Problem Set: Environmental Costs and Benefits from Driving Electric Cars

Author: Felix Stickel

< ignore

# facilitates error detection

setwd("C:/Users/Privat/Desktop/MA/Workspace/Solution") = "ECars"; sol.file = paste0(,"_sol.Rmd")
libs = c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "choroplethr", "lfe", "gridExtra", "evd", "htmlTable", "stargazer", "magick", "reshape2", "choroplethrMaps") # character vector of all packages you load in the problem set
name.rmd.chunks(sol.file) # set auto chunk names in this file,,,libs=libs, stop.when.finished=FALSE, addons="quiz", extra.code.file="dp.R", var.txt.file ="variables.txt"), load.sav=FALSE,  sample.solution=TRUE, is.solved=TRUE, catch.errors=TRUE, launch.browser=TRUE)

          "RTutorECars",   # Name of the problem set package
                    pkg.parent.dir = "C:/Users/Privat/Desktop/MA/Package/", # Parent directory 
                    author="Felix Stickel", # Your name
                    github.user="felsti",     # Your github user name
                    extra.code.file="dp.R", # name of extra.code.file
                    var.txt.file="variables.txt",    # name of var.txt.file
                    overwrite=FALSE  # Do you want to override if package directory exists?


Exercise Overview

Welcome to this interactive analysis, which is part of my master's thesis at Ulm University. The market for electric vehicles is continuing to grow and many traditional car manufacturers offer an increasing variety of pure electric cars. An argument which is often made in favor of electric cars are their supposed environmental benefits. During the following exercises, you will examine the environmental damages of electric and gasoline vehicles driven in different geographic locations of the United States. The analysis is based on the article "Are There Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles? The Importance of Local Factors" by Stephen P. Holland, Erin T. Mansur, Nicholas Z. Muller and Andrew J. Yates (2016). I will refer to this article simply as "Holland et al." from now on.

Holland et al. found that electric cars can indeed have environmental benefits when compared to gasoline cars, but only in areas with high population densities and relatively clean electricity grids. On average, electric vehicle damages turn out to be higher than gasoline vehicle damages when considering the whole contiguous U.S. Optimal purchase subsidies on the state level range from -4,964 dollars in North Dakota to 2,785 dollars in California. Electric vehicle damages are exported to other states to a considerable degree. Holland et al. found some empirical evidence that local governments only consider native damages, which occur within their borders, rather than full damages. They conclude that optimal purchase subsidies should be differentiated by location, but set at the federal level.

You will derive most results interactively using the programming language R. This means that you have to enter your own R code from time to time. This way, you can enhance your R programming skills while reproducing the results from an interesting economic article. I will explain some R functions when you need them, but you are expected to have basic R skills. If you need an introduction to programming in R, you can, for example, have a look at R for Beginners. The contents of this problem set are licensed under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA) license. Below, you can find more information on how to solve the problem set. If you are ready, proceed to Exercise 1 and get started!


$\qquad$ Overview

$\qquad$ 1 Examining Gasoline Vehicle Damages

$\qquad$ 2 Examining Electric Vehicle Damages

$\qquad$ $\qquad$ 2.1 Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles

$\qquad$ $\qquad$ 2.2 Econometric Analysis: Marginal Emissions from Electricity Use

$\qquad$ $\qquad$ 2.3 Mapping Emissions into Damages: The AP2 Model

$\qquad$ $\qquad$ 2.4 Calculating Electric Vehicle Damages

$\qquad$ $\qquad$ 2.5 Analyzing Electric Vehicle Damages

$\qquad$ 3 Comparing Gasoline and Electric Vehicle Damages

$\qquad$ 4.1 Theoretical Model on Electric Vehicle Subsidies

$\qquad$ 4.2 Examining Electric Vehicle Subsidies

$\qquad$ 5 Pollution Export

$\qquad$ 6 Sensitivity Analysis

$\qquad$ 7 Caveats

$\qquad$ 8 Conclusion

$\qquad$ References


In Exercise 1, you are introduced to some basic principles of our analysis and the different pollutants leading to environmental damages. We examine a data set on gasoline vehicle damages and analyze how these damages differ between the locations in which the cars are driven. In Exercise 2, we derive electric vehicle damages over the course of several steps. First, we determine how much energy an electric car uses to drive one mile. Second, we estimate the emissions caused by the consumption of an additional kilowatt hour of electricity in a specific area. Third, I explain how these emissions can be mapped into monetary damages. Fourth, we assume an electric vehicle charging profile and combine the previous results. Last, we analyze the resulting electric vehicle damage values similar to Exercise 1. Exercise 3 compares the environmental damages caused by gasoline and electric vehicles to show if and in which locations it is beneficial to drive electric instead of gasoline powered cars. In Exercise 4, we then try to figure out appropriate electric vehicle policy setting. First, a theoretical discrete choice model is introduced and then we calculate optimal purchase subsidies for different locations. Exercise 5 deals with the effects of pollution export and how it might impact electric vehicle policy making. To test the robustness of our results, we perform a sensitivity analysis in Exercise 6, where we alter different model parameters and compare the outcomes. In Exercise 7, we discuss some factors which further influence environmental benefits of electric vehicles, but were not part of our analysis. Finally, Exercise 8 concludes by summarizing our results.

How to solve this problem set

Solving the problem set is pretty straightforward. Here is a short explanation of the elements you may encounter.

To navigate through the problem set, you can use the button Go to next exercise... at the bottom of the page or the menu bar at the top. It is possible to solve each exercise without solving the previous ones, however you are encouraged to solve the exercises in the specified order as they follow a didactic structure and frequently use data sets which have been derived and analyzed in previous exercises.

Exercise 1 -- Damages of Gasoline Vehicles

In this exercise, we will focus on the environmental damages caused by gasoline cars while driving in different locations in the U.S. For that purpose, I will present you with a data set and together we will explore its structure and draw some first conclusions. The data set is provided by Holland et al., who derived it using the "Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation" (GREET) model developed by the Argonne National Laboratory and the EPA Tier 2 emission standards.

The data set contains pollution damage data for eleven different gasoline cars. Holland et al. chose the set of gasoline vehicles to closely match the non-price attributes of eleven pure electric cars featured in the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) fuel efficiency database for 2014. If a gasoline-powered version of the electric vehicle model exists, this is the natural choice. For example, the set of electric vehicles contains the 2014 Ford Focus Electric, so the same Ford Focus model, but with a comparable conventional engine, has been chosen for the set of gasoline cars. This selection ensures that we are able to directly compare electric and gasoline vehicle damages in later exercises. Note that during the whole problem set, I will use the terms "car" and "vehicle" interchangeably, as we always refer to the same eleven gasoline and electric cars.

The pollution damage data is differentiated by the county, in which the cars are driven. We will see during our analysis that the location has great influence on the environmental damages the cars cause. The data set contains all counties of the contiguous U.S., so for example Alaska or Hawaii are excluded.

To calculate the environmental damages, five pollutants have been considered: CO2 (carbon dioxide), SO2 (sulfur dioxide), NOx (nitrogen oxides), PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less) and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). The greenhouse gas CO2 is one of the main contributors to the greenhouse effect, which causes damages through global warming. The other four pollutants are referred to as local pollutants, because they cause damages near the emission source. They contribute, for example, to soil and water acidification and can cause cancer. Local pollutants are the reason why environmental damages differ depending on the locations in which you drive. The damages caused by all five pollutants together are referred to as full damages. Note that these damages are marginal damages, i.e. the damages of driving one additional mile. This allows us to compare gasoline and electric vehicle damages later on.

Without further ado, let's now have a look into the actual data.

Task: Use the readRDS() command to load the data set and store it in a variable called GVeh. The basic structure of the command is already given in the code chunk as a comment.

< info "readRDS() and saveRDS()"

The command readRDS() reads a RDS file and stores it in a variable with the determined name. If the file is within your working directory, it suffices to use the name of the file as an argument.

dat <- readRDS("data.rds")

If the file is saved within another folder than your working directory, you can use absolute or relative paths as follows.

dat <- readRDS("C:/Data/data.rds")
dat <- readRDS("./Data/data.rds")

Note the usage of slash "/" instead of backslash "\" for MS Windows systems.

You can save R objects as RDS files using the saveRDS() command.

saveRDS(dat, file="data.rds")

Note that RDS files are compressed by default and can take considerably more RAM than their file size on your hard drive.

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the commands, call help(readRDS).


#< task
# ... <- readRDS("./Data/G_Veh_Dam.Rds")
GVeh <- readRDS("./Data/G_Veh_Dam.Rds")
#< hint
display("You just have to replace ... with the correct variable name.")

< award "A Good Start!"

You are motivated to learn something. Congratulations! You can earn awards at different points during the problem set. At the end of the last exercise, you can see how many of them you achieved.


We now want to have a first look at the data set. Use the command sample_n() from the dplyr package to show five randomly selected rows of data. This should give us a good feeling about its structure.

Task: Show five random rows of the data frame GVeh using the sample_n() command. Again, the basic structure of the command is already given.

< info "sample_n()"

The sample_n() command shows a specified number of randomly selected rows of a data frame. It is especially useful if you want to have a first look at a large data set, but the first rows do not give you a good representation of its structure. The following example would show ten randomly selected rows from the data frame dat:

sample_n(dat, size=10)

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(sample_n).


#< task
# library(dplyr)
# sample_n(... , size = ... )
sample_n(GVeh, size=5)

As your result from this exercise is random, I printed an example here so we can discuss on a common basis.

fips state countyname urban vmt model mpg co2edam pm25dam so2dam noxdam vocdam G_Veh_Dam_full
36081 New York Queens TRUE 9.2998952 2014 Ford Focus 26 1.4066154 0.9288887 0.21108396 0.00804345 1.7676676 4.322299
48155 Texas Foard FALSE 0.01141868 2014 Ford Focus 36 1.0158889 0.00063467 5.477e-05 0.00017684 0.00016245 1.1187607
48155 Texas Foard FALSE 0.01141868 BMW 740i 29 1.2611034 0.00063467 6.799e-05 0.00041262 0.00021321 1.3939521

The data set shows environmental damages of different car models in specific counties. It contains separate values for CO2, SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and VOCs, which are summed up in the last column G_Veh_dam_full. The second line in the example means that a 2014 Ford Focus driven for one mile in Foard County, Texas, causes environmental damages of 1.119 cents. You can see that the value for a BMW 740i in the same county is slightly higher. Because the amount of emitted pollutants is modeled by Holland et al. in such a way that it depends directly on the amount of combusted fuel, this difference comes solely from the difference in fuel consumption of the two gasoline cars. The column mpg shows how many miles a car can drive with one gallon of gasoline. For a given car, this value depends on whether the car is driven in an urban or a non-urban county. As you can see, in Foard County, the value for the BMW 740i is 29 miles per gallon (equivalent to 9.7 l/100km), as opposed to 36 miles per gallon (7.8 l/100km) for the Ford Focus in the same county. This shows that the BMW 740i is less fuel-efficient than the Ford Focus. The "dirtiest" car in the set is the BMW 750i with 17 miles per gallon (16.6 l/100km) in urban areas.

The Ford Focus causes considerably more damages when driven in Queens, New York, compared to Foard County, Texas. One reason is the increased fuel consumption in urban areas, but we will talk about further reasons why the damage of a car differs between counties later in this exercise.

To better understand how large the damages of the different cars are, we compute some summary statistics on the data set. To do so, we again use some useful functions from the dplyr package. This time however, we connect them using the pipe operator. The pipe operator is very handy because you don't have to save intermediate results or nest several functions into each other. When we calculate means, we weight by vehicle miles travelled or VMT. This is a measure of the total miles all passenger cars drive in a county within a specific time frame. The VMT data can be found as part of the EPA Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) model and is saved in the column vmt of the data frame. Do not worry about the absolute VMT values in this column as we are only using them as weights, so only the relations with each other are important.

Task: Use the group_by() command to group the data set GVeh by the variable model. Then use the summarize() function to create a table which shows the weighted.mean() (with the column vmt as weights), min() and max() of the variable G_Veh_Dam_full for the individual groups. Connect the commands using the pipe operator.

< info "group_by() and summarize()"

The command group_by() groups a data frame by the specified variables. On such a grouped data frame, operations are performed for each group separately.

The command summarize() is an easy way to create a simple table containing different summary statistics. It is most commonly used on data frames which have been grouped using group_by(). You can specify which summary functions should be used and how the corresponding columns of the resulting table should be named.

If you have, for example, a data frame dat with the columns sex, which is either male or female, and income, which is a numeric value, you could compute the average incomes for each gender as follows.

First, group the data set by sex:

dat <- group_by(dat, sex)

Then, use summarize to compute the average income:

summarize(dat, average_income = mean(income))

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the commands, call help(group_by) or help(summarize).


< info "pipe operator %>%"

The pipe operator %>% works best to connect commands from the dplyr package. The output of the function before the pipe is always passed on as an input to the function after the pipe. Therefore, the first argument of each function, which is usually the data on which to perform the operation, is omitted. If you have, for example, a data frame dat with the columns sex, which is either male or female, and income, which is a numeric value, and you first want to group the data frame by sex and then compute the average incomes for each gender, you could use the following command chain:

dat %>%
  group_by(sex) %>%
  summarize(average_income = mean(income))


#< task
#GVeh %>%
# ... %>%
# summarize(mean_damage = weighted.mean(G_Veh_Dam_full, vmt), min_damage = ..., max_damage = ...)
GVeh %>%
  group_by(model) %>%
  summarize(mean_damage = weighted.mean(G_Veh_Dam_full, vmt), min_damage = min(G_Veh_Dam_full), max_damage = max(G_Veh_Dam_full))

The result resembles the middle column of Panel A in Table 2 in the article by Holland et al. We can see that the mean damages for the different cars range from 1.23 cents per mile for the Toyota Prius to 2.67 cents per mile for the BMW 750i, which is twice as much. However, most of the damage values are between 1.6 and 2 cents per mile. If we take a look at the min and max values, it seems like the difference across counties is much larger. For each car, the highest damage county has at least four times the damages of the corresponding lowest damage county.

< quiz "Damage Comparison"

question: If we take the 2014 Ford Focus as an example and compare the damages caused by SO2 in the city of Los Angeles, California, with those in the non-urban area Howard County, Nebraska, which do you think are higher? sc: - Los Angeles* - Howard County success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


The following code chunk extracts the corresponding lines from the data set.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
filter(GVeh, fips %in% c("31093", "6037"), model=="2014 Ford Focus ")

As you can see, the damages caused by SO2 in Los Angeles are more than 100 times higher than those in Howard County, Nebraska. Maybe this has to do something with the population density in the two places.

To assess this, let's have a closer look at the damages in different counties. Again, we take the 2014 Ford Focus as an example. To visualize the data, we use a so-called choropleth map, like Holland et al. in Figure 1. On this map, areas are shaded in proportion to the variable we want to display. In our case, areas are on the county level and we want to display the environmental damages of a 2014 Ford Focus. As county names are not unique, we use a numeric identifier called the FIPS county code. For each county, it can be found in the column fips. We use the command county_choropleth() from the package choroplethr and two more functions from the dplyr package, namely filter() and select().

Task: Just press check to see the result.

< info "filter()"

The command filter() can be used to generate a subset of a data frame, for which a certain condition is met. If you have, for example, a data frame dat with the two columns age and income and are only interested in persons who are at least 30 years old, you could use the following code:

dat <- filter(dat, age>30)

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(filter).


< info "select()"

The select() command keeps only the specified columns in a data frame. As an example, consider a data frame dat with three columns region, population and density. If you are only interested in the regions and their population, you could use the following code:

select(dat, region, population)

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(select).


< info "rename()"

The command rename() is a very simple way to change the names of the columns of a data frame. If you have, for example, a data frame dat with a column oldname and want to rename it to newname, you could use the following code:

dat <- rename(dat, newname=oldname)

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(select).


< info "county_choropleth()"

The command county_choropleth() from the choroplethr package creates a map of the U.S. on which counties are shaded in proportion to the variable you want to display. As an input, it requires a data frame with two columns: The first one is called region and contains the FIPS county code of the corresponding county. The second one is called value and contains the variable you want to visualize. You can specify a title for the map by using the argument title="..." and a name for the legend by using legend="...".

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(county_choropleth).


#< task_notest
GVeh %>%
  filter(model=="2014 Ford Focus ") %>%
  select(region=fips, value=G_Veh_Dam_full) %>%
  county_choropleth(title="Environmental Damages of a 2014 Ford Focus by Counties", legend="Damage in cents/mile")

Some counties are missing in our data set and are therefore colored black. This is mostly because we concentrate on the contiguous United States (without Alaska or Hawaii) and also because our data set is not quite up-to-date. With a bit of geographical knowledge about the U.S., you may have noticed that the high damage counties seem to correspond to more densely populated areas.

There is another variable called urban, which is true if the county belongs to a so called Metropolitan Statistical Area, or false otherwise (then these counties are more rural regions). Let's have a quick look at the ten counties with the largest and smallest environmental damages. We will use the dplyr functions top_n() and arrange() to gain an ordered list of the highest and lowest damage counties.

Task: Just press check.

