
In this vignette we briefly introduce the methodology underlying randomization and permutation inference in adaptive designs.

We distinguish between randomization and permutation inference depending on the underlying model. We refer to randomization inference if the outcomes $X$ are assumed to be fixed (non-random) while treatment assignment $g$ is performed based on a known random mechanism. Permutation inference on the other hand models observations $X$ as samples from some (unknown) probability distribution $F$ that - under the null - is invariant with respect to some group of transformations $F(X) = F(gX)$. $G$ may be the group of permutations, rotations, or sign configurations.

In practice the null distributions of either approach are often the same. Two examples, where the approaches differ would be rotation tests - which have no equivalence in randomization inference; or randomization inference in experiments with response adaptive randomization - which (in general) does not correspond to a group of transformations.

We will see that applied to adaptive designs may lead to different approaches depending on the type of model assumed. We will start with introducing randomization inference.

Randomization inference in apaptive designs

Adaptive designs describe a type of experiments that are inherently practical as they permit to deviate from the rigid corset of convential experimental design that attempt to prespecify every possible aspect in advance. In this regard they are inherently difficult to fit into a probabilistic model. No wonder that it took more than 20 years from their first introduction until a solid foundation of the underlying probabilistic theory could be formulated.

Here we attempt to formulate a non-parametric model for adaptive designs. We give two possible models: a randomization model - that considers the observations of the preplanned trial to be fixed and the treatment assignments to be random; a permutation model - that considers the treatment assignments fixed and the observations random. Whereas the first model allows us to derive a null distribution due to our knowledge of the random mechanism that determines treatment assignments; the permutation model requires invariance of the joint null distribution of outcomes with respect to a group of transformations (e.g. permutations) and allows us to derive a null distribution by conditioning on observations.

For many randomization procedures the randomization model leads to experiments that are suitable for permutation inference, because randomization ensures and determines the structure of invariance of the null distribution.

We think that the sampling model underlying permutation inference lends itself better to generalization of the inference to other data whereas randomization inference makes a stronger causal claim as it directly models the method of treatment assignment employed in the trial. Formulated differently the permutation test makes it easier to argue external validity whereas randomization tests make it easier to argue internal validity.

Randomization test procedure for adaptive designs

Adaptive p-values

In a two-stage design - without early rejection boundaries - we may derive exact $p$-values by solving the following formula:

$$ \tilde{p} = \mbox{min}{ \alpha: A(\alpha) \geq p^{(2)}} $$

where $p^{(2)}$ refers to the $p$-value of the adapted second stage test and $A(\alpha)$ refers to the conditional error of the preplanned design.

If early rejection is permited and the null is rejected early the p-value is equal to the first stage $p$-value, otherwise it is

$$ \mbox{max}(\alpha_1,\tilde{p}) $$

where $\tilde{p}$ is as above.

Confidence intervals

Exact one-sided confidence intervals

We use the following stage-wise ordering:

Let $T^(j){\alpha_j}$ denote the permutation critical value at stage $j$ and early rejection level $\alpha_j$. E.g. $T^(1){\alpha_1}$ is the $\alpha_1$ level critical value of the permutation test performed with first stage data only. An the vector observed outcomes at stage $j$ $\bs{x}j$ is considered more extreme than the vector of observed outcomes at stage $k$ $\bs{x}_k)$ if either $j < k$ with $T(\bs{x}_j) \geq T^{(j)}{\alpha_j}$ or $j = k$ and $T^{j}(\bs{x}_j) > T^{j}(\bs{x}_k)$. Using this ordering of the sample space we define the p-value of the group sequential permutation test (stopping at stage $S$)

$$ p = P\left{\bigcup_{j = 1}^S(T^{(j)} \geq T^{(j)}{\alpha_j})\cup(T^{(S)} \geq T^{(S)}\id)\right} $$

Better define the order based on stage-wise permutation p-values Here is a fundamental difference between permutation tests and randomization tests. In the group sequential setting we need to use stage-wise stratified permutations, otherwise we may put outcomes of patients observed in the second stage into the first stage. In this case however we would need to compute $T^{(1)}_{\alpha}$ differently.

floatofmath/adaperm documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:18 p.m.