Man pages for fhernanb/model
This Package Contains Useful Functions for Modeling Regresion

anova_table_lmLack of fit of the regression model.
beta_testHypothesis testing for coefficients in lm objects.
confint_sigma2Confidence interval for sigma2 in lm objects.
est_paramEstimation of mean and/or variance for models fitted with...
lack_fit_testLack of fit of the regression model.
plot_obsfaPlot observations in the coordinate plane Fi-Fj.
plot_obspcPlot observations in the coordinate plane PC1-PC2.
plot_profProfile plot
r2predictCalculates R2 prediction statistic.
summary_lmerSummary table for a 'lmerMod' object.
fhernanb/model documentation built on March 3, 2024, 12:15 p.m.