< info "top_n() and arrange()"

The function top_n() simply returns the rows with the largest entries of a specified variable. If you have, for example, a data frame dat which has two columns age and income and are only interested in the five oldest persons, you could use the following code:

dat <- top_n(dat, 5, age)

If you use the "-" operator in front of the number, you will get the smallest entries. In our example, these would be the five youngest persons.

dat <- top_n(dat, -5, age)

If you then want to show these 5 youngest persons in ascending order, you can use the arrange() command to sort the resulting data frame according to a specified variable like so:

dat <- top_n(dat, -5, age)
arrange(dat, age)

The same result, but in descending order, would be achieved using:

dat <- top_n(dat, -5, age)
arrange(dat, desc(age))

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the commands, call help(top_n) or help(arrange).


#< task_notest
GVeh %>%
  filter(model=="2014 Ford Focus ") %>%
  top_n(10, G_Veh_Dam_full) %>%
  arrange(desc(G_Veh_Dam_full)) %>%
  select(countyname, state, urban, vmt, G_Veh_Dam_full)
GVeh %>%
  filter(model=="2014 Ford Focus ") %>%
  top_n(-10, G_Veh_Dam_full) %>%
  arrange(G_Veh_Dam_full) %>%
  select(countyname, state, urban, vmt, G_Veh_Dam_full)

We can see that all of the high damage counties are urban counties and all of the low damage counties are more rural regions. This has two reasons: Firstly, fuel consumption and therefore emissions of a gasoline car are higher when it is driven in urban areas. Secondly, most of the environmental damages come from the impact of local pollutants in densely populated areas. As gasoline cars release pollutants directly at the place where they are driven, these pollutants have a larger impact when the car is driven in places where more people live. You will learn more about this in Exercise 2.3, where I describe how Holland et al. mapped emissions of local pollutants into monetary damages.

As we have a good overview of the data on gasoline vehicles by now, we will have a detailed look on electric vehicles in the next exercise.

< award "Expert on Gasoline Vehicle Damages"

You learned how to use the basic functions of the dplyr package to analyze gasoline vehicle damages.


Exercise 2 -- Examining Electric Vehicle Damages

In the following exercises, we want to derive the environmental damages caused by electric cars and analyze them. This will allow us to compare gasoline and electric vehicle damages later on. Our approach to compute electric vehicle damages involves several steps:

Let's get started.

Exercise 2.1 -- Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles

In this exercise, we determine how much energy an electric car uses to drive one mile. As a basis, we use the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) fuel efficiency data base for 2014, which contains eleven pure electric cars. Let's load the data on these cars and have a quick look inside.

Task: Load the data set electriccars.Rds into a variable EVeh and show it.

#< task
# ... <- readRDS("./Data/...")
# ...
EVeh <- readRDS("./Data/electriccars.Rds")
#< add_to_hint
display("You have to fill in the right variable name at the front and the right file name at the back.")

The unit of energy consumption is kilowatt hours per mile and ranges from 0.28 for the Chevy Spark EV to 0.54 for the BYD e6.

We could already use these numbers, but there is one problem: In contrast to gasoline vehicles, the energy consumption of electric cars is dependent on the outside temperature. This is mostly due to a decrease in battery performance and a higher demand for heating and air conditioning under very hot and very cold conditions. As we want to compare the environmental damages of electric cars across counties and the temperatures in the U.S. vary considerably between counties, we should correct for the resulting difference in energy consumption. If you want to skip this step, you can proceed to the next exercise. You will still be able to understand the following parts without this exercise about the temperature adjustment.

The energy consumption values (in kilowatt hours per mile) in the EPA data base are given for a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

< quiz "Fahrenheit vs Celsius"

question: What do you think, how many degrees Celsius are 68 degrees Fahrenheit? sc: - 0°C - 20°C* - 40°C success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


Let's denote such an energy consumption value at 68 degrees Fahrenheit with $E_{68}$. It can be computed via $$E_{68} = \frac{C}{R_{68}},$$ where C is the battery capacity of the car (in kilowatt hours) and $R_{68}$ is the range (in miles) at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Our aim is to compute a temperature-adjusted energy consumption $\tilde{E}$ for each car in every county. As an input, we take results from a study by Meyer at al. (2012). At 19.4 degrees Fahrenheit (-7 degrees Celsius), they found a range loss of 20 percent with the heat turned off and a range loss of 45 percent with the heat turned on. As we have no further information on heat usage, we average for a range loss of 33 percent.

To use this information, Holland et al. model the range of the car depending on the outside temperature using a Gaussian function: $$R(T)=R_{68} \cdot e^{- \frac{(T-68)^2}{y}}.$$ Here $y$ is a parameter, which we fit according to the range loss data from Meyer at al. (2012) in the following way. The relative range loss is $$\frac{R(19.4)-R_{68}}{R_{68}}=-0.33 \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \frac{R(19.4)}{R_{68}}=0.67.$$ If we put this into the function $R(T)$ for $T=19.4$, we get $$0.67=e^{- \frac{(19.4-68)^2}{y}} \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad y=-\frac{(19.4-68)^2}{log(0.67)}.$$

We can now plot the function using the package ggplot2 and see how it looks like.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
y <- -1*(19.4-68)^2/log(1-0.33)

ggplot(data.frame(x=c(-60, 200)), aes(x)) +
  stat_function(fun=function(x) exp(-(x-68)^2/y)) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 68, linetype="dotted", color = "blue") + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0, 68, 100, 200)) +
  ggtitle("Relative Range of an Electric Car at Different Temperatures") +
  xlab("Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit") +
  ylab("Relative Range")

As you can see, the value at x=68 is 1, which means we have full range at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The graph is symmetric around 68, implying that colder and warmer temperatures have an equal effect.

Now we can compute the adjusted energy consumption (in kilowatt hours per mile) for month $j$ with temperature $T_j$ using the formula $$\tilde{E_j} = \frac{C}{R(T_j)} = E_{68}\frac{R_{68}}{R(T_j)}.$$ To come to our final value $\tilde{E}$, we have to make one more assumption:

The number of miles driven per day is constant for every day of the year.

Using this, we can average over the monthly energy consumption values weighted by the number of days $d_j$ each month has: $$\tilde{E}=\frac{1}{\sum_{j=1}^{12}d_j}\sum_{j=1}^{12}d_j \tilde{E_j} = \frac{1}{\sum_{j=1}^{12}d_j}\sum_{j=1}^{12}d_j \cdot E_{68}\cdot{e^{\frac{(T_j-68)^2}{y}}}.$$

This representation allows us to compute temperature-adjusted energy consumption values from actual data. We therefore load another data set called TempMonth.Rds, which contains the average daily maximum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit for each month in every county.

Task: Use the head() command to show the first few rows of the data set temp. As you should be quite familiar with the procedure of loading data by now, I have already entered the correct command for that part.

#< task
# temp <- readRDS("./Data/TempMonth.Rds")
# ...
temp <- readRDS("./Data/TempMonth.Rds")

The first row can be interpreted as follows: The value for monthcode is 1, which stands for January. January has 31 days, which can be seen in the column days. The average daily maximum temperature in Autauga County, Alabama, for January is 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius).

Now we combine the two data frames EVeh and temp into one using the merge() command. This will allow us to correct the energy consumption of each of the eleven electric cars for every month in every county.

< info "merge()"

The command merge() combines two data frames, given as the first two arguments, into one. If the data frames have a common column to be joined by, this column can be specified by using the by="columnname" argument. Otherwise, every possible combination of rows will be created. Note that the resulting data frame can be very large.

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(merge).


Task: Use the merge() command to combine the two data frames temp and EVeh into a new data frame EVeh, which contains every possible combination of rows from the two input data frames. Use the head() command to show the first few rows of the resulting data set. Note that the calculation might take a few seconds.

#< task
# EVeh <- ...
# head(...)
EVeh <- merge(temp, EVeh)

In the next step, we use the formula we derived above to adjust the column kwhrsmile according to the respective monthly temperatures in the counties.

Task: Assign the correct value to the parameter $y$. You can find the formula above. The command for the transformation of the energy consumption is already entered. It is basically the inner part of the sum in the formula above. The weighted sum over the months will be computed afterwards.

#< task
# y <- ...
# EVeh$kwhrsmile <- EVeh$kwhrsmile*exp((EVeh$avgdailymaxairtemperaturef-68)^2/y)
y <- -1*(19.4-68)^2/log(1-0.33)
EVeh$kwhrsmile <- EVeh$kwhrsmile*exp((EVeh$avgdailymaxairtemperaturef-68)^2/y)

The last step is now to take, for each car and every county, the average of the monthly energy consumption values, weighted with the number of days the respective month has. This is most easily done using the commands group_by() and summarize() from the dplyr package, which you already know from Exercise 1.

Task: First, group the data frame EVeh by the variables electriccar and fips. Then, use the summarize command to create a new column avg_kwhrsmile by computing the average of the variable kwhrsmile weighted by days. Assign the resulting data frame to Eveh2. To do so, build a command chain connected using the pipe operator %>%. The structure of the command chain is already given. Show the first few rows of the resulting data frame using the head() command.

#< task
# EVeh2 <- EVeh %>%
#         ...  %>%
#         summarize(avg_kwhrsmile = weighted.mean(..., ...))
# ...

EVeh2 <- EVeh %>%
          group_by(electriccar, fips) %>%
          summarise(avg_kwhrsmile = weighted.mean(kwhrsmile, days))

As you can see, we now have temperature-adjusted energy consumption values for each car in every county, represented again by the FIPS county code. The values for a given car (like the BYD e6 in the first rows) only differ slightly between counties.

As a next step, we have to estimate the emissions caused by the electricity usage of electric cars. We will do this in the next exercise.

Exercise 2.2 -- Econometric Analysis: Marginal Emissions from Electricity Use

This exercise shows, how Holland et al. estimate the emissions caused by an increase in electricity usage. They perform an econometric analysis to estimate the so-called marginal emission factors. The analysis reflects which power plants respond to an increase in electricity usage due to electric vehicle charging in a specific location, depending on the load level. For each pollutant and every power plant, the marginal emission factors state the increase in emissions for using an additional kilowatt hour of electricity in a specific region at a certain time of the day (so the unit is tons per kilowatt hours).

First, let me explain the spatial scale of the analysis. The electricity grid in the contiguous U.S. can be divided into three interconnections: the Eastern, the Western and the Texas interconnection. There is no substantial electricity flow between these interconnections, so Holland et al. model them separately. Within an interconnection, they assume that electricity consumed can be provided by any power plant within the same interconnection. The three interconnections can further be divided into nine NERC regions (following the North American Electric Reliability Corporation). The marginal emission factors are estimated on the scale of these NERC regions. This implies that two electric vehicles charged in different counties of a given NERC region have the same marginal emission factors.

The data which Holland et al. use to perform the analysis consists of hourly emissions for the pollutants CO2, SO2, NOx and PM2.5 for the years 2010 to 2012 at 1,486 power plants throughout the nine NERC regions, as well as hourly electricity loads in these regions. Holland et al. excluded the weekends to focus on working days. Note that, according to Holland et al., VOC emissions are negligible in this context because power plants only account for 0.25% of all VOC emissions. As you can imagine, this data set is huge. In this exercise, we therefore restrict our analysis to the Texas Interconnection, which has the advantage that it consists of a single NERC region. This region is either called TRE for Texas Reliability Entity or ERCOT for Electric Reliability Council of Texas. Even then, our data set contains almost 1.6 million observations. Note that Holland et al. did not provide any code or data related to the regression analysis. As the data source they gave was not available anymore, I collected data from several sources to be able to reproduce parts of their analysis. Hourly emissions for CO2, SO2 and NOx were provided by the EPA Air Markets Program, emissions for PM2.5 by the EPA National Emissions Inventory and hourly load data for the ERCOT region on the ERCOT website. To be able to combine the different data sets, I also used the National Electric Energy Data System (NEEDS) database. You can find the R code I used to prepare the regression data on GitHub.

(Source: NERC)

For the ERCOT region, the basic part of the regression in Holland et al. is the following:

$$y_{i,t,p} = \sum_{h=0}^{23}\beta_{i,h,p}HOUR_hLOAD_t+\epsilon_{i,t,p}$$

Here the dependent variable $y_{i,t,p}$ is power plant $i$'s hourly emission of pollutant $p$ (CO2, SO2, NOx or PM2.5) at time $t$. It is regressed on the electricity load interacting with the hour of the day. For every power plant and each pollutant, this results in 24 different coefficients, one for each hour of the day. This approach allows us to account for different charging profiles, which determine at which times of the day the electric car is charged. We will compare several charging profiles in Exercise 2.4.

To account for seasonal changes that affect hourly electricity consumption, Holland et al. include fixed effects for each combination of hour and month. If you want more detailed information on the general fixed effects model, see for example Greene (2012), pp. 399 ff. The full regression equation then is the following:

$$y_{i,t,p} = \sum_{h=1}^{24}\beta_{i,h,p}HOUR_hLOAD_t+\sum_{h=1}^{24}\sum_{m=1}^{36}\alpha_{i,h,m}HOUR_hMONTH_m+\epsilon_{i,t,p}$$

As an example, we run the regression with actual data from the Coleto Creek Power Station near Fannin, Texas, and only look at CO2 emissions. I have already filtered the data set accordingly so you don't have to load large amounts of unused data. The following chunk loads the data set reg_data.Rds into the variable data and shows the first few rows using the command head().

Task: Just press check.

#< task
data <- readRDS("./Data/reg_data.Rds")

The first row means that on 1st January 2010 between midnight and 1:00 a.m., Coleto Creek Power Station produced 650 Megawatt hours of electricity and emitted 675.4 tons of CO2. The electricity load in the ERCOT region between midnight and 1:00 a.m. was 32,094,064 kilowatt, which means that during that hour 32,094,064 kilowatt hours of electricity have been consumed.

To further analyze the raw data, the following code chunk draws three plots. The first one shows the load in the ERCOT region during the third week of 2010. The second chart shows the electricity generation at Coleto Creek power station during the same time and the third one the corresponding CO2 emissions at Coleto Creek. The package gridExtra is used to arrange the plots next to each other.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest

plot1 <- ggplot(data=data[265:384,], aes(x=time, y=load)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  ylim(0,40000000) + 
  xlab("Time") + 
  ylab("Load in kW") + 
  ggtitle("Load in ERCOT Region")

plot2 <- ggplot(data=data[265:384,], aes(x=time, y=grossgen_MWh)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  ylim(0,700) + 
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Gross Generation in MW") + 
  ggtitle("Electricity Generation at Coleto Creek")

plot3 <- ggplot(data=data[265:384,], aes(x=time, y=CO2_tons)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  ylim(0,700) + 
  xlab("Time") + 
  ylab("CO2 Emission Rate in tons/hour") + 
  ggtitle("CO2 Emissions at Coleto Creek")

grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, plot3, ncol=3)

In the first plot, you can see a typical load profile with periodic declines during night time. The electricity generation at Coleto Creek power station, which can be seen in the second plot, is mostly stable during the whole week. There are only three minor drops of about 30 MW, which seem to correspond to drops in the load chart. The CO2 emissions follow the electricity generation with some disturbance.

< quiz "Coleto Creek"

question: From what you have seen to this point, do you think Coleto Creek Power Station is a base load or a peaking power plant? If you do not know what that means, you can first have a look at the info box below. sc: - base load* - peaking success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


< info "Base Load vs. Peaking"

Base load power plants are power plants which operate continuously. They only stop for maintenance or due to unexpected disturbances. Typical examples of base load power plants are coal-fired and nuclear power stations.

Peaking power plants typically only run when there is a high demand for electricity. Gas-fired power plants are often peaking power plants.


The plots indeed suggest that Coleto Creek is a base load power plant, as it runs during low and high load periods with almost no variation in electricity generation.

Let's now perform the actual regression. We use the command felm() from the package lfe to incorporate the fixed effects into the model. If you are not familiar with its usage, have a look at the info box.

< info "felm()"

The command felm() from the package lfe is used to fit linear regression models. It is very similar to the basic R command lm(), but optimized to include fixed effects into the model. As an input, you give a formula describing the model and the data set. The most important difference is that you can easily add factors as fixed effects after a pipe "|" symbol. The syntax looks as follows:

felm(y ~ x | z , data = ...)

where y is the independent variable, x an explanatory variable and z the factor to be projected out.

There are quite a few more things you can do with the felm() command, but we do not need them here. If you are interested in more detailed information on the syntax and usage, call help(felm).


Task: Perform the regression described in the equation above using the command felm() from the package lfe. Save the result in a variable called model.

#< task
# library(lfe)
# ... <- felm(CO2_tons ~ OP_HOUR : load | ... : ... , data=data)
model <- felm(CO2_tons ~ OP_HOUR : load | OP_HOUR : OP_MONTH, data=data)

< award "Linear Regression Expert"

You successfully used the package lfe to perform a linear regression with fixed effects.


Task: Use the command stargazer() from the identically named package to show a summary of the model. You can use the stargazer() command just like the basic summary() command. I have added a few additional parameters. Show 9 decimal places using the parameter digits.

#< task
# library(stargazer)
# ...(..., digits=..., type="html", report="vc*")
stargazer(model, digits=9, type="html", report="vc*")

Now don't be afraid of the rather large output. For the most part, it is the 24 coefficients for the different hours of the day. If we take for example the coefficient labeled with "OP_HOUR0:load", the table gives an estimate of 0.000004826. That means 0.000004826 tons or 4.826 grams of CO2 would be emitted additionally at Coleto Creek Power Station if the electricity demand within the ERCOT region increased by 1 kWh between midnight and 1:00 a.m. The number seems very small, but you have to consider that

  1. there are many other power plants within the ERCOT region which will also have increased emissions.

