
# browser()
if (is.reactivevalues(input)) {
input <- reactiveValuesToList(input)
# cli_alert_info('Storing state for {user}')
# names_input <- names(input)
# browser()
# names_input <- names_input[rowSums(map_dfc(exclude_names, ~ str_detect(names_input, .))) == 0]
# input <- map(input, function(inpt) {
# purrr::discard(inpt, ~ length(.) > 5)
# })
# browser()
# input <- purrr::keep(input, ~ length(.) <= len)
if (length(input)) {
con <- connect_table()
if (inherits(con, "try-error")) {
cli_alert_danger("Failed to store state")
# browser()
# state <- redisGet(user)
# state <- update.list(state, input)
# state$user_name <- user
con <- mongo("user_history", "redpul", Sys.getenv("MONGO_URI"))
# print(toJSON(input, pretty = TRUE))
redisSet(user, state)
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