# A R Software Package for characterization of affinity/rate constant distributions in multi-ligand SPR system
#    -1.background correct/normalize the raw data
#	 -2.use to read/import the data
#    -3.approximate the exponentials with expansion
#    -4.fit polynomail to estimate the raw moments of the rate constants
#	 -5a.when there is no steady state data, use theoretcial maximal Rmax to 
#		estimate unnormalized rate constants
#    -5b.when we have steady state data, we can estimate true Rmax and then get affinity
#			as well as rate constant distribution
#      developed by Feng Feng @ Boston University. 
#      All right reserved
#          3/17/2017

##the following is the code to install necessary libs manually
## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported

##  library(limma)
#this is where the files to be include if necessary. this is for dependency
# #' @include SPRTwoState.R 
# in this one, it doesn't depend on anything.

#' @title ADASPR Analyzer for distributed affinity by SPR
#' @description An R package to analyze affinity/rate constant distributions in multi-liganded SPR system
#' @details The functions you're likely to need from \pkg{ARPPA} are
#' \code{\link{importTextData}},...to be added???. 
#' Otherwise refer to the vignettes to see
#' how to format the documentation.
ffeng23/ADASPR documentation built on July 13, 2019, 1:15 p.m.