  2. these are only CO2 emissions, neglecting the local pollutants SO2, NOx and PM2.5.

  3. one kWh is not a very large amount of electricity. For comparison, the Tesla Model S is available with a 85 kWh battery.

Most of the coefficients are significant on the 1% or the 5% level. From 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., significance levels are tendentially lower, so our coefficients are less significant during daytime. To find out why this is the case, we can further analyze the coefficients.

Let's plot a simple bar chart to visualize the variation of the coefficients over the time of the day. From now on, we also refer to the coefficients as emission factors.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
dat <- data.frame(hour = 1:24, CO2_tons = model$beta)
dat$CO2_grams <- dat$CO2_tons*1000000
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = factor(hour), y = CO2_grams)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
  ggtitle("Marginal Emission Factors for CO2 at Coleto Creek Power Station") +
  xlab("Hour of the Day") +
  ylab("CO2 Emission Factors (in g/kWh)")

What is noticeable is that the emission factors for Coleto Creek Power Station are much higher during the early hours of the day (from midnight to 6:00 a.m.). To find out why this is the case, we can have a look at the average load in the ERCOT region for each hour of the day.

Task: Use a dplyr chain to calculate the mean load for each hour of the day from the data frame data. Save the result in a data frame loadkW. The basic structure of the solution is already given.

#< task
# loadkW <- ... %>%
#   group_by(...) %>%
#   summarize(avg_load = ...(load))
loadkW <- data %>%
  group_by(OP_HOUR) %>%

Task: Use the command mutate from the package dplyr to transform the average load data from kilowatt to Gigawatt and show it.

< info "mutate() and transmute()"

The mutate() command adds a column to an existing data frame. If you have, for example, a data frame dat with the columns A and B, which both contain numeric values, you can add a column C with the sum of the two values as follows.

dat <- mutate(dat, C = A+B)

The command transmute() works similarly, except that all columns except the ones mentioned in the command are dropped.

If you want more detailed information on the syntax and usage of the command, call help(mutate).


#< task
# loadGW <- ...(load, avg_load = avg_load/...)
# ...
loadGW <- mutate(loadkW, avg_load = avg_load/1000000)

The unit of the load data now is Gigawatt. As you can see, the average load reaches from 29 Gigawatts in the early morning (3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.) to 44 Gigawatts in the afternoon (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Now let's use this information and plot the emission factors and the average load together in a single plot. Maybe we can find a connection between the two. In the following code chunk, a data frame with the necessary information is created and then a helper function dp (for dual plot) is used to display emission factors and average load over the same x-axis but with different y-scales.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
dp <- dget("dp.R")
data <- data.frame(hour = 1:24, 
                   CO2_tons = model$beta, 
data$CO2_grams <- data$CO2_tons*1000000

dp(x1 = data$hour, 
   y1 = data$CO2_grams,
   x2 = data$hour, 
   y2 = data$avg_load, 
   xlab = "Hour of the Day",
   ylab1 = "Emission Factors (in g/kWh)", 
   ylab2 = "Average Load (in GW)",
   legx = "topright", 
   main = "Emission Factors vs. Average Load")

It seems like the emission factors of Coleto Creek Power Station are especially high when the load is below a certain threshold. To explain why this is the case, remember that we presumed that Coleto Creek is a base load power plant. At this point, I can tell you that it is indeed a coal-fired power plant. Coal-fired power plants are typical base load power plants because they take a long time to start up and shut down. When the demand for electricity is high, base load power plants usually run at full load. If then the demand for electricity increases, it is most likely a peaking power plant like a gas-fired power station that will increase its production. Therefore, a gas-fired power plant has higher emission factors during high demand periods. The coal-fired plant reacts, if at all, during periods with very low demand when only base load plants are running. This is the reason why the emission factors of the coal-fired Coleto Creek Power Station are highest during low load periods. It also explains why the emission factors are less significant in the daytime.

Now that we understood the results for Coleto Creek Power Station, I will shortly explain how Holland et al. proceeded to obtain all the necessary data. The regression we did for the CO2 emission factors at Coleto Creek Power Station has to be repeated for all the other power plants in the ERCOT region and then again for the remaining three pollutants, yielding the results for the ERCOT region. For the remaining eight regions, there is an analogous procedure. These steps require large computational resources, much of the data is unavailable and it does not contribute much to our understanding, which is the reason why we don't do it here.

At this point, we have values for energy consumption of electric cars from Exercise 2.1 and in this exercise, we estimated the emissions caused by additional energy consumption in form of the marginal emission factors. The next step is to map these emissions into monetary damages. For CO2, damages are valuated via the EPA Social Cost of Carbon estimate. For the local pollutants, we use the so-called AP2 model. You will learn more about this model in the next exercise.

Exercise 2.3 -- Mapping Emissions into Damages: The AP2 Model

In this exercise, we have a look at the so-called AP2 model, which was developed by Muller et al. (2011). It is an integrated assessment model, which means it integrates several scientific domains and aims to provide knowledge for policy making. Its purpose is to map emissions of local pollutants into monetary damages. It has been used by Holland et al. in a way that allows us to transform the marginal emissions we estimated in Exercise 2.2 into marginal damages. However, due to its interdisciplinary and complex nature, it would be far beyond the scope of this problem set to actually implement and use the model. Therefore, I will only explain how it works so you can understand the approach. We will then use the results provided by Holland et al. to go on with our analysis on electric vehicle damages in the next exercise.

Stage 1: From Emissions to Ambient Concentrations

The first part of the AP2 model is an air quality model. As an input, it uses emissions of SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and VOCs from 10,000 sources of air pollution in the contiguous U.S. reported to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). These sources are modeled on three different levels:

  1. Large stationary point sources: There are 656 of those and they are all modeled individually. That means their geographic location and the height at which their emissions occur is distinct for each of them. These are mostly power plants.

  2. Smaller stationary point sources: Emissions of smaller stationary sources are not spatially individually modeled, but are attributed to the population-weighted centroid of the county they occur in. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, these centers of population are the points at which an imaginary, weightless and flat surface representation of the counties would balance if weights of equal size were placed on it so that each weight represented the location of one person. However, just like with the large stationary point sources, it is differentiated between the heights at which their emissions occur because this is a very important factor for the dispersion of pollutants. Examples for such smaller stationary sources are medium-sized industries or cogeneration units in large buildings.

  3. Ground-level sources: There is no individual data on these emissions. They are simply attributed to the county of their origin and the AP2 model handles them in a way that reflects their distributed nature and the low release point of the pollutants. Among these sources are vehicles, households and small industries without an individually monitored smokestack.

Using this, the air quality model maps emissions into ambient concentrations in the 3,110 counties of the contiguous U.S. In doing so, it captures the complex chemical and physical relationships between the pollutants. According to Muller (2011), the results match actual measurements from the receptor locations in the counties rather well.

Stage 2: From Ambient Concentrations to Exposures

To determine the physical consequences of pollutants, it is important to consider where they take effect. The main impacts in the model are human health effects and crop and timber yields. See Muller and Mendelsohn (2007) for more details. To assess these effects, one has to link the spatial distribution of their underlying factors to ambient concentrations of pollutants. The AP2 model therefore uses county-level population data from the U.S. Census and crop and timber yields reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to calculate exposures on plants and humans.

Stage 3: From Exposures to Monetary Damages

The third stage of the model is an economic valuation model. It uses concentration-response functions to evaluate the physical effects of exposure to the pollutants. Then, it assigns monetary values to these effects. The outputs are monetary damages in U.S. dollars. The biggest share of the damages is due to an increase in adult mortality risks. As an example, you can see a concentration-response function for PM2.5, which maps ambient concentrations of PM2.5 to the logarithm of relative mortality rates (RR). A relative mortality rate of 1 (resulting in a log RR of 0) means that the mortality risk is equal to that of a certain baseline. As you can see, both the functions for all-cause mortality and for lung cancer mortality are increasing with air concentrations of PM2.5. Pope et al. (2002) estimate an increase of 4% in all-cause relative mortality risk for each $10\space\mu g/m^3$ elevation in PM2.5 air pollution.

(Source: Pope et al. (2002))

To assign monetary damages to these risks, the AP2 model uses a value of 810 dollars per 0.0001 change in mortality risk, following the EPA. This results in a so-called value of a statistical life (VSL) of 8,100,000 dollars.

The effects on crop and timber yields are much simpler to value, as you can just use market prices.

Summing up all of these damages over each local pollutant and in every receptor county yields the final full emission damages.

Stage 4: From Damages to Marginal Damages

In fact, we are not really interested in the actual emission damages that occur in the U.S. What we want are marginal damages, i.e. how would the full emission damages change if one ton of a certain pollutant was additionally emitted at a specific power plant. Therefore it is necessary to use the AP2 model in the following way:

  1. First, the AP2 model is run once just like described above, to obtain baseline emission damages.

  2. Then, the model is re-run, but a ton of one of the pollutants is added to the reported emissions at a particular power plant.

  3. The baseline emission damages (step 1) are subtracted from the emission damages of the plus-one-ton case (step 2). This yields the full marginal emission damages for the specific pollutant which was added at that power plant.

  4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for all combinations of pollutants and power plants.

This yields the final results.

If you want to test your knowledge from this exercise, feel free te solve the quizzes below. In the next exercise, we will combine the findings from Exercises 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 to finally calculate electric vehicle damages.

< quiz "AP2 model 1"

question: Which of the following statements are correct? mc: - The pollution from each car is modeled individually. - The pollution from large power plants is modeled individually. - Chemical and Physical relationships between the pollutants are modeled. success: Great, all answers are correct! failure: Not all answers correct. Try again.


< quiz "AP2 model 2"

question: Which of the following statements are correct? mc: - The AP2 model considers pollution effects on human health. - The AP2 model considers pollution effects on crop yields. - The AP2 model considers pollution effects on climate change. success: Great, all answers are correct! failure: Not all answers correct. Try again.


< quiz "AP2 model 3"

question: Which of the following statements are correct? mc: - The AP2 model valuates mortality risks using the value of a statistical life. - The AP2 model valuates crop yields using market prices. - The AP2 model is run multiple times to obtain marginal damages.* success: Great, all answers are correct! failure: Not all answers correct. Try again.


< award "Expert on the AP2 model"

You understood the basics of the AP2 model and how it is used to valuate marginal damages from local pollutants.


Exercise 2.4 -- Electric Vehicle Damages

In this exercise, we combine our previous results to calculate electric vehicle damages. In a first step, we use the marginal emissions of CO2, which we calculated in Exercise 2.2, to calculate marginal damages using the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). We add these marginal damages to the marginal damages of the local pollutants, which we received from the AP2 model in Exercise 2.3. Remember that the marginal damages at this point are given separately for each hour of the day. This allows us to combine the marginal damages with different charging profiles. Last, we use the values for electric vehicle energy consumption from Exercise 2.1 to receive our final values.

To better understand the connection between the last exercises, let's have a look at the units of the respective results:

  1. Exercise 2.1 yielded energy consumption values in kilowatt hours per mile.

  2. In Exercise 2.2, we estimated marginal emission factors with the unit tons per kilowatt hour.

  3. Exercise 2.3 mapped emissions into damages. The resulting unit was dollars per ton.

  4. Combining theses units, Exercise 2.4 will result in $\frac{kWh}{mile}\cdot\frac{ton}{kWh}\cdot\frac{dollar}{ton} = \frac{dollar}{mile}.$

Due to computational restrictions and limited data availability, we computed the marginal emissions in Exercise 2.2 by the example of a single power plant in the Texas Interconnection. Also remember that we explained the AP2 model in Exercise 2.3, but could not actually implement it because of its complexity. Therefore, we use intermediate results provided by Holland et al. to start with this exercise. For CO2, these results are the marginal emission factors from Exercise 2.2, which we transform into marginal damages (in dollars per ton) using the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). For the local pollutants, we start with the combined output of the linear model in Exercise 2.2 and the AP2 model in Exercise 2.3.

First, we have a look at the marginal emissions of CO2. The next chunk loads the data set ME_e_co2_kwh.Rds into a variable called ME_e_co2_kwh and shows it.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
ME_e_co2_kwh <- readRDS("./Data/ME_e_co2_kwh.Rds")

For each hour of the day, we have marginal emission factors for CO2 (in tons per kilowatt hour) in the different NERC regions. So, for example, the first entry in the ercot column means that between midnight and 1:00 a.m. 0.00058 tons of CO2 are additionally emitted on average if the demand for electricity increases by 1 kilowatt hour in the ERCOT region. The values in the first column are basically the same as our final output in Exercise 2.2, except that we calculated the emission factors for only one power plant in the ERCOT region, and the values here are summed up over all power plants within the ERCOT region. The other columns of the data set simply contain values for the other NERC regions.

Let's now transform these marginal emissions into marginal damages. To do so, we use the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) values from the EPA website. They give a SCC estimate of 36 dollars for 2015 for a 3 percent discount rate. However, the value is given in 2007 dollars. As our year of analysis is 2014, we adjust this value using the US consumer price index. For 2014, the index noted 236.736 and the 2007 value was 207.3. This results in a factor of $\frac{236.736}{207.3}\approx1.14$. So the SCC value in 2014 dollars is $36*1.14=41$. Note that we will compare the results for different SCC values in Exercise 6. The transformation itself is now very simple.

Task: Create a variable SCC with the value 41 and multiply the data frame ME_e_co2_kwh with the variable SCC. Safe the result in a variable called MD_e_co2_kwh. Note that the column hour doesn't make sense anymore after the operation. As the information is redundant anyway (the first row corresponds to the first hour, and so on), we can simply remove it.

#< task
# SCC <- ...
# ME_e_co2_kwh <- select(ME_e_co2_kwh, ercot, wecc, frcc, miso, npcc, rfc, serc, spp, ca)
# MD_e_co2_kwh <- ... * ...
SCC <- 41
ME_e_co2_kwh <- select(ME_e_co2_kwh, ercot, wecc, frcc, miso, npcc, rfc, serc, spp, ca)
MD_e_co2_kwh <- ME_e_co2_kwh*SCC

Now we have marginal damage values for CO2. For the local pollutants, Holland et al. already give marginal damages in dollars per kilowatt hour as a combined output of the regression analysis and the AP2 model. The next chunk loads the data set MD_e_local_kwh.Rds, stores it in a variable called MD_e_local_kwh and shows it.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD_e_local_kwh <- readRDS("./Data/MD_e_local_kwh.Rds")

As you can see, it looks exactly like the data frame MD_e_co2_kwh. Only this time, we already have marginal damages and the values for the three pollutants SO2, NOx and PM2.5 have been summed up. To obtain the final data set, we can simply add the two data frames together. Note that adding data frames is not the best idea in most cases since the columns can contain very different types of data. In our case, however, all entries are numeric and the structure of the two data frames is the same, so we can basically treat them like matrices. We just have to remove the column hour from the data frame MD_e_local_kwh first.

Task: Remove the column hour from the data frame MD_e_local_kwh, compute the sum of the two data frames MD_e_local_kwh and MD_e_co2_kwh and safe the result in a data frame called MD_e_kwh_hrs.

#< task
# MD_e_local_kwh <- select(MD_e_local_kwh, ercot, wecc, frcc, miso, npcc, rfc, serc, spp, ca)
#... <- MD_e_local_kwh + ...
MD_e_local_kwh <- select(MD_e_local_kwh, ercot, wecc, frcc, miso, npcc, rfc, serc, spp, ca)
MD_e_kwh_hrs <- MD_e_local_kwh + MD_e_co2_kwh

Now we have successfully combined the results of Exercises 2.2 and 2.3. However, the marginal damages are still given separately for each hour of the day. What we rather want is a single value for each region. To obtain this, we have to assume charging profiles for the electric cars. A charging profile is simply a vector containing weights for each hour of the day. The weights tell the percentage of electricity that is charged during that specific hour. Let's have a look at some different charging profiles.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
ChargeProf <- readRDS("./Data/ChargeProf.Rds")
select(ChargeProf, hour, flat, prof14, EPRIProf)

The first profile called flat is very straight forward. Every weight is the same, implying that the same amount of electricity is charged during every hour of the day. The second profile, prof14, has weights of 0 except for the first four hours of the day. In total, there are six profiles of this type. They can later be used to tell whether it is beneficial to charge electric cars during a specific time frame in the day. The last profile is the so-called EPRI charging profile EPRIProf reported by the Electric Power Research Institute. Let's plot the EPRI charging profile in a bar chart.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
ggplot (data = ChargeProf, aes(x = factor(1:24), y = EPRIProf)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  ggtitle("The EPRI Charging Profile") +
  xlab("Hour of the Day") +
  ylab("Charging Fraction") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)

The profile assumes that most electricity is charged during the night and in the early morning. The charging load is minimal during commute time and there is a medium load during the day due to public or workplace charging.

We now apply the charging profiles to our data set. That means, for each NERC region, we calculate the mean over the hours of the day, weighted with the corresponding charging profiles. To assess the importance of the assumed charging profile, we follow Holland et al. and use a total of eight different charging profiles to compute the weighted mean. As our data frames only contain numeric values, they can be seen as matrices. This makes it far easier for us to calculate the eight weighted means for all of the regions: It is simply a matrix multiplication. To understand how this works, let me give you a simple example.

