Man pages for fennerm/bootr
Bootstrapping Across Nested Tibbles

boot_centered_nullBootstrap the null distribution for a statistic centered at a...
boot_compare_allApply a two group statistical test to each group in a nested...
boot_quantilesBootstrap a statistic across a table and produce bca ci and...
bootstrap_testBootstrap difference in statistic across two groups
calc_bca_quantilesCalculate quantiles and bias corrected confidence intervals...
center_distributionCenter a distribution at a given mean value
filter_nullRemove all NULL values from a list
split_nested_tibbleSplit a nested tibble by a column
split_tableSplit a data.frame by a column
tibble_combnApply a function across all combinations of groups in a...
fennerm/bootr documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:43 a.m.