
Upload Data

Select a text file on your local machine. This file can have records that are separated by commas (csv format), semicolons, tabs or spaces.

The analysis application works with data in "Capture History" format. Each column should represent a capture event and each row should be a capture history. Optionally the last column may be the count of individuals with that particular capture history. "1" indicates capture, and "0" indicates not captured, so the history

0 1 0 1

represents an individual who was captured in the 2nd and 4th event, but not the 1st or 3rd. A properly structured 3 event CRC dataset would look something like:

V1  V2  V3  count
1   0   0   3
0   1   0   8
1   1   0   4
0   0   1   6
1   0   1   2
0   1   1   2
1   1   1   1

From the first row 1 0 0 3, wee see that there were 3 individuals captured at event 1, but not at the 2nd and 3rd events. There was 1 individual captured in all 3 events (row: 1 1 1 1).

See the Manual for more information.

fellstat/shinyrecap documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 10:51 p.m.