Consider the following two data frames:


For simplicity, we only have two hours in this setting. Think of A and B as different regions and X and Y as two charging profiles. We are interested in the following weighted means:

$$\begin{split} & A|X: \quad 0.5 \cdot 2 + 0.5 \cdot 4 \quad & = 3 \\ & A|Y: \quad 1 \cdot 2 + 0 \cdot 4 & = 2 \\ & B|X: \quad 0.5 \cdot 6 + 0.5 \cdot 3 & = 4.5 \\ & B|Y: \quad 1 \cdot 6 + 0 \cdot 3 & = 6 \\ \end{split}$$

To calculate these values using matrix multiplication, leave the column hour away and consider the two data frames as matrices

$$\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 6 \\ 4 & 3 \end{pmatrix} \text{ and } \begin{pmatrix} 0.5 & 1 \\ 0.5 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.$$

Then the weighted means from above can simply be calculated by multiplying the transposition of the first matrix with the second:

$$\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 6 \\ 4 & 3 \end{pmatrix}^T \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 0.5 & 1 \\ 0.5 & 0 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 4 \\ 6 & 3 \end{pmatrix} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 0.5 & 1 \\ 0.5 & 0 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 3 & 2 \\ 4.5 & 6 \end{pmatrix}$$

Now we follow the same procedure, but with our actual data. The data frame ChargeProf still contains a column hour, which we need to remove to perform the matrix multiplication. Therefore, we select all the columns except the column hour.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
ChargeProf <- select(ChargeProf, EPRIProf, flat, prof14, prof58, prof912, prof1316, prof1720, prof2124)

Task: Use the command as.matrix() to convert the data frames MD_e_kwh_hrs and ChargeProf into matrices and save the result in data frames MD_e_kwh_hrs_m and ChargeProf_m, respectively.

#< task
# MD_e_kwh_hrs_m <- as.matrix(...)
# ...
MD_e_kwh_hrs_m <- as.matrix(MD_e_kwh_hrs)
ChargeProf_m <- as.matrix(ChargeProf)

Now it follows the main part, the matrix multiplication. To get dimensions right, MD_e_kwh_hrs_m has to be transposed by simply using t(). The matrix multiplication in R is performed with the %*% operator.

Task: Multiply the transposition of MD_e_kwh_hrs_m with ChargeProf_m and save the result as MD_e_kwh.

#< task
# ... <- t(...) %*% ...
MD_e_kwh <- t(MD_e_kwh_hrs_m) %*% ChargeProf_m

As a last step, we convert the resulting matrix MD_e_kwh back to a data frame using the command and add a column with the names of the NERC regions, which are currently saved as the rownames() of MD_e_kwh.

Task: Convert the matrix MD_e_kwh into a data frame, add a column NERC which contains the row names of MD_e_kwh and show the result.

#< task
# MD_e_kwh <-
# MD_e_kwh$... <- rownames(...)
# ...
MD_e_kwh <-
MD_e_kwh$NERC <- rownames(MD_e_kwh)

What this table tells us are the marginal damages (in dollars per kilowatt hour) for eight different charging profiles in each of the nine NERC regions. This, however, is still not the final result, as we are interested in dollars per mile. To perform this last step, we combine the table with the results from Exercise 2.1. We will then later see a similar table, but in dollars per mile, and then discuss its implications.

To refresh our memory as to what the data set from Exercise 2.1 looks like, we load it in and have a quick look at it. The following chunk loads the data set EVeh2.Rds into a variable EVeh2 and shows the first few rows using the command head().

Task: Just press check.

#< task
EVeh2 <- readRDS("./Data/EVeh2.Rds")

As you can see, we have electricity consumption values in kilowatt hours per mile for each car in every county. Until now, we have performed the analysis for electric vehicles on the level of NERC regions rather than counties. Therefore, the first step is to augment the data set MD_e_kwh with the FIPS county codes. For this, we use the data set fips2NERC_adj.Rds. Then, we can merge the data frames MD_e_kwh and EVeh2 using the FIPS code as a key.

Task: Load the data set fips2NERC_adj.Rds and store it in a variable called fips2NERC. Then, first merge the data sets MD_e_kwh and fips2NERC using the column NERC as a key. After that, merge the data frames MD_e_kwh and EVeh2 using the column fips as a key. In both cases, set the parameter all.y = TRUE. Show the data set using head().

#< task
#fips2NERC <- readRDS("./Data/fips2NERC_adj.Rds")
#MD_e_kwh2 <- merge(MD_e_kwh, ... , "..." , all.y = TRUE)
#MD_e_kwh3 <- ... (MD_e_kwh2, ... , "..." , ... )
# ... (MD_e_kwh3)
fips2NERC <- readRDS("./Data/fips2NERC_adj.Rds")
MD_e_kwh2 <- merge(MD_e_kwh, fips2NERC, "NERC", all.y = TRUE)
MD_e_kwh3 <- merge(MD_e_kwh2, EVeh2, "fips", all.y = TRUE)

As you can see, the table resembles the data we had in Exercise 1: We have values for the environmental damage for each car and every county. The difference is, the unit is still dollars per kilowatt hour and we have damage values for eight different charging profiles. The last column avg_kwhrsmile tells us the energy consumption of the electric cars in every county, which we calculated in Exercise 2.1. We are now only one step away from our results - we just have to multiply the damage values in the columns labelled with the different charging profiles with the energy consumption in the last column.

Task: Create a copy of the data frame MD_e_kwh3 called MD_e. Multiply the columns 3 to 10 of the data frame MD_e_kwh3 with the column avg_kwhrsmile and a factor of 100 to obtain cents per mile and save the result in MD_e. Use the head command to show the first few rows of MD_e.

#< task
# MD_e <- MD_e_kwh3
# MD_e[3:10] <- MD_e_kwh3[...]*MD_e_kwh3$... * ...
# ...
MD_e <- MD_e_kwh3
MD_e[3:10] <- MD_e_kwh3[3:10]*MD_e_kwh3$avg_kwhrsmile*100

< award "Expert on Electric Vehicle Damages Pt.1"

You successfully combined the results from several exercises to calculate the environmental damages from electric vehicles.



Let's jump straight into the next exercise to analyze our results.

Exercise 2.5 -- Analyzing Electric Vehicle Damages

In this exercise, we explore the data set on electric vehicle damages, which we calculated in the exercise before. The first chunk loads the file MD_e.Rds into a data frame MD_e and shows the first rows using the head() command.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD_e <- readRDS(file="./Data/MD_e.Rds")

The data frame contains marginal damages in cents per mile for each electric car in every county (represented by the FIPS county code), differentiated by eight charging profiles. So in the first row, we can see that a 2014 Honda Fit EV which is charged according to the EPRI charging profile in Autauga County (FIPS 1001) causes environmental damages of 2.44 cents per mile.

As a first step, we recreate Table 1 in the article by Holland et al. in order to compare the damages for the different charging profiles. Like them, we aggregate to the level of NERC regions for a better overview. To leave out differences based on the specific cars, we concentrate on the Ford Focus Electric. When we calculate means, we weight by vehicle miles travelled or VMT, like we already did in Exercise 1. We therefore add the VMT values to the data frame first.

Task: Load the file counties.Rds into a data frame counties. Then merge the data frames MD_e and counties with the column fips as a key. Use the merge() command and set the parameter all.x=TRUE. Save the result under MD_e2 and have a look at the resulting data frame using the head() command.

#< task
# counties <- readRDS(file="./Data/counties.Rds")
# MD_e <- merge(MD_e, ... , "..." , all.x= ... )
# ...
counties <- readRDS(file="./Data/counties.Rds")
MD_e2 <- merge(MD_e, counties, "fips", all.x=TRUE)

The VMT values can now be found in the column vmt. Additionally, the data set now contains information like the county names, states, and whether it is an urban county or not. Now we construct the table, once again using a dplyr chain.

Task: Build a dplyr chain using the pipe operator to accomplish the following task: Filter the data set MD_e2 for the electriccar "2014 Ford Focus Electric" and group it by NERC regions. Then, for each of the columns labelled with the charging profiles, calculate the weighted mean using the command weighted.mean() with vmt as weights . Show the result. Use the commands filter(), group_by() and summarize_at() from the package dplyr.

#< task
# MD_e2 %>%
#   filter(electriccar == "...") %>%
#   ... %>%
#   summarize_at(vars(EPRIProf, flat, prof14, prof58, prof912, prof1316, prof1720, prof2124), funs(weighted.mean(., vmt))))
MD_e2 %>%
   filter(electriccar == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
   group_by(NERC) %>%
   summarize_at(vars(EPRIProf, flat, prof14, prof58, prof912, prof1316, prof1720, prof2124), funs(weighted.mean(., vmt)))

If we have a look at the ERCOT region (Texas), the damages range from 1.0 cent when charging between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 1.5 cents between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. For other regions, the differences are a bit higher. For the MISO region (Midwest), the damages could be reduced by almost 2 cents compared to the EPRI profile by charging between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Between NERC regions, the differences are clearer. They range from 0.7 cents in California (CA) to 4.3 cents in the MISO region for the EPRI profile. These large differences are mainly due to the power plant fuel mixes in the specific regions. All in all, the variation across NERC regions is much higher than the variation across charging profiles. As the EPRI profile is the most reasonable one, we use it as the baseline charging profile from now on.

As with the gasoline vehicles, we want to visualize the electric vehicle damages on a map of the U.S. on the county level. This corresponds to the second part of Figure 1 in Holland et al. Once again, we use a dplyr chain to prepare the data for the choroplethr package. We use the data for the Ford Focus Electric together with the EPRI charging profile. Note that the calculation might take a few seconds.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
MD_e2 %>%
  filter(electriccar == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  select(region=fips, value=EPRIProf) %>%
  county_choropleth(title="Environmental Damages of a 2014 Ford Focus Electric by Counties", legend="Damage in cents/mile")

On the map you can see large areas of mostly uniform coloring. These areas correspond to the NERC regions. Within the NERC regions, the difference in damages comes solely from the temperature adjustments to the energy consumption values of the cars we made in Exercise 2.1. The very light area in the West are the regions CA and WECC, which is California and the Western Region. If you remember the picture for gasoline vehicles, we saw that the densely populated areas and cities in California were some of the highest damage regions for gasoline vehicles. So we can already tell that this might be a good spot for driving electric cars. In case you are wondering about the dappled area between the Midwest and the West, the reason for this is that the NERC regions do not follow state or county borders. Holland et al. therefore attribute borderline counties to the NERC region which serves the largest number of addresses in the county. This leads to some of the counties in this area being assigned to the Midwest, which has very large electric vehicle damages, and others being assigned to the Western Interconnection, which has very low electric vehicle damages.

As with the gasoline vehicles, let's conclude this exercise by having a look at the highest and lowest damage counties. The code is basically the same as in Exercise 1.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
MD_e2 %>%
  filter(electriccar=="2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  top_n(10, EPRIProf) %>%
  arrange(desc(EPRIProf)) %>%
  select(fips, state, countyname, urban, vmt, EPRIProf)
MD_e2 %>%
  filter(electriccar=="2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  top_n(-10, EPRIProf) %>%
  arrange(EPRIProf) %>%
  select(fips, state, countyname, urban, vmt, EPRIProf)

< award "Expert on Electric Vehicle Damages Pt.2"

You analyzed electric vehicle damages and learned about the importance of local factors.


In contrast to the gasoline vehicles, all of the highest damage counties are non-urban regions and all of the lowest damage counties are urban regions. Furthermore, all ten lowest damage counties are in California. The differences in damages are huge. The highest damage counties reach damages seven times higher than those of the lowest damage counties. In comparison, however, they have much fewer vehicle miles traveled.

To further analyze the differences between electric and gasoline vehicle damages, we will compare the two in the next exercise.

Exercise 3 -- Comparing Gasoline and Electric Vehicle Damages

In this exercise, we compare the environmental damages of gasoline and electric cars. The individual data sets have been derived in Exercises 1 and 2. During these exercises, we have seen that the environmental damages differ greatly depending on the location in which the cars are driven. Now, we ask in which counties it is beneficial to drive electric instead of gasoline powered cars. Therefore, we follow the analysis of Holland et al. and introduce the concept of environmental benefits of electric vehicles. The environmental benefits are simply the differences in damages between electric and gasoline cars. That means, if gasoline cars have higher damages in a specific county, there is a positive environmental benefit and if the electric car's damages are higher, the environmental benefit is negative. This information might help to decide whether governmental policies like subsidies for electric cars are reasonable.

Let's load in the first data set on electric vehicles. It is basically the one from last exercise, although I have restructured it a little bit to be more suitable for this exercise. The next chunk loads the file MD_e2.Rds into a data frame MD_e and shows the first rows using the head() command.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD_e <- readRDS("./Data/MD_e2.Rds")

The data frame contains environmental damages for eleven electric car models in every county of the contiguous U.S. and some information about the counties. The damages are saved in the column MD_el (marginal damages electric), and are the values we derived in Exercise 2 assuming that the electric cars are charged according to the EPRI charging profile.

The second data set we need is the one on gasoline vehicles from Exercise 1. It has been restructured to fit our current analysis, too.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD_g <- readRDS("./Data/MD_g.Rds")

The data frame contains environmental damages for different gasoline vehicles in every county of the contiguous United States, saved in the column MD_gas (marginal damages gasoline).

As already stated at the beginning of Exercise 1, Holland et al. chose the set of gasoline vehicles to best match the non-price attributes of the eleven electric cars. If a gasoline-powered version of the electric vehicle model exists, this is the natural choice, like for example for the Ford Focus Electric and the gasoline Ford Focus. Otherwise, a similar car with conventional engine has been chosen. The following table shows which gasoline car was mapped to which electric car.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
data.frame(model_e=MD_e$model_e[1:11], model_g=MD_g$model_g[1:11])

To visualize the environmental damages for the two vehicle types, we use a specific kind of plot, which is often called a bean plot due to its visual appearance. It is somewhat similar to a box plot and allows for the visual comparison of distributions. These plots can be quite easily generated using, for example, the packages beanplot or yarrr. However, these packages do not allow to draw weighted means, which we need to be able to compare U.S. average damages, weighted with county VMT, for the different car models. Therefore, I assembled my own version of a bean plot using the (almighty) package ggplot2. First, let's have a look at the gasoline vehicles.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
dat = data.frame(value=MD_g$MD_gas, group=MD_g$model_g, urban=MD_g$urban)
dat$group <- recode(dat$group,"2014 Chevy Spark " = "2014 Chevy Spark",
                    "2014 Honda Fit " = "Honda Fit",
                    "2014 Fiat 500e" = "Fiat 500e",
                    "Toyota Prius" = "Toyota Prius",
                    "Chevy Spark" = "Chevy Spark",
                    "2014 Smart fortwo coupe" = "Smart fortwo",
                    "2014 Ford Focus " = "Ford Focus",
                    "BMW 740i" = "BMW 740i",
                    "BMW 750i" = "BMW 750i",
                    "2014 Toyota Rav4 " = "2014 Toyota Rav4",
                    "Toyota Rav4" = "Toyota Rav4")
plotdat <- MD_g %>%
  group_by(model_g) %>%
  summarize(means=weighted.mean(MD_gas,vmt)) %>%
  rename(group=model_g, means=means)
plotdat <- plotdat[c(1, 4, 2, 10, 9, 5, 3, 7, 8, 6, 11),]

ggplot(data = plotdat, aes(x = group, y = means)) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=c("2014 Chevy Spark " = "2014 Chevy Spark",
                            "2014 Honda Fit " = "Honda Fit", 
                            "2014 Fiat 500e" = "Fiat 500e",
                            "Toyota Prius" = "Toyota Prius", 
                            "Chevy Spark" = "Chevy Spark",
                            "2014 Smart fortwo coupe" = "Smart fortwo", 
                            "2014 Ford Focus " = "Ford Focus",
                            "BMW 740i" = "BMW 740i",
                            "BMW 750i" = "BMW 750i",
                            "2014 Toyota Rav4 " = "2014 Toyota Rav4",
                            "Toyota Rav4" = "Toyota Rav4")) +
  geom_violin(data= dat, aes(x = group, y = value), fill = "grey60") +
  geom_jitter(data= dat, aes(x = group, y = value, colour=factor(urban)),
              shape = 1, width = .1, stroke=0.5, alpha=0.12) +
  geom_segment(aes(x=rep(1:11)-0.25, xend=rep(1:11)+0.25, yend=means),
               size=1.5) +
  guides(fill=FALSE, color=FALSE) + 
  xlab("Gasoline Car Model") +
  ylab("Environmental Damages (cents/mile)") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Gasoline Car Damages by Model")

The chart contains a bean for each car model. The scattered points represent single observations, which in our case are damage values for the various counties. The points are colored blue if the respective county is an urban county and red if the county is non-urban. From the thickness of the gray part, you can tell how many observations lie on this height of the y-scale. The black, horizontal bar shows the VMT weighted average across all of the counties.

You can see that there are many outliers with very high damage values. The highest value is represented by the height of the long spike. These high damage observations correspond to counties with very high population densities. For the highest damage car, the BMW 750i, damages reach more than 6 cents per mile. The damages of an average car, like the Ford Focus, reach from 1 to slightly above 4 cents per mile, with an average of 1.9 cents. You can see that most of the beans resemble the shape of an hour glass, so most counties belong to one of two groups. These two groups are formed by urban and non-urban counties. The group of non-urban counties, which is the lower one, contains more counties, as we can tell from the fact that the bottom part of the hour glass is thicker. However, the VMT weighted average bar lies very high, almost above the upper group. The reason for this is that the urban counties with higher population densities have higher VMT values and are therefore weighted more when calculating the average. The outliers with very high population densities and therefore very high VMT values pull the weighted average even further upwards.

