landStock.f: Extract landings, discard or catch at age

View source: R/Functions_FLFleet.R

tlandStockR Documentation

Extract landings, discard or catch at age


Extract landings, discards or catch at age of a stock from a FLFleetExt or FLFleetsExt object.


tlandStock(obj, stknm)

tdiscStock(obj, stknm)

landStock.f(obj, stock)

discStock.f(obj, stock)

catchStock.f(obj, stock)

landWStock.f(obj, stock)

discWStock.f(obj, stock)

catchWStock.f(obj, stock)

landStock(obj, stock)

discStock(obj, stock)

catchStock(obj, stock)

landWStock(obj, stock)

discWStock(obj, stock)

catchWStock(obj, stock)



a FLFleetExt (.f) or FLFleetsExt object


stock name


stock name


  • landStock.f: Extract total landings at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • discStock.f: Extract total discards at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • catchStock.f: Extract total catch at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • landWStock.f: Extract total landings at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • discWStock.f: Extract total discards at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • catchWStock.f: Extract total catch at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExt obj.

  • landStock: Extract total landings at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • discStock: Extract total discards at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • catchStock: Extract total catch at age in numbers of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • landWStock: Extract total landings at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • discWStock: Extract total discards at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • catchWStock: Extract total catch at age in weight of a stock from a FLFleetExts obj.

  • tlandStock: Total landings of a stock across fleets and metiers

  • tdiscStock: Total discards of a stock across fleets and metiers


A FLQuant object with landings, discards or catch (total or at age).


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

flr/FLBEIA documentation built on June 2, 2024, 6 p.m.