Man pages for flovv/Roxford
Access to the project Oxford API for image, video, recogntion and labeling

checkAndLoadPackageshelper function to load required packages
dataframeFromJSONhelper function fto parse the json results to data frames
getDescriptionResponseimage description
getDescriptionResponseURLimage description
getDomainModelResponseget a model based response back
getDomainModelResponseURLget a model based response back
getDomainModelsget currently available domain specific models!
getEmotionResponseemotion detection in images with human faces
getEmotionResponseURLemotion detection in images with a human faces
getFaceResponseget face attributes, age, gender, faceid
getFaceResponseURLget face attributes, age, gender, faceid
getOCRResponseOCR recognition function
getTaggingResponsetags images
getTaggingResponseURLimage tags
getVideoMotionmain call to video motion API
getVideoResponsemain call to video API
getVideoResultResponsehelper function for the video API
getVisionResponseimage recognition and object identification
getVisionResponseURLimage recognition and object identification
flovv/Roxford documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:24 p.m.