Let's now have a look at the same chart, but for electric vehicles.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
dat = data.frame(value=MD_e$MD_el, group=MD_e$model_e, nerc=MD_e$NERC)
dat$group <- recode(dat$group, "2014 BYD e6" = "BYD e6",
                    "2014 Chevy Spark EV" = "Chevy Spark",
                    "2014 Fiat 500e" = "Fiat 500e",
                    "2014 Ford Focus Electric" = "Ford Focus El.",
                    "2014 Honda Fit EV" = "Honda Fit",
                    "2014 Mitsubishi i-Miev" = "Mitsubishi i-Miev",
                    "2014 Nisan Leaf" = "Nisan Leaf",
                    "2014 Smart fortwo electric coupe" = "Smart fortwo",
                    "2014 Tesla Model S (60 kW-hr)" = "Tesla S60",
                    "2014 Tesla Model S (85 kW-hr)" = "Tesla S85",
                    "2014 Toyota Rav4 EV" = "Toyota Rav4")
plotdat <- MD_e %>%
  group_by(model_e) %>%
  summarize(means=weighted.mean(MD_el,vmt)) %>%
  rename(group=model_e, means=means) %>%

ggplot(data = plotdat, aes(x = group, y = means)) +
                     c("2014 Chevy Spark EV" = "Chevy Spark",
                       "2014 Honda Fit EV" = "Honda Fit",
                       "2014 Fiat 500e" = "Fiat 500e",
                       "2014 Nisan Leaf" = "Nisan Leaf",
                       "2014 Mitsubishi i-Miev" = "Mitsubishi i-Miev",
                       "2014 Smart fortwo electric coupe" = "Smart fortwo",
                       "2014 Ford Focus Electric" = "Ford Focus El.",
                       "2014 Tesla Model S (60 kW-hr)" = "Tesla S60",
                       "2014 Tesla Model S (85 kW-hr)" = "Tesla S85",
                       "2014 Toyota Rav4 EV" = "Toyota Rav4",
                       "2014 BYD e6" = "BYD e6")) +
  geom_violin(data= dat, aes(x = group, y = value), fill="gray70") +
  geom_jitter(data= dat, aes(x = group, y = value, colour=nerc),
              shape = 1, width = .1, stroke=1, alpha=0.12) +
  geom_segment(aes(x=rep(1:11)-0.4, xend=rep(1:11)+0.4, yend=means),
               size=1.5) +
  guides(fill=FALSE, color=FALSE) + 
  xlab("Electric Car Model") +
  ylab("Environmental Damages (cents/mile)") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Electric Car Damages by Model")

The electric vehicles are in the same order as their matched gasoline ones, so the first bean here corresponds to the first bean in the plot above and so on. Here, the damages for a typical car like the Ford Focus Electric range from 0.7 to 4.7 cents per mile. The "dirtiest" electric vehicle by far is the BYD e6, reaching environmental damages of nearly 8 cents per mile. In contrast to the gasoline chart, there are hardly any outliers. This time, the color of the scattered points represents the NERC region to which the respective county belongs. You can see that the different counties in each bean can be divided into nine groups, which correspond to the nine NERC regions. The lowest group with damages well below 1 cent per mile are counties in California, the highest group corresponds to the Midwest. The U.S. average for the Electric Ford Focus is 2.6 cents per mile, which is more than the 1.9 cents per mile for the gasoline version of the same car.

< quiz "Correlation Between Damages"

question: If the damages of electric and gasoline cars were highly correlated, that means if counties with high gasoline damages also had high electric damages, etc., would you expect the environmental benefits (difference in damages) of electric cars to be rather small or large in most counties? sc: - small* - large success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


If the damages of electric and gasoline cars were highly correlated, one could expect the environmental benefits to be rather small in most counties. Let's calculate the correlation at the example of the Ford Focus.

Task: Use the filter() from the dplyr package to filter the data set MD_e for the model_e "2014 Ford Focus Electric" and the data set MD_g for the model_g "2014 Ford Focus ". Save the results in data sets temp1 and temp2 and calculate the correlation of the columns MD_el and MD_gas of the respective data sets using the function cor().

#< task
# temp1 <- filter(MD_e, model_e=="...")
# temp2 <- ...( ... , ... =="2014 Ford Focus ")
# cor(temp1$..., temp2$...)
temp1 <- filter(MD_e, model_e=="2014 Ford Focus Electric")
temp2 <- filter(MD_g, model_g=="2014 Ford Focus ")
cor(temp1$MD_el, temp2$MD_gas)

The correlation is 0.07, which is a rather small value. We can expect many counties, in which the damages of electric and gasoline cars differ quite a bit.

Now is the time to calculate the environmental benefits described above. For that purpose, we add a column to the data set MD_e which contains the difference between electric and gasoline vehicle damages. The data sets are both ordered according to the FIPS county codes and car models, so we can simply subtract the two columns.

Task: Use the command mutate() from the dplyr package to add the column MD_gas and a column envbenefits, which contains the difference of the columns MD_gas and MD_el, to the data frame MD_e. Show the resulting data frame using head().

#< task
# MD_e <- ...(MD_e, MD_gas = MD_g$MD_gas, ... = MD_gas - ...)
# ...
MD_e <- mutate(MD_e, MD_gas = MD_g$MD_gas, envbenefits = MD_gas - MD_el)

We can see that in Autauga County, Alabama, the environmental benefits of the electric cars are negative. So based on environmental damages, it is better to drive gasoline cars in that place.

Let's have a look at two more places. The first one is Los Angeles, California and the second Stearns County, Minnesota.

Task: Filter the data frame MD_e using the command filter() to only get the rows for the "2014 Ford Focus Electric" in "Los Angeles" and "Stearns" and show the result.

#< task
# filter(MD_e, countyname=="..." | ... , model_e=="...")
filter(MD_e, countyname=="Los Angeles" | countyname=="Stearns", model_e=="2014 Ford Focus Electric")

The environmental damages of gasoline and electric cars vary considerably in these two places. In Los Angeles, there are large environmental benefits of 3.2 cents per mile, whereas in Stearns, the environmental benefits of electric vehicles are negative, which means that the damages of gasoline cars are 2.9 cents per mile lower. What are the reasons for these large differences? During Exercise 1, we have already seen that areas with a high population density tend to have high damages from gasoline vehicles, as most of the damages come from the impact of local pollutants.

< quiz "Population Density"

question: What do you think, which county has a higher population density? sc: - Stearns - Los Angeles* success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


Indicated by the vmt value and the fact that gasoline vehicle damages are more than twice as high, we can guess that Los Angeles has a much higher population density than Stearns County. In fact, the population density in Los Angeles County is 2,100 and in Stearns County only 112 people per square mile. However, this doesn't explain the huge difference in electric vehicle damages of 0.7 cents per mile in Los Angeles versus 4.5 cents per mile in Stearns. To see why this is the case, let's have a look at the fuel mix of the generation capacities in the regions where the counties are located and the U.S. national fuel mix for comparison. The data comes from the EPA power profiler. The following code chunk draws three pie charts, because they are commonly used for the depiction of energy generation by energy source. The package gridExtra is used to arrange the plots next to each other.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest

stearns <- data.frame(source=c("non-hydro renewables", "hydro", "nuclear", "oil", "gas", "coal"), 
                      share=c(0.224, 0.05, 0.128, 0.002, 0.067, 0.527))
national <- data.frame(source=c("non-hydro renewables", "hydro", "nuclear", "oil", "gas", "coal"), 
                       share=c(0.085, 0.064, 0.198, 0.006, 0.338, 0.304))
la <- data.frame(source=c("non-hydro renewables", "hydro", "nuclear", "oil", "gas", "coal"), 
                 share=c(0.247, 0.121, 0.094, 0.001, 0.484, 0.043))

plot1 <- ggplot(stearns, aes(x="", y=share, fill=source)) + 
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") + 
  coord_polar("y", start=0) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", "#624389", "#4898F1", "#33E6C8", "#AA1819", "darkolivegreen1")) + 
  ggtitle("Fuel Mix in Stearns County (Upper Midwest)")
plot2 <- ggplot(la, aes(x="", y=share, fill=source)) +
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
  coord_polar("y", start=0) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", "#624389", "#4898F1", "#33E6C8", "#AA1819", "darkolivegreen1")) +
  ggtitle("Fuel Mix in Los Angeles (California)")
plot3 <- ggplot(national, aes(x="", y=share, fill=source)) + 
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") + 
  coord_polar("y", start=0) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", "#624389", "#4898F1", "#33E6C8", "#AA1819", "darkolivegreen1")) + 
  ggtitle("Fuel Mix U.S. national")

grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, plot3, ncol=3)

The first chart shows the fuel mix in the region were Stearns County is located, which is the Upper Midwest. More than half of the electricity production is based on coal as an energy source. In the second chart, which depicts the fuel mix in California, gas constitutes the major energy source. Here, coal has only a small share of 4.3%, comparable to the share of gas in Stearns County, which is 6.7%. Over all, the Upper Midwest has less hydro and non-hydro renewables and more fossil-fueled power generation than California. From an emissions point of view, this is partly compensated by a higher share in nuclear power in the Upper Midwest. Oil is not a substantial factor in both regions. Compared to the U.S. national fuel mix on the right, the Upper Midwest seems highly coal-dependent and California very much gas focused. On a national level, the two fossil fuels are more balanced, but achieve a bigger share in total at the cost of hydro and non-hydro renewables.

With this knowledge, we can explain why the environmental benefits are so different in the two places. In the region where Stearns County is located, the electric power generation is very "dirty" because of the high share of coal as a fuel. This leads to high electric vehicle damages, while the damages of gasoline cars are low due to the low population density. In contrast to that, California has a relatively clean energy grid with a high share in gas and renewables. This leads to low electric vehicle damages, while the damages from gasoline vehicles are high due to the high population density. These examples show that the environmental benefits of electric vehicles can highly depend on the place where they are driven.

After these examples, let's have a look at some summary statistics to better evaluate the environmental benefits of electric cars on a larger scale. We recreate the first column of Table 2, Panel B in Holland et al. This table shows the mean, minimum and maximum environmental benefits of the different car models over all counties. Like in previous exercises, we weight by vehicle miles traveled (VMT) when calculating means and use a dplyr chain to accomplish the task.

Task: Use the group_by() command to group the data set MD_e by the variable model_e. Then use the summarize() function to create a table which shows the weighted.mean() (with the column vmt as weights), min() and max() of the variable envbenefits for the individual groups. Arrange the table in descending order regarding the mean by using arrange(desc()). Connect the commands using the pipe operator %>%.

#< task
# MD_e %>%
# ... %>%
# summarize(mean_envben = weighted.mean(envbenefits, vmt), 
#           min_envben = ..., 
#           max_envben = ... ) %>%
# ...(desc(mean))
MD_e %>%
  group_by(model_e) %>%
  summarize(mean_envben = weighted.mean(envbenefits, vmt), 
            min_envben = min(envbenefits), 
            max_envben = max(envbenefits)) %>%

On average, the environmental benefits are negative for each electric vehicle and range from -0.4 cents per mile for the Honda Fit EV to -2.3 cents per mile for the BYD e6. The Electric Ford Focus is exactly in the middle of the table, so five of the models have less environmental benefits and five have higher ones. It can therefore be seen as the median model, which is the reason why we often chose the Electric Ford Focus as an example and will continue to do so.

In Exercise 2.5 we saw that the damages of electric vehicles are mostly uniform within NERC regions, but vary considerably between regions. To see if we can find regions where the environmental benefits are positive on average, let's calculate the mean environmental benefits by NERC region. Within regions, we once again weight with vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and use the Electric Ford Focus as an example. To visualize the results, we use a bar plot, in which the heights of the bars show the mean environmental benefits for each NERC region and the width of each bar the corresponding VMT share for this region. I used the packages magick and gridExtra to put a map of the U.S. next to the plot, so you can see where the NERC regions are.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest

MD_e <- mutate(MD_e, vmt_share = vmt/sum(vmt))
data <- MD_e %>%
  filter(model_e=="2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(NERC) %>%
  summarize(mean = weighted.mean(envbenefits, vmt),
            vmt = sum(vmt_share)) %>%
  mutate(vmt=vmt/sum(vmt)) %>%
data$left=data$right - data$vmt+0.006

image <- image_read("./Pictures/NERC_22.png")
image <- image_ggplot(image)
plot <- ggplot(data) + 
  geom_rect(aes(xmin = left, xmax = right, ymin=0, ymax = mean, colour = NERC, fill = NERC)) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, size=1) +
  geom_text(aes(x=left+0.5*(right-left), y=mean/2,
            angle=90, color="grey18") +
  xlab("VMT share") +
  ylab("Environmental Benefits (cents/mile)") +
  ggtitle("Environmental Benefits of a Ford Focus Electric by NERC Regions") +
  guides(fill=FALSE, color=FALSE)

< award "Expert on Environmental Benefits of Electric Vehicles"

You successfully compared gasoline and electric vehicle damages to assess the environmental benefits of electric vehicles in different locations.


There are three regions with positive mean environmental benefits: California, the West and the Texas Interconnection. However, they only make up for 29% of the total vehicle miles traveled. This is the reason why the overall environmental benefits are negative for each car, as we have seen in the table before. The lowest values occur in the MISO region, which is the Upper Midwest. We have already seen environmental damages in Stearns County as an example from this region. The region with the largest VMT share is the SERC region, which is the Southeastern U.S. It has negative environmental benefits of about -1 cents per mile.

In Exercise 4, we want to use our knowledge about environmental benefits to figure out appropriate electric vehicle policy setting.

Exercise 4.1 -- Theoretical Model on Electric Vehicle Subsidies

In the U.S., the purchase of electric vehicles is incentivized by different subsidies on federal and state level. These subsidies can be considerable. For example, all of the electric vehicles we assessed in the last exercises are eligible for a 7,500 dollar federal tax credit, with possible additional incentives on the state level. In this exercise, our aim is to use our previous results on electric and gasoline vehicle damages to evaluate the form and amount of electric vehicle subsidies. For this purpose, Holland et al. introduce a theoretical discrete choice model. In this model, customers have the choice to purchase either a gasoline or an electric car. First, I explain the theoretical part of the model, and then, like Holland et al., we use it to determine welfare maximizing subsidies on electric vehicle purchases. A general form of the model used here can be found in Small and Rosen (1981).

The results of this exercise are the following two propositions:

Proposition 1:

The first-best differentiated policy is taxes $t^_{gi}$ on gasoline miles and $t^_{ei}$ on electric miles, which are equal to the damages caused when driving in location $i$.

Proposition 2:

The second-best differentiated policy is a subsidy $s^_i$ on the purchase of an electric car in location $i$ , which is equal to the difference in lifetime damages between the electric car and the corresponding gasoline car.*

If you are interested in a more precise statement of the Propositions and their derivation, just continue to read. Otherwise, you can proceed to the next exercise.

In the model used by Holland et al., the consumer can choose to drive gasoline miles $g$, electric miles $e$ or consume a composite good $x$, which stands for all other forms of consumption. The price of the composite good $x$ is normalized to one. The prices for gasoline and electric miles are $p_g$ and $p_e$, respectively. Governmental policies are in the form of a subsidy $s$ for purchasing an electric vehicle or taxes on gasoline or electric miles, $t_g$ and $t_e$. If we denote income with $I$ and use a concave function $f$ to attribute for distinct properties of the gasoline vehicle, the utility of a new vehicle purchase is

$$V_g = \max_{x,g} x + f(g) \quad \text{such that} \quad x+(p_g+t_g)g=I-P_\Psi$$

in the case of a gasoline vehicle with price $P_\Psi$, and

$$V_e = \max_{x,e} x + h(e) \quad \text{such that} \quad x+(p_e+t_e)e=I-P_{\Omega}$$

for an electric vehicle with price $P_\Omega$, where $h$ also is a concave function. Any non-price differences between the gasoline and the electric vehicle are captured by the functions $f$ and $h$. Note that the number of miles driven, as well as the choice of vehicle, does not depend on income, and the marginal utility of income is one, so there are no income effects.

To define whether a costumer chooses the gasoline or the electric vehicle, we introduce a random disturbance in the form of two random variables $\epsilon_g$ and $\epsilon_e$, which are added to the utilities.

That means, we compare

$$\mathcal{U}_g = V_g + \epsilon_g$$


$$\mathcal{U}_e = V_e + \epsilon_e$$

and a costumer then selects the gasoline vehicle if $\mathcal{U}_g > \mathcal{U}_e$.

