Man pages for felixfan/FinCal
Time Value of Money, Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance

bdyComputing bank discount yield (BDY) for a T-bill
bdy2mmyComputing money market yield (MMY) for a T-bill
candlestickChartTechnical analysts - Candlestick chart: show prices for each...
cash.ratiocash ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to...
coefficient.variationComputing Coefficient of variation
cogsCost of goods sold and ending inventory under three methods...
current.ratiocurrent ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability...
ddbDepreciation Expense Recognition - double-declining balance...
debt.ratiodebt ratio - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to...
diluted.EPSdiluted Earnings Per Share
discount.rateComputing the rate of return for each period
earConvert stated annual rate to the effective annual rate
ear2beybond-equivalent yield (BEY), 2 x the semiannual discount rate
ear2hprComputing HPR, the holding period return
ear.continuousConvert stated annual rate to the effective annual rate with...
EIREquivalent/proportional Interest Rates
EPSBasic Earnings Per Share
financial.leveragefinancial leverage - Solvency ratios measure the firm's...
fvEstimate future value (fv)
fv.annuityEstimate future value of an annuity
fv.simpleEstimate future value (fv) of a single sum
fv.unevenComputing the future value of an uneven cash flow series
geometric.meanGeometric mean return
get.ohlc.googleDownload stock prices from Google Finance (open, high, low,...
get.ohlcs.googleBatch download stock prices from Google Finance (open, high,...
get.ohlcs.yahooBatch download stock prices from Yahoo Finance (open, high,...
get.ohlc.yahooDownload stock prices from Yahoo Finance (open, high, low,...
gpmgross profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial...
harmonic.meanharmonic mean, average price
hprComputing HPR, the holding period return
hpr2beybond-equivalent yield (BEY), 2 x the semiannual discount rate
hpr2earConvert holding period return to the effective annual rate
hpr2mmyComputing money market yield (MMY) for a T-bill
irrComputing IRR, the internal rate of return
irr2Computing IRR, the internal rate of return
isscalculate the net increase in common shares from the...
lineChartTechnical analysts - Line charts: show prices for each period...
lineChartMultTechnical analysts - Line charts: show prices for each period...
lt.d2elong-term debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's...
mmy2hprComputing HPR, the holding period return
n.periodEstimate the number of periods
npmnet profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial...
npvComputing NPV, the PV of the cash flows less the initial...
pmtEstimate period payment
pvEstimate present value (pv)
pv.annuityEstimate present value (pv) of an annuity
pv.perpetuityEstimate present value of a perpetuity
pv.simpleEstimate present value (pv) of a single sum
pv.unevenComputing the present value of an uneven cash flow series
quick.ratioquick ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to...
r.continuousConvert a given norminal rate to a continuous compounded rate
r.norminalConvert a given continuous compounded rate to a norminal rate
r.perpetuityRate of return for a perpetuity
sampling.errorComputing Sampling error
SFRatioComputing Roy's safety-first ratio
Sharpe.ratioComputing Sharpe Ratio
sldeDepreciation Expense Recognition - Straight-line depreciation...
total.d2etotal debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's...
twrrComputing TWRR, the time-weighted rate of return
volumeChartTechnical analysts - Volume charts: show each period's volume...
wascalculate weighted average shares - weighted average number...
wprWeighted mean as a portfolio return
felixfan/FinCal documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:46 p.m.