Man pages for floswald/EconData
Economics Datasets for R

ABI_ch13Number of chapter 13 bankruptcy filings by State
ABI_ch13_rateChapter 13 bankruptcy Rate by State
ABI_ch7Number of chapter 7 bankruptcy filings by State
ABI_ch7_rateChapter 7 bankruptcy Rate by State
ABI_totTotal US non-business bankruptcy filings by State
coordStatesCoordinates of US State centers
CPIAUCSLCPI all urban consumers seasonally adjusted
CPIHOSSLCPI all urban consumers (Housing)
Fed_pop_countUS State Population Count
FHFA_DivFHFA house price indices by US census Division
FHFA_msa50FHFA house price indices for 50 biggest MSAs over time
FHFA_statesFHFA house price indices US states over time
gcd.hfHaversine Distance function
getRootget package root
getUS_inflationget US inflation indexed to a base year
HomeValuesHome, Structure and Land Values by state over time
makeAbbreviationsmakes Correspondance of US State with FIPS code, Census...
makeAllDatamake all datasets
make_bankruptcyMake state panel for bankruptcy filings
makeBEAincomeGet BEA annual personal income by state for 1949-now
makeBEA_PCincomePer Capita annual personal income and per capita disposable...
makeCPIUSmake several US inflation datasets
makeFHFAmake FHFA expanded house price indices
makeInterstateMigmake Interstate Migration Transition Matrix
makeLincolnHomeValuesmake Lincoln Institute Home and Land Value Dataset
makeMedianIncomemake dataset of median income by US state and year
makeMORTGAGE30USmake 30 year FRM rates dataset
makeOwnershipRatesmake Homeownership rates by state over time
makePopulationCensus Population Count by state for 1948-2012
makeUS_coordinatesmake Coordinate of US State centers
makeUS_distancemake Distance between US state centers
MBA_fore_rateRate of Foreclosure Starts
MigrationMigratory Flows between US states in 2012
OwnershipHome Ownership rates for US states over 2005-2012
State_distMatHaversine Distance Matrix between center of US states
State_distTableHaversine Distance Table between centers of US states
US_medinc_2012US median household income by state and year in 2012 dollars
US_medinc_currentUS median household income by state and year in current...
US_MortgageRates30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States
US_statesCrosswalk of US State FIPS, Census Region and Division with...
USSTHPIAll Transactions house price index for the USA
floswald/EconData documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:23 p.m.