The random variables $\epsilon_g$ and $\epsilon_e$ are independently drawn from the same extreme value distribution, namely the type I or Gumbel extreme value distribution. The Gumbel distribution has two parameters: a location parameter $\mu\in\mathbb{R}$ and a scale parameter $\beta>0$. The probability density function of the Gumbel distribution is

$$f(x;\mu,\beta)=\frac{1}{\beta}e^{-\frac{1}{\beta}(x-\mu)} e^{-e^{-\frac{1}{\beta}(x-\mu)}}.$$

Let's plot the density function with a few different parameter settings to get a feeling of how the Gumbel distribution looks like. The following code chunk uses the packages evd (extreme value distributions) and ggplot2 to plot the density functions of three different Gumbel distributions together with a standard normal distribution.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
fun.1 <- function(x) dgumbel(x, loc=0, scale=1)
fun.2 <- function(x) dgumbel(x, loc=1, scale=1)
fun.3 <- function(x) dgumbel(x, loc=1, scale=2)
fun.4 <- function(x) dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1)
p <- ggplot(data = data.frame(x = 0), mapping = aes(x = x))
p +
  ggtitle("Gumbel Distribution Densities") +
  layer(geom="line", position = "identity", stat = "function",
        params = list(fun = fun.1),
        mapping = aes(color = "fun.1")
  ) +
  layer(geom="line", position = "identity", stat = "function",
        params = list(fun = fun.2),
        mapping = aes(color = "fun.2")
  ) +
  layer(geom="line", position = "identity", stat = "function",
        params = list(fun = fun.3),
        mapping = aes(color = "fun.3")
  ) +
  layer(geom="line", position = "identity", stat = "function",
        params = list(fun = fun.4),
        mapping = aes(color = "fun.4")
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-5, 7)) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "Densities",
                     values = c("blue", "red", "green", "black"), # Color specification
                     labels = c("Gumbel(0,1)", "Gumbel(1,1)", "Gumbel(1,2)", "N(0,1)"))

If you compare the standard Gumbel distribution ($\mu=0, \beta=1$, blue) with the standard normal distribution (black), you can see that the Gumbel distribution has more probability mass on higher values. The red graph is the right-shifted version of the Gumbel distribution with a location parameter of $\mu=1$. The green graph has parameters $\mu=1$ and $\beta=1$. The Gumbel distribution has two properties, which we need for our further analysis:

Property 1. The difference $X-Y$ of two identically $Gumbel(\mu,\beta)$ distributed random variables $X$ and $Y$ follows a logistic distribution with cumulative distribution function


Property 2. The linear transformation $aX+b$, $a>0, b\in\mathbb{R}$, of a $Gumbel(\mu,\beta)$ distributed random variable $X$ is still Gumbel distributed with parameters $(a\mu+b, a\beta)$. For $a=1$, this means that the Gumbel distribution is translationally invariant.

The proofs are in the info box below. You can also find further information on the subject for example in Train (2009).

< info "Properties of the Gumbel distribution: Proofs"

Proof of Property 1:

We show Property 1 using characteristic functions. The characteristic function of a Gumbel distribution with parameters $\mu$ and $\beta$ is


If we have two random variables $X\sim Gumbel(\mu_1,\beta)$ and $Y\sim Gumbel(\mu_2,\beta)$, the difference $X-Y$ has the characteristic function

$$\begin{split} & \varphi_{X-Y}(t) \\ = \space & \varphi_X(t)\varphi_Y(-t) \\ = \space & e^{it\mu_x}\Gamma(1-it\beta)\cdot e^{-it\mu_y}\Gamma(1+it\beta) \\ = \space & e^{it(\mu_x-\mu_y)}\Gamma(1-it\beta)\cdot it\beta\Gamma(it\beta) \quad & [\text{using that the Gamma function satisfies the functional equation } \Gamma(1+z)=z\Gamma(z)] \\ = \space & e^{it(\mu_x-\mu_y)}it\beta\frac{\pi}{\sin(\pi it\beta)} \quad & [\text{using Euler's reflection formula } \Gamma(z)\Gamma(1-z)=\frac{\pi}{\sin(\pi z)}] \\ = \space & e^{it(\mu_x-\mu_y)}\frac{\pi t\beta}{-i \sin(\pi it\beta)} \\ = \space & e^{it(\mu_x-\mu_y)}\frac{\pi t\beta}{\sinh(\pi t\beta)}, \quad & [\sinh(x)=-i\sin(ix)] \end{split}$$

which is the characteristic function of a logistic distribution with parameters $\mu=\mu_x-\mu_y$ and $\beta$. If $\mu_x=\mu_y$, it results in a logistic distribution with parameters $(0,\beta)$, which has the cumulative distribution function


Proof of Property 2:

Again, we use the characteristic function. For $X\sim Gumbel(\mu,\beta)$ and $a>0, b \in\mathbb{R}$, it holds


which is the characteristic function of a Gumbel distribution with parameters $(a\mu+b, a\beta)$.


Coming back to our model, we stated that the costumer chooses the vehicle which gives him higher utility. The first property of the Gumbel distribution now makes it easy to calculate the probability that a costumer selects the gasoline vehicle. This is one of the reasons why the random elements $\epsilon_g$ and $\epsilon_e$ are chosen to be Gumbel distributed. The choice probabilities are calculated as follows:

$$\begin{split} & P(\mathcal{U}_g > \mathcal{U}_e) \\ = \space & P(V_g+\epsilon_g > V_e + \epsilon_e) \\ = \space & P(V_g-V_e > \epsilon_e-\epsilon_g) \\ = \space & P(\epsilon_e-\epsilon_g \leq V_g-V_e) \quad & [\text{Gumbel distribution is absolutely continuous}] \\ = \space & \frac{1}{1+e^{-(V_g-V_e)/\beta}} \quad & [\text{Property 1 and cumulative distribution function of logistic distribution}] \\ = \space & \frac{e^{V_g/\beta}}{e^{V_g/\beta}+e^{V_e/\beta}}. \end{split}$$

The probability that a costumer selects the electric vehicle is then of course the complementary probability

$$1-P(\mathcal{U}_g > \mathcal{U}_e) = \frac{e^{V_e/\beta}}{e^{V_g/\beta}+e^{V_e/\beta}}.$$

If the random disturbances to the utility have a translationally invariant distribution, Williams (1977) and Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1979) have shown that

$$\frac{dE\left(\max(\mathcal{U}_g,\mathcal{U}_e)\right)}{dV_g} = P(\mathcal{U}_g > \mathcal{U}_e).$$

The Gumbel distribution is translationally invariant, as we have seen in the second property above. So in our case:

$$\frac{dE\left(\max(\mathcal{U}_g,\mathcal{U}_e)\right)}{dV_g} = \frac{e^{V_g/\beta}}{e^{V_g/\beta}+e^{V_e/\beta}}.$$

Integrating both sides yields the expected utility for a new vehicle purchase

$$E\left(\max(\mathcal{U}_g,\mathcal{U}_e)\right) = \int \frac{e^{V_g/\beta}}{e^{V_g/\beta}+e^{V_e/\beta}} dV_g = \beta \ln\left(e^{V_g/\beta}+e^{V_e/\beta}\right).$$

As we have seen during our analysis in Exercise 3, the locations, in which electric or gasoline cars are driven, are crucial for the amount of pollution damages they create. Therefore, Holland et al. introduce multiple locations into the model in the following way: There are $m$ different locations, each of which has a share of $\alpha_i$ of the total population of new vehicle buyers. The damages that arise from driving in location $i$ consist of the local damages in location $i$, the local damages in all other locations and the global damages (from CO2). All of these damages together are referred to as full damages. We denote with $\delta_{gi}$ the marginal full damages (in dollars per mile) from driving a gasoline car in location $i$, and with $\delta_{ei}$ the same for an electric car. Note that this assumes that the marginal damages are constant. This is however in line with the way the EPA treats the social cost of carbon for the global pollutant CO2 and how the local damages are treated for example in Muller and Mendelsohn (2009) and in Fowlie and Muller (2013).

In the following, we consider differentiated regulation. That means, the policy may vary between locations and is selected by a local government. The local government considers full damages caused by driving in location $i$ and tries to maximize the welfare $\mathcal{W}_i$ associated with the purchase of a new vehicle in location $i$. If we denote with $R_i$ the expected revenue of the local government, this welfare can be calculated as

$$\mathcal{W}i = \underbrace{\beta \ln(e^{V{ei}/\beta}+e^{V_{gi}/\beta})}{\text{exp. utility}} + \underbrace{R_i}{\text{exp. revenue}} - \underbrace{(\delta_{gi}\pi_i g_i+\delta_{ei}(1-\pi_i) e_i)}_{\text{exp. pollution damage}}.$$

First, we assume taxes on gasoline and electric miles, differentiated by location, so the government's revenue in location $i$ is $R_i=t_{gi}\pi_i g_i+t_{ei}(1-\pi_i)e_i$. Optimizing $\mathcal{W}_i$ yields our first proposition.

Proposition 1:

The first-best differentiated policy is taxes $t^_{gi}$ on gasoline miles and $t^_{ei}$ on electric miles, where

$$t^{gi}=\delta{gi} \quad \text{ and } \quad t^{ei}=\delta{ei}.$$

The proof can be found in Holland et al. (Online Appendix B).

This result agrees with our economic instinct: the taxes are equal to the damages caused. In reality, taxes on gasoline or electric miles do not exist in the U.S. As already stated above, the market is rather regulated by a purchase subsidy for electric vehicles. Therefore, the next proposition gives the optimal purchase subsidy for an electric vehicle in location $i$. We refer to the optimal purchase subsidy as the second-best policy. Again, the local governments take into account full damages from driving in location $i$. The government's revenue in this setting is $R_i=-s(1-\pi)$.

Proposition 2:

The second-best differentiated subsidy on the purchase of an electric car in location $i$ is given by

$$s^*i = \delta{gi}g_i-\delta_{ei}e_i.$$

This proposition corresponds to Proposition 1 in the article by Holland et al. The proof can be found in Holland et al. (Online Appendix A).

The purchase subsidy is the difference in damages caused during the driving lifetime of the gasoline and the electric vehicle. If both vehicles are driven the same amount of miles ($g_i=e_i$), the subsidy is positive if the electric vehicle causes less pollution damage per mile ($\delta_{ei}<\delta_{gi}$).

In the following exercise, we combine this proposition with our previous results on environmental benefits of electric vehicles to calculate electric vehicle subsidies for different locations in the U.S.

Exercise 4.2 -- Examining Electric Vehicle Subsidies

From Proposition 2 in Exercise 4.1 we know that the second-best subsidy on the purchase of an electric vehicle is the difference in lifetime damages of the electric and the corresponding gasoline vehicle. In this exercise, we calculate that subsidy for different locations in the U.S.

To calculate lifetime damages, we have to assume the total miles for which a vehicle in the U.S. is driven during its lifetime. Holland et al. assume a value of 150,000 miles without giving any evidence. The U.S. Department of Transportation gives a value of 13,476 for the average annual miles per driver on their Website and Statista estimates the U.S. average vehicle age to be 11.7 years. Multiplying theses numbers results in an estimate of 157,669 miles per vehicle, so the assumption by Holland et al. seems reasonable.

It is not clear whether electric vehicles are driven for the same distance as gasoline cars during their lifetime. It could be possible that electric cars are driven more because of lower costs per mile, but they could also be driven less due to range restrictions and charging times. As we have no information on these effects, we continue by assuming that both electric and gasoline vehicles are driven for 150,000 miles.

Now, to start calculating purchase subsidies, we load the data set on environmental benefits which we derived and analyzed in Exercise 3. The next chunk loads the data set envben.Rds into a data frame envben and shows it using the head() command.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
envben <- readRDS("./Data/envben.Rds")

The data set contains electric vehicle damages in cents per mile for each car model in every county in the column MD_el, the damages of the corresponding gasoline vehicle in the column MD_gas and the resulting environmental benefits of the electric car in the column envbenefits, as well as additional information on the counties in the remaining columns.

To calculate the purchase subsidies, we have to multiply the environmental benefits with our assumption of 150,000 lifetime vehicle miles. We divide through 100 to get the result in dollars per vehicle (rather than cents).

Task: Use the command mutate() from the dplyr package to add a column subsidy to the data frame envben, which contains the column envbenefits multiplied with 150,000 and divided by 100.

#< task
# ... <- ...(envben, subsidy = envbenefits * ... / ...)
envben <- mutate(envben, subsidy = envbenefits*150000/100)

To visualize the resulting subsidies on the county level, we first draw a choropleth map. You already know these from Exercises 1 and 2. We filter for the Ford Focus Electric as our usual sample vehicle.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
envben %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  select(region=fips, value=subsidy) %>%
  county_choropleth(title="Second-Best Purchase Subsidy for Electric Vehicles on County Level", legend="Subsidy in $", num_colors=0)

The blue-colored counties have positive purchase subsidies, whereas the subsidies in the red-colored counties are negative, which is basically a tax. As you can see, positive subsidies only occur in the west, in parts of Texas and in major population centers like New York City. There are large regions with intense red coloring, indicating that the purchase subsidy is large and negative in these parts of the U.S.

As it is unfeasible to implement an electric vehicle purchase subsidy on the county level, let's have a look at the same picture aggregated to states, where we weight with vehicle miles traveled.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
envben %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy=weighted.mean(subsidy, vmt)) %>%
  transmute(region=tolower(state), value=avg_subsidy) %>%
  state_choropleth(title="Second-Best Purchase Subsidy for Electric Vehicles on State Level", legend="Subsidy in $", num_colors=0)

There are only eleven states which have positive values for the purchase subsidy. Montana is slightly below zero because the boundaries of the Western Interconnection do not exactly follow state borders and so some counties in Montana are served by the much "dirtier" electricity grid of the Upper Midwest. Texas, which contained counties with positive and negative subsidies, has a positive value overall due to the higher vehicle miles traveled in the positive areas. To better see some actual monetary values, let's have a look at the five highest and lowest subsidy states.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
temp <- envben %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy=weighted.mean(subsidy, vmt))

temp %>%
  top_n(5, avg_subsidy) %>%
temp %>%
  top_n(-5, avg_subsidy) %>%

California is by far the state which benefits most from driving electric instead of gasoline vehicles, with a positive purchase subsidy of 2785 dollars. We have already analyzed the reasons for this in Exercise 3, namely a relatively clean electricity grid combined with regions of very high population density. The opposite is true for the regions in the Upper Midwest, where the states with the lowest subsidies can be found: low population densities and a high share in coal-fired power generation. It is remarkable that the negative subsidy states have much higher absolute values than the positive subsidy states: between -4000 and -5000 dollars for the five lowest-subsidy states compared to 900 - 2800 dollars for the highest-subsidy states.

< quiz "US Average Purchase Subsidy"

question: Have a guess whether the average purchase subsidy for the whole contiguous U.S., weighted across counties with vehicle miles traveled, is positive or negative. sc: - positive - negative* success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


Let's calculate the U.S. average purchase subsidy to see the actual result.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
envben %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy=weighted.mean(subsidy, vmt))

< award "Expert in Electric Vehicle Policy Making"

You used our data on environmental benefits of electric vehicles to derive and analyze optimal electric vehicle purchase subsidies for different locations.


So the overall subsidy is indeed negative with a value of -1095 dollars.

In the next exercise we talk about pollution export and how it might affect electric vehicle policy making.

Exercise 5 -- Pollution Export

In this exercise, we examine to what degree pollution damages are exported from the place where electric or gasoline cars are driven to other locations. As a first step, we decompose the full environmental damages into local damages caused by the local pollutants SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and VOCs and global damages from CO2. In a second step, we only consider damages from local pollutants and differentiate between native and exported damages. Native damages are the local damages that occur within the location where the vehicles are driven and exported damages are those which occur in other locations. In both cases, we analyze whether electric and gasoline cars differ in the distribution of their damages between the two types.

I have prepared a data set which is very similar to the one in Exercise 3, except this time the columns for electric and gasoline full damages have been split into local and global damages. Let's have a quick look at the data.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD <- readRDS("./Data/MD_export.Rds")

Additionally to the usual columns with county information and car model, we have the local, global and full marginal damages from electric and gasoline vehicles and the environmental benefits calculated with local and global damages separately. Like in Exercise 3, the local environmental benefits are simply the differences between gasoline and electric local damages. The same holds for the global environmental benefits. The columns ending with state_local or county_local only contain the local damages that occur within the state or county where the car is driven. We will have a closer look at these so-called native damages later on.

First, we want to recreate the data in the middle and right column of Table 2, Panel B in Holland et al. and visualize the results. The table shows the mean environmental benefits of our eleven electric vehicles, differentiated between local and global damages. As always, we weight the different counties with vehicle miles traveled. To visualize the results, we transform the data set using the function melt() from the package reshape2 and draw a stacked bar chart using ggplot2.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest

means <- MD %>%
  group_by(model_e) %>%
  summarize(Local = weighted.mean(envbenefits_local, vmt),
            Global = weighted.mean(envbenefits_global, vmt))

data <- melt(means,id.vars="model_e")
data <- mutate(data, sum=rep(means$Local+means$Global,2))

data$model_e <- recode(data$model_e, "2014 BYD e6"="BYD e6", "2014 Chevy Spark EV"="Chevy Spark EV", 
                       "2014 Fiat 500e"="Fiat 500e", "2014 Ford Focus Electric"="Ford Focus Electric", 
                       "2014 Honda Fit EV"="Honda Fit EV","2014 Mitsubishi i-Miev"="Mitsubishi i-Miev", 
                       "2014 Nisan Leaf"="Nisan Leaf", "2014 Smart fortwo electric coupe" = "Smart fortwo", 
                       "2014 Tesla Model S (60 kW-hr)"="Tesla S60", "2014 Tesla Model S (85 kW-hr)"="Tesla S85", 
                       "2014 Toyota Rav4 EV"="Toyota Rav4 EV")

ggplot(data, aes(x = model_e, y = value, fill=variable)) +
  geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  geom_segment(aes(x=rep(rep(1:11),2)-0.45, xend=rep(rep(1:11),2)+0.45,y=sum, yend=sum), 
               size=1.5, color="grey18") +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0, size=1) +
  xlab("Electric Car Model") +
  ylab("Environmental Benefits (cents/mile)") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Electric Car Local and Global Environmental Benefits by Model") + 
  labs(fill="Mean Benefits") 

The blue bars represent mean global environmental benefits and the red bars mean local environmental benefits. The black segment shows the sum of the two: mean environmental benefits when considering full damages. What immediately catches attention is the fact that almost all electric vehicles have positive global environmental benefits, but negative local environmental benefits on average. The only two exceptions are the BYD e6 and the Nisan Leaf, which have negative global and local environmental benefits. When focusing solely on the greenhouse gas CO2, electric cars indeed cause less damage on average. It is often said that electric cars are more climate-friendly, which we can tell from the data is mostly right. However, if we also account for local damages, the picture changes considerably. The positive global effects are in most places more than offset by the negative environmental benefits from local pollutants, which we can see at the black bars being all below zero. This shows that we should always consider full damages and not focus on local or global damages alone.

