ojaMedianControl: Tuning Parameters for the Function 'ojaMedian'

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ojaMedianControlR Documentation

Tuning Parameters for the Function 'ojaMedian'


Tuning parameters for the algorithms used by function ojaMedian.


ojaMedianControl(sigmaInit = 0, sigmaAda = 20, adaFactor = 0.5, 
                  iter = 1e+06, useAllSubsets = FALSE, 
                  nSubsetsUsed = 1000, sigmaLog10Dec = 10, 
                  storeSubDet = TRUE, eps = 0.1, chi2 = 0.95, 
                  samples = 20, maxlines = 1000, S1 = cov, 
                  S2 = cov4, S1args = list(), S2args = list(),
                  volume = 1e-6, boundedExact = T, ...)



(for the evo algorithm): Set the initial variance of the mutation vector in the first run.


(for the evo algorithm): Defines after how many mutations the variance of the mutation vector is adjusted.


(for the evo algorithm): Defines the level of adjustment of the mutation vector.


(for the evo algorithm): The maximum number of iterations. If the algorithm does not converge, it stops after iter - iterations.


(for the evo algorithm): A logical flag. If it is set all datapoints and resulting simplices are taken into account for the calculation.


(for the evo algorithm): If useAllSubsets is not set, this determines how many, randomly selected, datapoints are taken into account.


(for the evo algorithm): This is an abort criterion. If the logarithmised initial variance differs more than sigmaLog10Dec from the actual, logarithmised variance, the algorithm stops.


(for the evo algorithm): A boolean flag. If it is set subdeterminants are stored. This should always been set to TRUE if 6*(dim -1)*nSubsetsUsed<CPU-Cache.


(for the grid algorithm): This is the abort criterion. If the grid becomes denser than this threshold the algorithm stops.


(for the grid algorithm): This is the test niveau of the test, if a grid point could be used as a Oja-Median or not.


(for the grid algorithm): This determines how many additional hyperplanes are taken after every run.


(for the exact algorithm): This determines how many intersection lines are investigated in addtion to the one with the steepest gradient.


(for the evo and grid algorithms): Passed on to ics to compute the invariant coordinate system. Default is cov.


(for the evo and grid algorithms): Passed on to ics to compute the invariant coordinate system. Default is cov4.


(for the evo and grid algorithms): Optional arguments for S1 passed on to ics to compute the invariant coordinate system.


(for the evo and grid algorithms): Optional arguments for S2 passed on to ics to compute the invariant coordinate system.


(for the bounded_exact algorithm): is the desired size of the bounded region, which is selected as a part of the original volume. Here the volume is calculated as the volume of a minimal multivariate circumscribed rectangle with edges parallel to the coordinate axes.


(for the bounded_exact algorithm): setting this parameter to FALSE stops the algorithm after the bounded region is found, and its center is reported as an approximation of the median.


Additional hidden option


Daniel Fischer and Klaus Nordhausen

See Also

ojaMedian, also for references and examples.


## Show the default settings:

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