Man pages for fidelmorla/drcovidplots
Plots for COVID19 data from Dominican Republic

g_active_casesActive cases of COVID19
g_cases_provinceProvinces with most positive cases of COVID19
g_deathTotal number of deaths
g_densityCorrelation between COVID19 cases and population density
g_evolution_covidEvolution of new cases and total cases of COVID19
g_growth_casesGrowth rate of positive cases of COVID19
g_hospitalPeople in hospital isolation for COVID19
g_incidenceIncidence of COVID19
g_incidence_regionIncidence and lethality rate by region of COVID19
g_l2Case fatality rate (L2) from Ghani _et al._ (2005) of COVID19
g_log_ncNew cases vs total cases in logarithms of COVID19
g_map_covidDominican map with COVID-19 cases by province
g_npNegative and positive cases of COVID19
g_np_dailyDaily negative and positive cases of COVID19.
g_positiveCOVID19 positivity
g_positive_provincePositiveness by province from COVID19 in the Dominican...
g_positive_regionPositiveness by region from COVID19 in the Dominican Republic
g_recoveredRecovered from COVID19
g_recovered_dailyDaily number of persons recovered from COVID19
g_recovered_growthRecovered growth rate from COVID19
g_recovered_provinceRecovered by province from COVID19 in the Dominican Republic
g_regionCOVID19 cases by region
g_sexDistribution by sex of COVID19 positives in the Dominican...
g_statusDistribution by status of affected individuals of COVID19 in...
g_testsCOVID19 tests in the Dominican Republic
load_data_covid_drLoad database from googlesheets and themes for each chart.
fidelmorla/drcovidplots documentation built on July 14, 2020, 4:02 p.m.