Now let's see what happens when we differentiate between native damages, which occur within the location where the cars are driven, and exported damages, which occur in other locations. To get a first impression on how gasoline and electric cars differ in the degree of exported damages, have a look at the following two graphics. Unfortunately, the data to reproduce the maps is unavailable, so I took the depictions directly from Holland et al. The graphics show how the concentration of PM2.5 in the air changes in one year when a fleet of 10,000 Ford Focus are driven for 15,000 miles each in Fulton County, Georgia. In the left picture, emissions of the gasoline Ford Focus are depicted. You can see that the increase in concentration of the pollutant is highly focused at the point of origin and spreads to nearby states. In the right picture, where you can see emissions of the Ford Focus Electric, there is no clear pollution center and the increase in concentration spans almost the entire eastern U.S. This is due to the fact that electric power generation is distributed throughout the grid and the pollutants are released at a much higher point through tall smokestacks and therefore spread over the country.

(Source: Holland et al.)

To analyze the extent to which pollution is exported, we calculate the mean damages on full, local, native state and native county scale for both gasoline and electric cars. To visualize the results, two bar plots are drawn.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest

data1 <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  summarize(mean_gas_full = weighted.mean(MD_gas_full, vmt), 
            mean_gas_local = weighted.mean(MD_gas_local, vmt),
            mean_gas_state = weighted.mean(MD_gas_state_local, vmt),
            mean_gas_county = weighted.mean(MD_gas_county_local, vmt))
data1 <- melt(data1)
plot1 <- ggplot(data=data1, aes(x=variable, y=value)) +
  ggtitle("Export of Gasoline Ford Focus Damages") +
  xlab("") + 
  ylab("Mean Environmental Damages (cents/mile)") +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_segment(x=1.1, xend=1.1, y=data1$value[1]+0.01, yend=data1$value[1]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=1.1, xend=1.65, y=data1$value[1]+0.04, yend=data1$value[1]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=1.65, xend=1.65, y=data1$value[1]+0.04, yend=data1$value[2]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=1.375, y=data1$value[1]+0.07, label="-71%",size=3) +

  geom_segment(x=2.1, xend=2.1, y=data1$value[2]+0.01, yend=data1$value[2]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=2.1, xend=2.65, y=data1$value[2]+0.04, yend=data1$value[2]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=2.65, xend=2.65, y=data1$value[2]+0.04, yend=data1$value[3]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=2.375, y=data1$value[2]+0.07, label="-19%",size=3) +

  geom_segment(x=3.1, xend=3.1, y=data1$value[3]+0.01, yend=data1$value[3]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=3.1, xend=3.65, y=data1$value[3]+0.04, yend=data1$value[3]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=3.65, xend=3.65, y=data1$value[3]+0.04, yend=data1$value[4]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=3.375, y=data1$value[3]+0.07, label="-48%",size=3)

data2 <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  summarize(mean_el_full = weighted.mean(MD_el_full, vmt), 
            mean_el_local = weighted.mean(MD_el_local, vmt),
            mean_el_state = weighted.mean(MD_el_state_local, vmt),
            mean_el_county = weighted.mean(MD_el_county_local, vmt))
data2 <- melt(data2)
plot2 <- ggplot(data=data2, aes(x=variable, y=value)) +
  ggtitle("Export of Electric Ford Focus Damages") +
  xlab("") + 
  ylab("Mean Environmental Damages (cents/mile)") +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_segment(x=1.1, xend=1.1, y=data2$value[1]+0.01, yend=data2$value[1]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=1.1, xend=1.65, y=data2$value[1]+0.04, yend=data2$value[1]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=1.65, xend=1.65, y=data2$value[1]+0.04, yend=data2$value[2]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=1.375, y=data2$value[1]+0.07, label="-34%",size=3) +

  geom_segment(x=2.1, xend=2.1, y=data2$value[2]+0.01, yend=data2$value[2]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=2.1, xend=2.65, y=data2$value[2]+0.04, yend=data2$value[2]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=2.65, xend=2.65, y=data2$value[2]+0.04, yend=data2$value[3]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=2.375, y=data2$value[2]+0.07, label="-91%",size=3) +

  geom_segment(x=3.1, xend=3.1, y=data2$value[3]+0.01, yend=data2$value[3]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=3.1, xend=3.65, y=data2$value[3]+0.04, yend=data2$value[3]+0.04) +
  geom_segment(x=3.65, xend=3.65, y=data2$value[3]+0.04, yend=data2$value[4]+0.04, 
               arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.30,"cm"),type = "closed")) +
  geom_text(x=3.375, y=data2$value[3]+0.07, label="-87%",size=3)

grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=2)

The average full marginal damages for the gasoline Ford Focus are 1.86 cents per mile. When we remove damages from CO2 and only account for local damages, only 0.53 cents per mile remain, which is a reduction of 71%. With 0.43 cents per mile, most of these local damages stay within the state of origin. Only 19% are exported to other states. The damages which stay within the county of origin are 0.23 cents per mile, which is about half the damages which stay within the state of origin. The total share of native county damages in full damages is $0.23/1.86=12\%$

For electric vehicles, the situation is different. With 1.7 cents per mile, most of the full damages of 2.59 cents per mile are damages from local pollutants. The export percentage of 91% is way higher on the state level compared to gasoline vehicles. This confirms the impression we had from the two pictures above. When moving from native state to native county damages, another 87% of the damages are exported. Only 0.02 cents per mile, or $0.02/2.59=0.008\%$ of the full damages, stay within the county of origin. This means that the degree of pollution export is three orders of magnitude higher for electric vehicles than for gasoline cars.

Which implications does the different degree of pollution export between gasoline and electric vehicles have for policy making? When setting policy, it is not clear whether local governments care about full environmental damages or only native damages, which occur within their state or county. In fact, the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) require local governments to adhere to concentration levels for different pollutants within certain areas. For example, the concentration of SO2 must not exceed 0.5 ppm (parts per million) more than once a year with a three hour averaging time. These regulations might incentivize local governments to prefer a technology which exports pollution to other regions, even if the resulting damages are higher in total.

To find out whether this is the case for electric vehicles, let's first compare the second-best purchase subsidy for full damages, which we calculated in the last exercise, with the one for native damages on the state level. As you remember from Exercise 4, we calculated the second-best purchase subsidy by multiplying the environmental benefits with the assumed vehicle lifetime mileage of 150,000 miles. So, as a first step, we have to compute full environmental benefits and environmental benefits using native state damages.

Task: Use the command mutate() from the dplyr package to create a column envbenefits_full from the full marginal damages and a column envbenefits_state_local from the native state damages for gasoline and electric vehicles. Save the result in the same data set MD.

#< task
# MD <- mutate(MD, envbenefits_full = ... - MD_el_full, ... = MD_gas_state_local - ...)
MD <- mutate(MD, envbenefits_full = MD_gas_full - MD_el_full, envbenefits_state_local = MD_gas_state_local - MD_el_state_local)

Now, just like in Exercise 4, we can calculate the second-best purchase subsidies for both cases.

Task: Use the command mutate() from the dplyr package to add two columns subsidy_full and subsidy_state_local to the data frame MD, which contain the columns envbenefits_full and envbenefits_state_local each multiplied with 150,000 and divided by 100 to obtain the result in dollars.

#< task
# MD <- mutate(MD, subsidy_full = envbenefits_full*150000/100, 
#                  ... = ... * ... / ...)
MD <- mutate(MD, subsidy_full = envbenefits_full*150000/100, 
                 subsidy_state_local = envbenefits_state_local*150000/100)

To visualize the results, we once again use two choropleths. The first one is the same as in Exercise 4, depicting the second-best purchase subsidy by state when considering full damages, the second one only considers native state damages.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
fig1 <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_full = weighted.mean(subsidy_full, vmt)) %>%
  transmute(region=tolower(state), value=avg_subsidy_full) %>%
  state_choropleth(title="Second-Best Purchase Subsidy for Electric Vehicles by State, Full Damages", legend="Subsidy in $", num_colors=0)
fig2 <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_state_local = weighted.mean(subsidy_state_local, vmt)) %>%
  transmute(region=tolower(state), value=avg_subsidy_state_local) %>%
  state_choropleth(title="Second-Best Purchase Subsidy for Electric Vehicles by State, Native Damages", legend="Subsidy in $", num_colors=0)

The second-best electric vehicle purchase subsidy for native damages is positive in 33 states (including Washington D.C.), whereas the full damage subsidy is only positive in 11 states. The area with positive environmental benefits is no longer restricted to the west, but major parts of the eastern U.S. also have a positive purchase subsidy when only considering native damages. Let's compare the top and bottom five states regarding full and native subsidy.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
temp <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_full=weighted.mean(subsidy_full, vmt))
temp %>%
  top_n(5, avg_subsidy_full) %>%
temp %>%
  top_n(-5, avg_subsidy_full) %>%
temp <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_native=weighted.mean(subsidy_state_local, vmt))
temp %>%
  top_n(5, avg_subsidy_native) %>%
temp %>%
  top_n(-5, avg_subsidy_native) %>%

You already know the first two tables from Exercise 4. The second-best full damage electric vehicle purchase subsidy ranges from 865 to 2785 dollars at the top end. When considering only native damages, the subsidy in California decreases from 2785 to 1547 dollars. The other four states in the native damage subsidy top five are different from those when we considered full damages, with the lowest subsidy being 595 dollars. If we look at the bottom end of the distribution, the two tables differ considerably. While we had large negative subsidies between -4964 and -3992 dollars for full damages, they range from -431 to -174 when only considering native damages, which is an order of magnitude smaller.

To test whether local governments in the U.S. rather consider full or native damages when setting policy, Holland et al. analyzed the different state-level policies that where in place on July 28th, 2014. They derived four measures:

The information on the different policies was taken from the U.S. Department of Energy. Load in the data set policies.Rds to see which values Holland et al. give for the four measures for each state.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
policies <- readRDS("./Data/policies.Rds")

For example, additionally to the federal subsidy of 7,500 dollars, California subsidizes an electric vehicle purchase with 2,500 dollars. In total, there are 42 policies regarding electric vehicles in California, 21 of which are incentives. Out of these 21 incentives, 9 are considered significant by Holland et al.

Let's augment this data set with the average values for full damage and native damage subsidies for the Ford Focus Electric in each state.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
subsidy_full <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_full=weighted.mean(subsidy_full, vmt))
subsidy_native <- MD %>%
  filter(model_e == "2014 Ford Focus Electric") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(avg_subsidy_native=weighted.mean(subsidy_state_local, vmt))

policies <- merge(policies, subsidy_full, by="state")
policies <- merge(policies, subsidy_native, by="state")

Now we can calculate the correlations between the four different measures of policy making and the full damage and native damage subsidies. The following code chunk calculates these eight correlations and arranges them in a data frame. Let's see what we can find out.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
correlations <- data.frame(description=c("Cor with full damage subsidy","Cor with native damage subsidy"), 
                           actual_subsidy=c(cor(policies[,6], policies[,2]),
                                            cor(policies[,7], policies[,2])),
                           all_incentives=c(cor(policies[,6], policies[,4]),
                                            cor(policies[,7], policies[,4])),

< award "Expert in Pollution Export"

You understood the effects of pollution export and the implications for electric vehicle policy making.


The first row of the table shows the correlations of the four different policy measures with the full damage subsidy. The correlations lie between 0.3 for the actual purchase subsidy and 0.5 for the total number of policies. In the second row, we can see the correlations of the four policy measures with the native damage subsidy. For each measure, these correlations are higher than the ones with full damage subsidies and range from 0.52 for the actual subsidy to 0.79 for the total number of incentives. This gives at least some empirical evidence that the local governments might indeed consider native damages rather than full damages when setting policy. Therefore, electric vehicle policy should rather be set at the federal level.

In the next exercise, we perform a sensitivity analysis to explore how different assumptions we made throughout the analysis influence our results.

Exercise 6 -- Sensitivity Analysis

During our analysis in the previous exercises, we made several assumptions to our model. For example:

We always tried to justify the parameter choices and gave references. However, in this exercise, we explore how altering these assumptions and using different parameters influences our results. Some of the parameters like the SCC were part of our calculations, so it suffices to run the same code we used in the respective exercise with a different value for the parameter. For other parameters, like those concerning the AP2 model, we have to rely on the intermediate results provided by Holland et al., as we do not have an implementation of the AP2 model available.

The first quantity we want to alternate is the social cost of carbon (SCC). For our calculations, we used the value given by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is 41 in 2014 dollars. A survey conducted by the Institute of Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law found that 69% of 365 selected experts think that the true social costs of carbon are higher than the value currently used by the U.S. government. Only 8% believe the value should be lower. For example, the oil and gas company ExxonMobil uses a social cost of carbon of 80 dollars for internal calculations. We therefore compare our baseline of 41 dollars to a slightly lower value of 31 dollars, a slightly higher value of 51 dollars and a much higher value of 80 dollars.

I ran the model calculations in the same way as we did in Exercise 2, but with different SCC values. The results are part of the following data set and can be found in the columns labelled with _scc31, _scc51 and _scc80. The baseline case are the columns MD_el, MD_gas and envbenefits, which have been analyzed in Exercise 3. Have a quick look at the data set.

Task: Just press check.

#< task
MD <- readRDS("./Data/MD_6.Rds")

For every case in this data set, we want to have a look at the mean, minimum and maximum damages for electric and gasoline vehicles and the environmental benefits. As these calculations are quite lengthy, I already calculated the results and arranged them in a data frame. I used the package htmlTable to display all of the results in a well-structured fashion. You can see the resulting table below. If you are interested in the code to reproduce the table, have a look at the info box.

< info "Using HtmlTable"

In the following code chunk, I load a data frame containing results for different model alternations and use the package htmlTable to arrange these results.

output <- readRDS("./Data/sensitivity_analysis.Rds")

          header =  c("mean", "min", "max", 
                      "mean", "min", "max", 
                      "mean", "min", "max"),
          rnames = c("Baseline",
                     "SCC = 31$","SCC = 51$","SCC = 80$",
                     "No temperature adjustment",
                     "Flat charging profile",
                     "Average mpg","2.7 Million dollar VSL",
                     "Different PM dose-response",
                     "Future grid and gasoline vehicle"),
          cgroup = c("Electric Vehicle", 
                     "Gasoline Vehicle", 
                     "Environmental Benefits"),
          n.cgroup = c(3,3), 
          caption="Damages of Gasoline and Electric Vehicles and 
          Environmental Benefits for Different Model Parameters 
          in Cents per Mile",
          tfoot="Note: Values are for the Ford Focus 2014 and 
          weighted over counties using VMT")

The output of this code chunk is the table below.


Damages of Gasoline and Electric Vehicles and Environmental Benefits for Different Model Parameters in Cents per Mile
Electric Vehicle  Gasoline Vehicle  Environmental Benefits
mean min max   mean min max   mean min max
Baseline 2.59 0.67 4.72   1.86 1.03 4.32   -0.73 -3.63 3.16
SCC = 31$ 2.37 0.55 4.42   1.53 0.78 3.98   -0.84 -3.58 2.95
SCC = 51$ 2.8 0.8 5.02   2.18 1.28 4.67   -0.62 -3.68 3.38
SCC = 80$ 3.43 1.17 5.89   3.12 2 5.66   -0.31 -3.82 4
No temperature adjustment 2.43 0.67 3.9   1.86 1.03 4.32   -0.57 -2.84 3.18
Flat charging profile 2.41 0.74 3.88   1.86 1.03 4.32   -0.55 -2.79 3.1
Average mpg 2.59 0.67 4.72   1.74 1.23 4.11   -0.85 -3.42 2.89
2.7 Million dollar VSL 1.61 0.71 2.64   1.54 1.02 2.55   -0.06 -1.59 1.63
Higher PM dose-response 3.74 1.25 6.89   2.16 1.04 5.96   -1.58 -5.76 3.91
Future grid and gasoline vehicle 0.67 0.37 1.39   1.23 0.74 3.53   0.56 -0.57 2.73
Note: Values are for the Ford Focus 2014 and weighted over counties using VMT

The result corresponds to Table 7 in Holland et al. Let's first have a look at the cases for different SCC values. By lowering the social cost of carbon from the baseline case of 41 dollars to 31 dollars, the damage ranges for electric and gasoline vehicles are shifted to the left. As we know from Exercise 5, the damage share originating from CO2 is higher for gasoline vehicles than for electric cars. This leads to a decrease in mean environmental benefits from -0.73 cents per mile for the baseline case (SCC of 41 dollars) to -0.84 cents per mile for a SCC of 31 dollars.

