
# This file is here just for notation purposes (in case anyone tries to find information on the package using "?myStuff")
# Wasn't working earlier. The two lines immediately below is trying to mimic something done by Hadley Wickham. And it works.
#' @name myStuff
#' @docType package
#' @title My Stuff
#' @description
#' This is a package that contains some useful functions that were originally created for me and my personal needs.
#' @param keep The keep function was designed to work in much the same was as rm, save to keep objects as opposed to removing them.
#' @param grab The grab function is designed to be a face version of library, simply attempting to download packages that aren't already downloaded.
#' @param fixp This function takes a summary table and fixes the p-values to be reportable (not listing 0's)
#' @param px This function simply places some nice defaults on print.xtable
#' @param dpsl This function combined dput and select.list, changing a few defaults, to give a graphical interface for column and row selection.
#' @details
#' As a side note, the \code{keep} function was designed out of several projects I had where I moved quickly between them. I wanted to clear the workspace to avoid naming confusion, but I also wanted several variables to be left alone. \code{keep} can remove all variables from the workspace other than the ones listed
flor3652/myStuff documentation built on Sept. 14, 2020, 1:16 a.m.