
#' @title An R interface to Brazilian Central Bank and Sidra APIs and the IPEA data website
#' @name ecoseries
#' @description The ecoseries package has three main functions, two to gather data from the Brazilian Central Bank (Bacen) and Sidra (IBGE) and another to gather Institute of Applied Economic Research data (IPEA).
#' The series_bacen function takes advantage of the Bacen API ("http://api.bcb.gov.br/") to access this sistem "https://www3.bcb.gov.br/sgspub/localizarseries/localizarSeries.do?method=prepararTelaLocalizarSeries", load and save the series. You can either save in csv or xlsx formats.
#' The series_ipea function accesses a simpler section of the ipeadata website and harvests the informations based on series numbers.
#' The series_sidra function uses the Sidra API ("http://api.sidra.ibge.gov.br") to load and save the series. You can either save in csv or xlsx formats.
#' @keywords bacen bcb economics ipea ipeadata ibge sidra

fernote7/ecoseries documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:49 p.m.