Similar to the SCC31 case, a social cost of carbon of 51 dollars shifts the damage ranges to the right. As gasoline damages are affected more, the mean environmental benefits increase from -0.73 to -0.62 cents per mile. When almost doubling the baseline SCC to 80 dollars, the mean environmental benefits reach -0.32, which is still negative but, in absolute values, less than half of the negative baseline environmental benefits. The modulation of the SCC parameter does not fundamentally overturn our results, but as it affects gasoline and electric vehicle damages differently, it can change the scale of the results.

The following code chunk visualizes the environmental benefits of a Ford Focus Electric for the SCC values given in the table as well as an even higher value of 120 dollars. According to Cai, Judd and Lontzek (2013), SCC values are increasing and a value of 120 dollars could be reached in the future.

Task: Just press check.

#< task_notest
data <- readRDS("./Data/envbenefits_by_scc.Rds")

ggplot(data, aes(x=scc, y=envben)) +
  ggtitle("Mean Environmental Benefits of a Ford Focus Electric by SCC values") +
  xlab("Social Cost of Carbon in dollars") +
  ylab("Mean Environmental Benefits in cents/mile") +
  geom_point(stat="identity") +
  geom_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=106, linetype="dotted", color="blue") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0, 50, 75, 100, 106))

When plotting the environmental benefits of the Ford Focus Electric for different SCC values, we can see that environmental benefits increase linearly with SCC. Therefore, I also added a linear regression line in blue.

< quiz "SCC"

question: Can you guess for which SCC value the U.S. average electric and gasoline vehicle damages are equal? sc: - SCC of 75 dollars - SCC of 100 dollars - SCC of 106 dollars* success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


From looking at the graph, we can guess that the break-even point between U.S. average electric and gasoline vehicle damages is at a SCC of about 106 dollars.

I will now explain the remaining model alternations that were made and examine their impact on the results. The following two model alternations only concern electric vehicle damages.

In Exercise 2.1, we performed a temperature adjustment to electric vehicle energy consumption rates. When leaving away this part of the model and assuming the standard rates at a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) for every day of the year in all counties, average electric vehicle damages decrease to 2.43 cents per mile as compared to 2.59 cents per mile in the baseline case. The omission of the temperature caused increases in energy consumption therefore leads to slightly higher environmental benefits of -0.57 cents per mile. The model does not react highly sensitive to this change.

Our econometric analysis in Exercise 2.2 showed that power plants react differently to an increase in energy consumption depending on the load level and therefore on the time of day. Therefore, in Exercise 2.4, we assumed a charging profile called the EPRI charging profile, in which electric vehicles were mostly charged during the night and in the early morning. To assess the influence of this assumption, the table contains the results for a flat charging profile, in which electric vehicles are charged for the same amount during every hour of the day. With 2.41 cents per mile, the resulting electric vehicle damages are slightly lower than in the baseline case. This is due to the fact that the EPRI charging profile assumed the electric vehicles to be charged during times when mostly base load power plants, which have tendentially higher emissions, are running. The resulting slight increase in environmental benefits to -0.55 cents per mile shows that the model is not highly sensitive to this assumption, too.

The next change only affects gasoline vehicle damages.

When Holland et al. calculate gasoline vehicle damages, they differentiate between urban and non-urban counties. For urban counties, the city mileage of the specific gasoline car is used and for non-urban counties the highway mileage. In the table, you can see the resulting gasoline vehicle damages when an average fuel consumption rate is assumed for both urban and non-urban counties instead. The range of environmental damages of gasoline cars narrows a bit, with a slightly smaller mean damage value of 1.74 cents per mile compared to 1.86 cents per mile mean baseline damages. The reason for this is that fuel consumption and therefore emission rates are higher in city traffic, where the resulting damages are also higher because of a larger population density. The mean environmental benefits change from -0.73 for the baseline case to -0.85, which is slightly lower. The model does not react highly sensitive to this change, either.

The following two results are based on a parameter change to the AP2 model described in Exercise 2.3 and therefore influence both electric and gasoline vehicle damages.

The VSL (value of a statistical life) parameter is used in the AP2 model to convert changes in adult mortality into monetary damages. Altering it therefore changes the damages caused by local pollutants. For the baseline results, a value of 8.1 Million dollars has been used. Assuming a lower VSL of 2.7 Million dollars primarily affects the upper tails of the distributions of gasoline and electric vehicle damages, reducing the maximum damage values from 4.72 to 2.64 cents per mile for electric and from 4.32 to 2.55 cents per mile for gasoline cars. The minimum damage values hardly change at all. The mean damages for electric vehicles decrease from 2.59 to 1.61 cents per mile. This was to be expected since most of the environmental damages come from the impact of local pollutants in densely populated areas. The VSL parameter directly influences the magnitude of this impact. As the share of local damages is higher for electric vehicles, a lower VSL value leads to higher environmental benefits of -0.06 cents per mile.

The PM dose-response function is used in the AP2 model to evaluate the effect of increased air concentrations of PM2.5 on adult mortality rates. Similar to the previous parameter, it therefore affects damages from local pollution. Roman et al. (2008) assume a higher adult mortality dose-response than the one used in the baseline model. Using the Roman et al. dose-response function leads to higher damages for both electric and gasoline vehicles. Like with the VSL parameter, electric vehicles are more strongly affected, leading to lower environmental benefits of -1.58 cents per mile.

The parameters of the AP2 model are maybe the most crucial ones, as the impacts of local pollutants heavily contribute to our results. Still, the baseline results are not fundamentally overturned by changing the AP2 model parameters quite drastically.

The last row of the table somewhat differs from the other model alternations. The idea is to evaluate, to some extent, how changes to the electric power generation and technological advance in gasoline vehicle engineering might influence the results in the future. The latter point is simply achieved by using the Toyota Prius instead of the Ford Focus as our gasoline example vehicle. This is done because the Toyota Prius has a significantly lower fuel consumption rate, which leads to lower gasoline vehicle damages and thereby models technological progress in this area. To model a possibly cleaner future electricity grid, Holland et al. scale the emission rates of all of the coal plants to a value in the range of what is achieved by modern combined cycle gas turbines. So, roughly spoken, all coal plants are replaced with modern gas-fired power plants in the same locations, which are dispatched identically to the coal plants they replace. This approach reduces both gasoline and electric vehicle damages, but electric vehicle damages to a much higher extent. Their mean damages decrease from 2.59 to 0.67 cents per mile, resulting, for the first time, in positive environmental benefits of 0.56 cents per mile. However, to put this into perspective, Holland et al. state that the resulting electric vehicle purchase subsidy of 840 dollars is still far from the actual federal subsidy of 7,500 dollars.

All in all, our results seem to be robust to parameter changes and other model alternations. In the next exercise, we talk about several caveats to our analysis and different factors we did not take into account.

Exercise 7 -- Caveats

During the course of our analysis, we made some explicit and implicit model assumptions. In the last exercise, we already performed a sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of different parameter choices on the results. Holland et al. state several possible issues with the analysis and how they might impact the results. In this exercise, I will explain these issues to you.

The first issue has already been mentioned at the end of the last exercise, but it is an important point when analyzing environmental benefits of electric vehicles. Our results for electric vehicle damages heavily depend on the marginal emission rates of the power plants and therefore on the structure of the electricity grid. Our analysis is based on the electricity grid in the years 2010 - 2012. There have already been changes in the meantime and it can be expected that the electricity grid will further continue to change. As we do not have an implementation of the AP2 model available and therefore use intermediate results by Holland et al. during our analysis, it is unfortunately not possible to conduct the analysis with more up-to-date data. However, we used a rough approximation of a possible future electricity grid in the last exercise and found out that environmental benefits of electric vehicles might indeed become positive, but not to an extent that it would justify the current electric vehicle purchase subsidy of 7,500 dollars.

As already suggested in the title of the problem set, the focus of our analysis was the environmental benefits from driving electric cars. We did not account for upstream externalities which occur, for example, for the production of the vehicle. To assess the magnitude of upstream costs, let's have a look at some data from Michalek et al. (2011), who analyzed the damages due to upstream externalities for gasoline and electric vehicles. You can find their results in the table below. If you are interested in how I generated the table using htmlTable, have a look at the info box.

< info "Using htmlTable"

The following code chunk loads the data set on damages due to upstream externalities by Michalek et al. (2011) and displays it using the package htmlTable.

output <- readRDS("./Data/upstream_externalities.Rds")

          header =  c("GHG", "Local", "Other", "Total", "GHG", "Local", "Other", "Total"),
          rnames = c("Vehicle Production", "Battery Production", "Upstream Fuel Production (gasoline/electricity)", "Total"),
          cgroup = c( "Gasoline Vehicle", "Electric Vehicle"),
          n.cgroup = c(4,4), 
          caption="Vehicle Damages Due To Upstream Externalities",
          tfoot="Source: Michalek et al. (2011); in 2010 dollars", 

The output of this code chunk is the table below.


Vehicle Damages Due To Upstream Externalities
Gasoline Vehicle  Electric Vehicle
GHG Local Other Total   GHG Local Other Total
Vehicle Production 316 535 78 929   291 566 69 926
Battery Production 12 17 2 31   532 1272 103 1907
Upstream Fuel Production (gasoline/electricity) 290 289 18 597   63 47 2 111
Total 618 841 98 1557   886 1885 174 2944
Source: Michalek et al. (2011); in 2010 dollars

The three main components of upstream damages are due to vehicle production, battery production and the damages which arise upstream for the production of gasoline or electricity (for example emissions caused by the transportation of coal to the power station). The damages are divided into damages from greenhouse gases (GHG), local damages from the pollutants SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and VOCs and other damages, which are from local pollutants such as CO and PM10. In total, electric vehicle upstream damages are 2944 dollars, compared to 1557 dollars for gasoline vehicles. This results in a difference of $2944-1557=1387$ in 2010 dollars, which is $1387*1.08\approx 1500$ in 2014 dollars when using the U.S. consumer price index for conversion. So the upstream costs of electric cars are about 1500 dollars higher.

The third caveat to our analysis is the fact that we calculate electric vehicle damages on the basis of marginal emissions from an increase in electricity use. The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics quantifies the total number of light duty vehicles to about 250 million vehicles. If we suppose a 5% adoption rate, this leads to an electric vehicle fleet of $250,000,0000.05=12,500,000$ vehicles. Further assuming that they are each driven 15,000 miles per year (like in Exercise 4.2) with an energy consumption rate of 0.32 kilowatt hours per mile, results in a total energy use of $12,500,00015,0000.32=6010^{9}$ kilowatt hours, which are 60 terawatt hours. Statista gives a total U.S. electricity use of 3,833 terawatt hours for 2012, so the share for charging the supposed 5% electric vehicle fleet is $60/3833\approx1.6\%$ of the current total consumption. In this context, it seems reasonable that we use marginal emission rates for the first period of electric vehicle adoption. However, this approach may no longer be suitable when electric vehicles make up for a substantial amount of the vehicle fleet. In this case, average emission rates may be more suitable than marginal emissions. Also, it is possible that the power plant dispatch changes due to large scale electric vehicle charging, thereby influencing marginal and average emission rates. To analyse these effects is, however, beyond the scope of our analysis.

The fourth issue is that our analysis was conducted without considering possible interference with existing forms of environmental regulation. Holland et al. analyze three of these:

CAFE standards limit the average fuel consumption of a manufacturer's vehicle fleet, weighted by sales. For electric vehicles, an artificial fuel consumption value is calculated to be able to compare them with gasoline cars. These values are much lower than the values for gasoline cars. If we assume that the CAFE standards are binding, manufacturers can meet lower standards with the rest of their fleet if they sell electric vehicles. Therefore, Holland et al. therefore define CAFE-induced environmental costs as the increase in environmental damages from the rest of the fleet when an electric vehicle is sold and estimate a value of 1,555 dollars per vehicle for the Ford Focus.

Cap-and-trade programs limit the emission of a specific pollutant from electricity generation by emitting allowances, which can be traded. Examples for such programs are the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which caps emissions of CO2 in the Northeast of the U.S., and the EPA Acid Rain Program, which caps emissions from SO2 and NOx. There is evidence that these emission caps were not binding during the years of our analysis, see for example Schmalensee and Stavins (2017). Nevertheless, Holland et al. tried to approximate the effect of binding caps.

< quiz "CAFE Standards"

question: Do you think cap-and-trade programs increase or reduce electric vehicle damages? sc: - increase damages - reduce damages* success: Great, your answer is correct! failure: Try again.


When approximating the effect of binding emissions caps, Holland et al. found a decrease in electric vehicle damages from 2.59 to 0.94 cents per mile on average. It is clear that such programs have a positive effect on the environmental benefits of electric vehicles.

The effect of renewable portfolio standards on the environmental benefits of electric vehicles is also positive. RPS programs establish a fixed share of electricity generation from sources with low emissions such as solar or wind power. Holland et al. state that if we suppose this fixed share to be $R$, then an increase in electricity usage due to charging electric vehicles will result in an increase in low-emission power generation of the respective share, so electric vehicle damages can be scaled by $1-R$. However, this is only true if the charging times of the electric vehicles correspond to the time of renewable power generation and the power can be transferred to the charging location.

The following three considerations by Holland et al. concern benefits of electric vehicles which are not measured in terms of environmental damages.

Some of the additional effects more or less cancel each other out, like for example the upstream costs of 1,500 dollars and the positive effects of a decreased oil dependency of 1,400 dollars. For others, like innovation spillovers, the effects are unclear, although such arguments are regularly used by policy makers.

Exercise 8 -- Conclusion

During the course of this problem set, we compared environmental damages from gasoline and electric vehicles to figure out appropriate policy setting.

In Exercise 1, we saw that the damages from gasoline vehicles heavily depend on the population density in the places where the cars are driven. In Exercise 2, we derived electric vehicle damages through a number of different steps. First, we adjusted the energy consumption of electric vehicles using temperature profiles of U.S. counties. Afterwards, we performed an econometric analysis to estimate how an increase in electricity use in a certain area influences the emissions of electric power plants. We then explained how increased emissions can be mapped into monetary damages using an integrated assessment model called the AP2 model. We combined these results using an assumed charging profile and found that electric vehicle damages mostly depend on the fuel mix of the electricity generation in the area in which the cars are charged. A sensitivity analysis in Exercise 6 showed that the results are not highly sensitive to the assumptions we made for the temperature adjustment, the AP2 model or the charging profile.

When comparing gasoline and electric vehicle damages in Exercise 3, we found that a typical electric vehicle has negative environmental benefits of -0.73 cents per mile on U.S. average compared to a similar gasoline car. The major part of the environmental damages is caused by the impact of the local pollutants SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and VOCs. When only considering global damages from CO2 for the comparison between electric and gasoline vehicles, the benefits of electric vehicles are overestimated. The environmental benefits differ considerably between different places. They are especially low in areas with a low population density and a high percentage of coal-fired power generation, like the Upper Midwest. However, in regions with high population densities and a relatively clean electricity grid, like for example in California, electric vehicles can have considerable environmental benefits.

Due to the spatial heterogeneity of the environmental benefits, our first Proposition in Exercise 4 states that the first-best policy is Pigouvian taxes on gasoline and electric miles, differentiated by location. The level of this tax should be equal to the full damages caused by driving a gasoline or electric vehicle for one mile in a specific location. In reality, taxes on miles do not exist in the U.S. Possible alternatives are taxes on fuel consumption or, as part of a more holistic approach, Pigouvian taxes on electricity production or consumption in general. As policies in the form of purchase subsidies are already in place in the U.S., we calculated the second-best purchase subsidy for electric vehicles, which, according to our second Proposition, is equal to the difference in lifetime damages between a gasoline and an electric car. On U.S. average, the electric vehicle purchase subsidy is actually a tax and should be -1,095 dollars, ranging from -4,964 dollars in North Dakota to 2,785 dollars in California. In any location, our suggested purchase subsidies are far from the actual current federal subsidy of 7,500 dollars.

In Exercise 5, we saw that local pollution from electricity use is exported to other counties or states to a much higher degree than local pollution from gasoline cars. We found empirical evidence that local governments might only care about native damages and ignore the share of pollution which is exported to other places when setting policy. We concluded that electric vehicle policies should be differentiated by location but set at the federal level to account for pollution export.

Our analysis focused on the environmental impact from driving electric or gasoline vehicles. In Exercise 7, we discussed some possible factors which were not included in our analysis. For example, other studies have estimated the benefits from a reduced dependency on oil to 1,400 dollars and the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, which occur upstream, to -1,500 dollars. Additional damages of 1,555 dollars occur due to the interaction of electric vehicle purchase subsidies with other policies such as U.S. CAFE standards. Other factors like innovation spillovers, which are often mentioned in discussions, are difficult to assess. Considering these additional factors could still not rectify the current federal subsidy of 7,500 dollars.

I hope you enjoyed this problem set and gained some useful insights into electric vehicle policy making and the economics behind it.

If you want to see the awards you earned during the problem set, you can run the following code chunk. In total, there were 9 awards to be earned.

#< task

Exercise References


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Data Sources

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