
#' HCAData: Accessing The Datasets Of The Human Cell Atlas in R/Bioconductor
#' \code{HCAData} is an ExperimentHub package which provides access to the single-cell
#' RNA-seq data from the Human Cell Atlas project (\url{https://www.humancellatlas.org})
#' @references If you use the data in this package, please refer to the original sources
#' (Human Cell Atlas Data Portal, \url{https://preview.data.humancellatlas.org}) as well
#' (plus the related publications, which will be listed here when they will be out),
#' which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub createHubAccessors ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @importFrom HDF5Array HDF5Array
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @author Federico Marini \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}
#' @name HCAData-pkg
#' @docType package
federicomarini/HCAData documentation built on May 5, 2024, 1:24 p.m.