Man pages for fdschneider/caspr
Cellular Automata for Spatial Pressure in R

as.array.ca_resultTransfer output of runca() into an array.
as.landscapegeneric S3 function
as.landscape.matrixtransfer matrix to landscape.
as.list.ca_resultTransfer output of ca() into a list of matrices.
as.matrix.landscapetransfer landscape to matrix.
birthdeathBirth-death model
caRun cellular automata simulation.
ca_animateCreate animated gif or video from simulation result.
ca_arrayRun ca() over a parameter array.
ca_arraySSRun ca_snapsSS() over a parameter array.
ca_snapsSSRun cellular automata simulation.
count.landscapeCount neighbors.
forestgapForest gap model
grazingGrazing model
init_landscapeCreate a new landscape object, i.e. a grid for cellular...
lifeConway's Game of Life
livestockLivestock resilience model
mappingCreate vector maps for cellular automata updating.
musselbedMusselbed Disturbance Model
neighborsCount neighbors.
neighborsijCount neighbors of one cell.
parms_timeseriesCreate sequence of parameters over time.
plot.ca_resultplot method for 'ca_result' objects
plot.landscapePlotting an objects of class "landscape"
predpreyPredator-prey model
print.ca_modelprint function for model objects
steadyTest for steady state dynamics of timeseries.
summary.ca_resultsummary method for 'ca_result'
summary.landscapeSummary of landscape object.
templateTemplate for model objects
fdschneider/caspr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:12 p.m.