mg400signatureGenes: A list of microglia signature genes

Description Author(s) References


A curated list of microglia signature genes, extracted from Butovsky et al (2014). Housekeeping genes were left out. This list is represented on the MG400 microglial chip


Federico Marini (


Oleg Butovsky, Mark P Jedrychowski, Craig S Moore, Ron Cialic, Amanda J Lanser, Galina Gabriely, Thomas Koeglsperger, Ben Dake, Pauline M Wu, Camille E Doykan, Zain Fanek, LiPing Liu, Zhuoxun Chen, Jeffrey D Rothstein, Richard M Ransohoff, Steven P Gygi, Jack P Antel, Howard L Weiner, Identification of a unique TGF-beta-dependent molecular and functional signature in microglia, Nature Neuroscience 17, 131-143 (2014)

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