createTubsetRaw: Convert a set of data.frames into a tubeset

Description Usage Arguments Value Note

View source: R/convert.R


This function allows one to create a >>tubeset<< (a specific form of cytometry data on which flowForest can operate) from a set of data.frames.


createTubsetRaw(dfList, dirOut, verbose = FALSE)



A list of data.frames or a list of lists of data.frames. In the first case, it is assumed that there is a single tube, otherwise that each top-levl list corresponds to a tube. Within a tube, each data.frame corresponds to an object, and its rows to events recorded for this object. Colums of a data.frame represent the recorded event properties, thus their count must be equal for all data.frames from a tube.


Path to write output files; may not exist, function will try to recursively create it


Set to TRUE to enable process progress reporting


Invisible NULL; the important side effect is a set of files <dirOut>/tube<N>.bin holding the converted data, which can be loaded with loadTubeset function.


You don't have to create separate tubesets for training and test data; this can be specified as a mask given to the flowForest function.

Converter will overwrite existing tube<N>.bin files, yet it is adviced to use empty paths (for instance, N-tube set written over N+1-tube one will leave one old tube file, leading to either load failure or unexpected results).

flowforest/flowforest documentation built on April 14, 2020, 4:41 a.m.