Man pages for floswald/psidR
Build Panel Data Sets from PSID Raw Data

build.panelbuild.panel: Build PSID panel data set
build.psidBuild example PSID
getNamesPSIDGetPSID variables names from various years
get.psidget.psid connects to PSID database and downloads into Rda
make.charConvert factor to character
makeidsID list for mergeing PSID
medium.test.indthree year test, ind file
medium.test.ind.NAthree year test, ind file and one NA variable
medium.test.ind.NA.wealththree year test, ind file and one NA variable and wealth
medium.test.noindthree year test, no ind file
small.test.indone year test, ind file
small.test.noindone year test, no ind file
testPSIDCreate a test PSID dataset
floswald/psidR documentation built on June 2, 2024, 6 p.m.