Man pages for floatofmath/orQA
Order Restricted Assessment Of Microarray Titration Experiments

e2testPerform permutation Barlow's test on a dataset
est.lmeEstimate order restricted variance components for a two way...
guoMixed directional FDR controlled test decisions
misoregApply isotonic regression to each line of a matrix
monotonicitySummarize results from 'pttest'
orQAOrder restricted quality assessment of microarray titration...
orQA-packageOrder restricted quality assessment of microarray titration...
pttestPerform permutation t-tests between consecutive levels of...
sigdirE2testSummarize results from 'e2test'
sigdirPttestSummarize results from 'pttest'
floatofmath/orQA documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:21 p.m.