Man pages for fischuu/REPPlab
R Interface to 'EPP-Lab', a Java Program for Exploratory Projection Pursuit

coef.epplabExtracts the Directions of an Epplab Object
EPPlabFunction for Exploratory Projection Pursuit.
EPPlabAggFunction to Aggregate Directions From epplab Objects
EPPlabOutlierFunction to Find Outliers for an epplab Object
fitted.epplabCalculates projections of the Data
pairs.epplabPlots a Scatterplot Matrix for an epplab Object
plot.epplabPlot for an epplab Object
plot.epplabOutlierPlot for an epplabOutlier Object
predict.epplabCalculates projections for a new Data Object
print.epplabPrint an epplab Object
print.epplabOutlierPrint an epplabOutlier Object
ReliabilityDataReliability Data from an Industrial Context
REPPlab-packageR Interface to the Java Program 'EPP-lab' v1.0
screeplot.epplabCreating a Screeplot for an epplab Object
summary.epplabSummarize an epplab Object
summary.epplabOutlierSummarize an epplabOutlier Object
WhitenSVDWhitening Data Using Singular Value Decomposition
fischuu/REPPlab documentation built on April 19, 2023, 9:52 a.m.