knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This is an API client to retrieve data from the Swedish Hockey League Open API.

You can install the package with devtools.


To be able to use it you need to apply for a client id and client secret from

When you have these you can save them as environment variables:

Sys.setenv('SHL_CLIENT_ID' = "xxxxxx")
Sys.setenv('SHL_CLIENT_SECRET' = "xxxxxxxx")

If you need to repeat this procedure during start up then save them to your .Renviron usually done by file.edit("~/.Renviron")

Using the package

For example you can get the top 10 players of a team (or the whole league) using get_top10_player_stats().

get_top10_player_stats(season = "2017", team_id = "DIF")

You can aquire the same information but for only goalies with get_top10_player_stats().

You can get all the games for a season with get_games().

get_games(season = "2018")

Active teams and meta information about the teams:


The current standing in SHL:

get_team_standing(season = "2018")

filipwastberg/shlr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:14 a.m.